- Monsters
- Monster Templates
- Monster Traits
- Aboleths
- Animals
- Constructs
- Couatl
- Cult of the New Moon
- Deepfolk
- Elementals
- Fey
- Fiends
- Elohim
- Flying Heads
- Ghouls
- Giants
- Hags
- Humanoids
- Inevitables
- Infected
- Invaders
- Jiang-Shi
- Lycanthropes
- Ophiduans
- Ostovites
- Plane of Shadow
- Shapeshifter Slime
- Skeletons
- Specters
- Throach
- Underdeep
- Vermin
- Worms
- Zombies
- Appendix: Monsters by Level
- Threats
- Traps
- How to Use Traps
- Traps in Play
- Trap Types
- Trap Roles
- Traps in Encounters
- Sample Traps
- Cinder Trap
- Simple Spear Trap
- Whistling Staircase
- Quicksand
- Snare Trap
- Stinking Trench
- Arrow Trap
- Scythe Trap
- Concealed Pit Trap
- Gate Spikes
- Zombie Breakout
- Floor Spears
- Fusillade of Javelins Trap
- Rain of Darts Trap
- Double-Pike Trap
- Noxious Leak
- Rusty Water Tower
- Acid Spear
- Phase Spider Venom Needle Trap
- Screaming Sarcophagus
- Mosaic Trap
- Bolt from the Blue
- Plume of Flame
- Shadow Bite Trap
- Acid Slime Patch
- Dwarf-Ward Rune
- Rickety Old Bridge
- Afflictions
- Legal

Monster Templates
Certain creatures are created by adding a template to an existing creature. A templated creature can represent a unique creature, the individual creation of a single experimenter, or the first generation of offspring from parents of different species. Other templates represent a thing that can happen to a creature, like becoming a ghost.
A template usually turns a standard monster into an elite monster. Applying an elite template to a monster that is already an elite turns it into a boss monster.
Standard Bonuses
If you apply a template to a monster, it gets the following standard bonuses depending on whether it ends up as an elite or as a boss:
From Standard to Elite:
- x2 HP
- +2 bonus on saving throws
- 1 Action Point per encounter
- x2 XP
From Standard to Boss (two templates applied):
- x4 HP
- +5 bonus on saving throws
- 2 Action Points per encounter
- x5 XP
From Elite to Boss:
- x2 HP
- +5 bonus on saving throws total (doesn’t stack)
- +1 Action Point per encounter
- x2.5 XP
Speed: fly 6 (hover).
Incorporeal: The ghost takes half damage from all attacks; see vulnerable.
Vulnerable: radiant damage 10, force damage 10. If it takes radiant or force damage, the ghost loses incorporeal until the start of its next turn.
Drain Lifeforce
While adjacent to a creature that is staggered or dying, the ghost has regeneration 5 (10 at Level 11, 15 at Level 21).
🏹 Malevolence (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Psychic
Ranged 5, 1 target; Level +2 vs Will; target is controlled (save ends). The ghost is removed from play until the target succeeds on their save, then the ghost is placed in an unoccupied space adjacent to the target. While removed from play, the ghost does not take turns, suffer persistent damage or make saving throws.
Defenses: +2 Fortitude, +2 Reflex.
Senses: Darkvision.
Resist: acid 5, cold 5, fire 5.
Level 11: acid 10, cold 10, fire 10.
Level 21: acid 15, cold 15, fire 15.
Immune: Poison.
Darkness aura 6: Bright light within the aura is reduced to dim light.
Smite Good: Attacks against Good and Lawful Good aligned creatures do +2 damage (+4 at Level 11, +6 at Level 21)
Blasphemous Word (standard, refresh 5, 6)
Near burst 5, enemies only; Level +2 vs Will; the target is dazed (save ends) or, if the target is staggered, the target is stunned instead (save ends).

Forlorn Shade
Senses: Darkvision
Defenses: +2 AC; +1 Reflex, +1 Will
Shadow Walk (swift, encounter) ● Illusion, Teleportation
The shade shifts 3 and is invisible until the end of its next turn.
Grasping Shadow (reaction, at-will) A creature marked by the shade makes an attack that does not include the shade as a target: Ranged 20, the marked creature; Charisma vs Will; psychic damage equal to the shade’s level.
Dark Challenge
When a shade strikes a target in melee, the target is marked until the end of the shade’s next turn.
You can apply a character class to a monster using the simple Adventurer template below.
As with other templates, the move from standard to elite also doubles a creature’s HP, gives them a saving throw bonus and an additional action point.
Defenses: As per the class.
Trained Skills: Choose two from the class skills.
Class Features: As per the class.
Powers: Choose from those powers available to the class, of the creature’s level or lower. Do not choose two powers of the same frequency and level (do not choose two level 13 encounter powers or two level 25 daily powers, for examp).
- One at-will power.
- One encounter power (two from level 11).
- One daily power (two from level 21).
- One utility power (two from level 11, three from level 21).
Monster Traits
Monster traits are abilities that can be added to any monster. Adding traits does not sufficiently affect the overall challenge posed by a monster as to alter its role or level.
Against the Fallen
When an ally is killed, the creature gains a +1 power bonus to its next attack roll.
Combat Drill (immediate (react), at-will)
When an ally moves into or out of an adjacent square; the monster may shift up to three squares as long as it moves in the direction of its ally.
Dirty Fighter
+2 damage against targets granting the creature combat advantage. In addition, all enemies suffer an additional -1 penalty to attack rolls against the creature when it is behind cover or has concealment.
Encouraging Reaction
When the creature scores a critical hit, one ally can make a basic attack as an immediate (react) action.
Group Confidence
If creatures with this trait in the encounter outnumber their opponents by 2-to-1, each such creature gains +2 power bonus to damage rolls.
Ironclad (mook only)
When the mook is reduced to 0 hit points or less, it is considered staggered and is set to 1 hit point. If a staggered ironclad mook is reduced to 0 hit points or less, it is killed.
Martyrdom (immediate (react), encounter)
When the monster is reduced to 0 hit points of less; all allies in line of sight may shift three squares.
More Than Expected (mook only)
When the mook is eliminated, make a save. On a success, place an identical mook anywhere within ten squares of it that is not in line of sight of a player character. Do not adjust experience.
Reliable Backup
The creature gains a +2 power bonus to AC while adjacent to an ally.
Skysea Denizen
Replace the creature’s swim speed with a fly speed. Remove the aquatic keyword, if the creature has it.
We Are One
The creature can sacrifice its move action to give an ally a move action. Creatures cannot receive more than two move actions per round. A creature that has received a move action can replace two move actions with one standard action.
In cliffside caves and sunken ruins dwell strange beings, servants of the mysterious aboleth.
Enthralled Servant
Level 6 Blocker (250 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +4, low-light vision
Languages: Common
Str: 20 (+8), Con: 14 (+5), Dex: 14 (+5) Int: 10 (+3), Wis: 12 (+4), Cha: 10 (+3)Initiative: +7; Speed: 7, swim 6
AC: 22; Fort: 21, Ref: 18, Will: 17
HP: 54, Staggered: 27
Immune: charm‡ Dagger (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+11 vs AC; 3d4+5 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the encounter.
↗ Dagger (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 5/10; +11 vs AC; 1d4+5 damage.
Marked Strike
An enthralled servant gains a +1 power bonus to attack and damage rolls against a target marked by itself or one of its allies.
One Mind, One Advantage
While an enthralled servant has combat advantage against a target, allies within 5 squares also have combat advantage against that target.
Thralls are mind-controlled humanoids forced to obey their aboleth master’s commands.
Level 6 Boss Wrecker (1250 XP)
Medium Cosmic Humanoid (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +4, darkvision
Languages: Common
Str: 22 (+9), Con: 20 (+8), Dex: 14 (+5) Int: 10 (+3), Wis: 12 (+4), Cha: 10 (+3)Initiative: +5; Speed: 7, swim 6
Action Points: 2
AC: 18; Fort: 22, Ref: 18, Will: 15; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 252, Staggered: 126
Immune: charm‡ Falchion (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+11 vs AC; 2d4+6 damage (2d4+14 on a critical hit), and the target is marked until the end of the half-aboleth’s next turn.
† Tentacle Rake (swift, at-will)
+11 vs AC; 1d4+2 damage, and the target is blinded until the end of the half-aboleth’s next turn.
↗ Slimy Spew (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Acid
Ranged 5; +9 vs Reflex; 1d8+2 acid damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Sure Strike
When attacking a marked target, the half-aboleth makes two attack rolls and uses the better result.
One Mind, One Advantage
While a half-aboleth has combat advantage against a target, allies within 5 squares also have combat advantage against that target.
Half-aboleths are trusted, elite servants of the aboleths. Whether they are truly the children of an aboleth is unclear, but they have mucus sacs and tentacles reminiscent of their namesakes.
Transformed Servant
Level 8 Blocker (350 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Aquatic (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +5, low-light vision
Languages: Common
Str: 22 (+10), Con: 18 (+8), Dex: 14 (+6) Int: 10 (+4), Wis: 12 (+5), Cha: 10 (+4)Initiative: +8; Speed: 6, swim 8
AC: 24; Fort: 23, Ref: 19, Will: 18
HP: 64, Staggered: 32
Immune: charm‡ Greatsword (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+13 vs AC; 2d10+5 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the encounter.
† Surging Strike (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Weapon
The transformed servant makes a charge attack while swimming; +13 vs AC; 2d10+6 damage, and the target is stunned (save ends).
Marked Strike
A transformed servant gains a +2 power bonus to attack and damage rolls against a target marked by itself or one of its allies.
One Mind, One Advantage
While a transformed servant has combat advantage against a target, allies within 5 squares also have combat advantage against that target.
A transformed servant is a mind-controlled servant of the aboleth that has been “gifted” underwater adaptations.
Veteran Thrall
Level 8 Wrecker (350 XP)
Medium Cosmic Humanoid ● Aquatic (Evil)
Senses: Perception +8, darkvision; Skills: Bluff +13, Intimidate +13
Languages: Common, Deep Speech
Str: 20 (+9), Con: 17 (+7), Dex: 17 (+7) Int: 12 (+5), Wis: 10 (+4), Cha: 11 (+4)Initiative: +11; Speed: 6, swim 4
AC: 20; Fort: 21, Ref: 19, Will: 20
HP: 75, Staggered: 37
Immune: charm, Resist: radiant 5, Vulnerable: psychic 5‡ Scimitar (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+13 vs AC; 2d10+5 damage (+1d10 damage if the target is staggered).
† Net (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Reach 2; +13 vs Reflex; The target is slowed until they spend a move action escaping from the net.
† Subdual Strike (standard, at-will)
+13 vs Fortitude; 4 damage and the target is dazed until the end of their next turn.
Feel No Pain
While staggered, the veteran thrall counts as not being staggered for the purpose of any negative effects of being staggered.
One Mind, One Advantage
While a veteran thrall has combat advantage against a target, allies within 5 squares also have combat advantage against that target.
Those that have been kept as thralls of the aboleths for longer periods – the veteran thralls and thrall commanders – are trusted with the nets used to capture future thralls.
Thrall Commander
Level 10 Blocker (500 XP)
Medium Cosmic Humanoid ● Aquatic (Evil)
Senses: Perception +10, darkvision; Skills: Bluff +16, Intimidate +16, Nature +15
Languages: Common, Deep Speech
Str: 21 (+10), Con: 18 (+9), Dex: 18 (+9) Int: 13 (+6), Wis: 11 (+5), Cha: 12 (+6)Initiative: +14; Speed: 6, swim 4
AC: 26; Fort: 23, Ref: 22, Will: 22
HP: 74, Staggered: 37
Immune: charm, Resist: radiant 5, Vulnerable: psychic 5‡ Scimitar (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+15 vs AC; 2d12+5 damage.
† Net (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Reach 2; +15 vs Reflex; The target is slowed until they spend a move action escaping from the net.
† Subdual Strike (standard, at-will)
+15 vs Fortitude; The target is stunned until the end of their next turn.
Mob Tactics
Allies within 10 squares receive a +1 power bonus on attack rolls.
Feel No Pain
While staggered, the thrall commander counts as not being staggered for the purpose of any negative effects of being staggered.
One Mind, One Advantage
While a thrall commander has combat advantage against a target, allies within 5 squares also have combat advantage against that target.
Level 14 Wrecker (1000 XP)
Large Cosmic Monstrosity ● Aquatic (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +16, darkvision; Skills: Athletics +24, Stealth +22
Languages: Common, Deep Speech
Str: 20 (+12), Con: 18 (+11), Dex: 16 (+10) Int: 10 (+7), Wis: 14 (+9), Cha: 5 (+4)Initiative: +17; Speed: 6, swim 4
AC: 26; Fort: 27, Ref: 25, Will: 26
HP: 111, Staggered: 55‡ Claw (standard, at-will)
Reach 2; +19 vs AC; 3d10+5 damage. Make a secondary attack against the target. Secondary Attack: +17 vs Fortitude; the target is grappled.
† Paralysing Tentacles (standard, at-will)
Reach 2, a grappled target; +19 vs Fortitude; 3d10+11 damage and the target is dazed (save ends). If the target is already dazed, it is stunned instead (save ends).
A horrible mix of crustacean, insect, and serpent, the chuul is an abomination that lurks submerged or partially submerged, awaiting intelligent prey to devour. Although amphibious, chuuls are not good swimmers and actually prefer to be on land or in very shallow water when they attack. A chuul is about 8 feet long and weighs 650 pounds.
Level 18 Spoiler (Leader) (2000 XP)
Large Cosmic Monstrosity ● Aquatic (Evil)
Senses: Perception +26, darkvision; Skills: Arcana +25, Dungeoneering +25, History +25
Languages: Common, Deep Speech, telepathy 1 mile
Str: 26 (+17), Con: 20 (+14), Dex: 12 (+10) Int: 15 (+11), Wis: 17 (+12), Cha: 17 (+12)Initiative: +19; Speed: 2, swim 12
AC: 32; Fort: 30, Ref: 29, Will: 31
HP: 114, Staggered: 57
Resist: radiant 10, Vulnerable: psychic 10
Mucus Cloud aura 1: Make a secondary attack against any creature that begins its turn adjacent to the aboleth while underwater. Secondary Attack: +21 vs Fortitude; the creature is exposed to the aboleth slime affliction (see the Afflictions chapter).‡ Tentacle (standard, at-will)
Reach 3; +23 vs AC; 4d8+8 damage and make a secondary attack. Secondary Attack: +21 vs Fortitude; the target is exposed to the aboleth slime affliction.
↗ Domination Gaze (standard, at-will)
Ranged 10, a creature afflicted with aboleth slime; +23 vs Will; The target is dominated (save ends). The aboleth can only dominate one creature in this way at a time. If the encounter ends and the target is still dominated, the effect lasts indefinitely, and the dominated creature does not count towards the number of creatures the aboleth can dominate.
⋇ Hypnotic Pattern (standard, recharge 4, 5, 6)
Far burst 2; The target is dazed (save ends).
Far Voice
The aboleth can communicate telepathically with creatures it has dominated regardless of distance.
∢ Mucus Cloud (swift, at-will)
Near burst 1; +23 vs Fortitude; The target is exposed to the aboleth slime affliction.
∢ Roil (standard, at-will)
Near burst 10, creatures in water without a swim speed; +23 vs Fortitude; The target falls prone.
The aboleth is a revolting fishlike amphibian found primarily in subterranean lakes and rivers. An aboleth has a pink belly. Four pulsating blue-black orifices line the bottom of its body and secrete gray slime that smells like rancid grease. It uses its tail for propulsion in the water and drags itself along with its tentacles on land. An aboleth weighs about 6,500 pounds.
Many animals are mundane beasts, like those found in the real world.
Level 1 Striker (100 XP)
Small Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +8, low-light vision
Str: 12 (+1), Con: 14 (+2), Dex: 17 (+3) Int: 3 (-4), Wis: 14 (+2), Cha: 13 (+1)Initiative: +5; Speed: 2, fly 8
AC: 15; Fort: 12, Ref: 14, Will: 12
HP: 29, Staggered: 14‡ Talons (standard, at-will)
+6 vs AC; 1d6+3 damage (1d6+6 damage with flyby attack).
† Flyby Attack (standard, at-will)
The eagle flies up to 8 squares. At one point during the movement, they can make one basic melee attack. Moving away from the target of the attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.
A bird of prey with keen eyesight.
Raven of Doom
Level 1 Skulker (100 XP)
Small Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +1, low-light vision
Str: 8 (-1), Con: 14 (+2), Dex: 16 (+3) Int: 6 (-2), Wis: 12 (+1), Cha: 10 (+0)Initiative: +7; Speed: 2, fly 6 (hover)
AC: 15; Fort: 13, Ref: 14, Will: 12
HP: 25, Staggered: 12‡ Harrying Bite (standard, at-will)
+6 vs AC; 1d4+1 damage, and the target is rattled until the end of its next turn.
Murder of Crows
When a raven of doom is killed, all other ravens of doom within 2 squares gain a +4 power bonus on attacks rolls until the end of their next turn.
A sinister raven associated with ill omens.
Great Ape
Level 3 Wrecker (150 XP)
Large Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +7, low-light vision; Skills: Athletics +10
Str: 19 (+5), Con: 14 (+3), Dex: 15 (+3) Int: 2 (-3), Wis: 12 (+2), Cha: 10 (+1)Initiative: +3; Speed: 6, climb 6
AC: 15; Fort: 17, Ref: 15, Will: 14
HP: 45, Staggered: 22‡ Slam (standard, at-will)
+8 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage.
Bounding Smash (standard, encounter)
The ape shifts 6 squares and makes a slam attack. If the attack hits, the target is pushed 1 square.
An unnaturally large and powerful gorilla, orangutan or chimpanzee, or a hitherto unknown ape.
Level 4 Wrecker (175 XP)
Large Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +3, low-light vision; Skills: Endure +12
Str: 25 (+9), Con: 21 (+7), Dex: 14 (+4) Int: 2 (-2), Wis: 12 (+3), Cha: 8 (+1)Initiative: +4; Speed: 6
AC: 16; Fort: 20, Ref: 14, Will: 14
HP: 51, Staggered: 25‡ Gore (standard, at-will)
+9 vs AC; 1d10+7 damage.
Trample (standard, at-will)
The bison can move up to its speed, including through the spaces of enemies that are smaller than it. This movement provokes opportunity attacks, and the bison must end its move in an unoccupied space. Each time it enters a creature’s space, the bison makes a basic melee attack against that creature. On a hit, the target is also knocked prone.
Wild Charge
On a charge, if the basic melee attack hits, make a secondary attack.
Secondary Attack: +9 vs AC; the target is pushed 2 and knocked prone.
A large herbivorous mammal with formidable horns. Statistics can also be used for a bull.
Giant Frog
Level 4 Wrecker (175 XP)
Medium Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +6, low-light vision; Skills: Athletics +10 (+15 jumping), Stealth +8
Str: 18 (+6), Con: 16 (+5), Dex: 15 (+4) Int: 2 (-2), Wis: 11 (+2), Cha: 8 (+1)Initiative: +6; Speed: 4, climb 4 (wall-climber), swim 4; see also leap
AC: 16; Fort: 16, Ref: 17, Will: 14
HP: 37, Staggered: 18‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+9 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage, or 1d8+8 against a grappled or blinded target.
⤢ Tongue Lash (swift, at-will)
Ranged 3; +7 vs Reflex; the target is grappled. If it is Large size or smaller, it is also pulled adjacent to the giant frog.
Leap (move, at-will)
The giant frog jumps 4 squares, without provoking opportunity attacks.
An oversized amphibian with a sticky tongue and powerful hind legs.
Poison Arrow Frog
Replace tongue lash with:
Venomous Spittle (standard, at-will)
Ranged 10; +9 vs Reflex; 1d8+3 poison damage, and the target is blinded until the end of the giant frog’s next turn.
Level 4 Striker (175 XP)
Medium Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +8, low-light vision; Skills: Stealth +11
Str: 14 (+4), Con: 14 (+4), Dex: 18 (+6) Int: 2 (-2), Wis: 13 (+3), Cha: 11 (+2)Initiative: +8; Speed: 8, climb 6; see also pounce
AC: 18; Fort: 16, Ref: 18, Will: 15
HP: 44, Staggered: 22‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+9 vs AC; 1d6+4 damage, and the panther shifts 1 square.
Pounce (move, encounter)
The panther shifts 5 squares, and then makes a bite attack. On a hit, it does an additional 2d6 damage and knocks the target prone.
A leopard or jaguar.
Dog-faced Baboon
Level 5 Elite Wrecker (400 XP)
Medium Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +5, low-light vision; Skills: Athletics +12
Str: 20 (+7), Con: 15 (+4), Dex: 13 (+3) Int: 2 (-2), Wis: 14 (+4), Cha: 12 (+3)Initiative: +4; Speed: 8, climb 5
Action Points: 1
AC: 17; Fort: 20, Ref: 17, Will: 15; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 114, Staggered: 57; see also bounding pounce‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+10 vs AC; 1d10+5 damage.
† Bounding Pounce (standard, at-will)
The baboon shifts 8 squares and makes a bite attack. If the attack hits, the target is knocked prone.
∢ Baboon Frenzy (standard, encounter, refreshes when first staggered)
Near burst 1; +8 vs AC (enemies only); 1d10+5 damage.
A fearsome yellow baboon, usually found in troops dominated by a particularly powerful male.
Scintillating Boa
Level 5 Elite Blocker (400 XP)
Large Natural Monstrosity ● Reptile (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +9, low-light vision; Skills: Stealth +10
Languages: Common, Draconic
Str: 20 (+7), Con: 16 (+5), Dex: 16 (+5) Int: 10 (+2), Wis: 15 (+4), Cha: 10 (+2)Initiative: +7; Speed: 6, climb 6
Action Points: 1
AC: 21; Fort: 18, Ref: 17, Will: 16; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 98, Staggered: 49‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+10 vs AC; 2d6+5 damage.
† Grab and Swallow (standard, at-will)
Stunned target only; +10 vs AC; 1d10+5 damage, the target is grappled, and the scintillating boa makes a secondary attack on the same target.
Secondary Attack: +10 vs Fortitude (must be grappling the target; the target must be Medium or smaller); the target is swallowed. While the target is swallowed, it is restrained and takes 5 damage plus 5 acid damage at the start of each of the scintillating boa’s turns. The swallowed creature can make basic melee attacks with one-handed or natural weapons. If the scintillating boa dies, any creature trapped inside it can escape as a move action, ending that action in a square formerly occupied by the scintillating boa.
∢ Shimmering Scales (swift, refresh 5, 6) ● Charm
Near burst 5; +8 vs Will; the target is stunned (save ends). Aftereffect: The target is dazed (save ends).
A gigantic constrictor with shimmering scales that can hypnotize its prey with captivating patterns and constrict them with immense strength.
Ancient Hermit Crab
Level 5 Boss Blocker (1000 XP)
Large Natural Monstrosity ● Aquatic (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +10, low-light vision; Skills: History +10, Religion +10
Languages: Common
Str: 20 (+7), Con: 18 (+6), Dex: 12 (+3) Int: 16 (+5), Wis: 16 (+5), Cha: 15 (+4)Initiative: +5; Speed: 6, swim 6
Action Points: 2
AC: 21; Fort: 19, Ref: 17, Will: 15; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 196, Staggered: 98
Resist: attacks that target AC 5‡ Claw (standard, at-will)
Reach 2; +10 vs AC; 2d8+5 damage, and a Medium or smaller target is grappled.
† Crushing Claw (standard, at-will)
+8 vs Fortitude (must be grappling the target); 2d8+10 damage, and the target takes persistent 5 damage until it escapes the grapple.
† Spiky Charge (standard, refresh 5, 6)
The hermit crab makes a charge attack with its spiny shell: +13 vs AC; 3d6+5 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square. If the target is pushed against an immovable object, such as a wall, it is immobile and takes persistent 5 damage (save ends both).
† Spiky Shell (reaction, at-will)
+8 vs Reflex (When the crab is hit by a melee attack); 1d6+5 damage.
Ancient hermit crabs are sought out for their wisdom and knowledge, particularly of the deep past. Sometimes, they are revered as estuarine gods by villages and towns.
Devil Ape
Level 8 Wrecker (350 XP)
Medium Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +9, low-light vision; Skills: Athletics +19, Endure +16
Str: 22 (+10), Con: 16 (+7), Dex: 17 (+7) Int: 2 (+0), Wis: 12 (+5), Cha: 14 (+6)Initiative: +11; Speed: 7
AC: 20; Fort: 21, Ref: 19, Will: 20
HP: 75, Staggered: 37
Resist: cold 5‡ Pummel (standard, at-will)
+13 vs AC; 2d10+9 damage.
⤢ Thrown Rocks (standard, at-will)
+13 vs AC; 2d10+9 damage and the target is knocked prone if it is Small or smaller.
↗ Call Landslide (standard, encounter)
Ranged 40 (cannot target creatures within 20 squares); +13 vs Fortitude; 3d10+9 damage.
Black Curse (reaction, encounter)
the devil ape is reduced to 0 HP or below; The triggering creature suffers a -2 penalty to saving throws until their next long rest.
A demonic primate with fiery eyes, razor-sharp claws, and a bloodcurdling howl. Dark magic binds a devil ape to its mountain home, allowing it to control the elements and punish its slayer.
Level 10 Elite Striker (1000 XP)
Huge Natural Beast ● Reptile (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +7, low-light vision; Skills: Athletics +16, Stealth +13
Str: 22 (+11), Con: 18 (+9), Dex: 16 (+8) Int: 2 (+1), Wis: 14 (+7), Cha: 10 (+5)Initiative: +10; Speed: 8
Action Points: 1
AC: 24; Fort: 25, Ref: 22, Will: 19; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 148, Staggered: 74‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
Reach 3; +15 vs AC; 2d6+6 damage, and the target is grappled.
† Gaping Charge (standard, at-will)
The tyrannosaur makes a charge attack: +16 vs AC; 2d6+12 damage, and the target is knocked prone and stunned (save ends).
† Jaws of Doom (standard, at-will)
A creature the tyrannosaur has grappled takes 4d6+6 damage.
Despite its enormous size and 6-ton weight, a tyrannosaurus is a swift runner. Its head is nearly 6 feet long, and its teeth are from 3 to 6 inches in length. It is slightly more than 30 feet long from nose to tail.
Ragged Tooth Shark
Level 4 Striker (175 XP)
Medium Natural Beast ● Aquatic (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +9, low-light vision
Str: 18 (+6), Con: 15 (+4), Dex: 15 (+4) Int: 2 (-2), Wis: 15 (+4), Cha: 6 (+0)Initiative: +6; Speed: swim 8
AC: 18; Fort: 17, Ref: 16, Will: 15
HP: 44, Staggered: 22‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+9 vs AC; 1d10+4 damage.
† Swimby Attack (standard, at-will)
The shark swims up to 8 squares. At one point during the movement, they can make one basic melee attack. Moving away from the target of the attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Blood Frenzy
A ragged tooth shark gains +1 power bonus to attack rolls and a +2 power bonus to damage rolls against staggered enemies.
These carnivorous fish are aggressive and liable to make unprovoked attacks against anything that approaches them.
Quipper Swarm
Level 6 Striker (250 XP)
Medium Natural Beast ● Aquatic, Swarm (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +3, low-light vision
Str: 12 (+4), Con: 16 (+6), Dex: 19 (+7) Int: 1 (-2), Wis: 10 (+3), Cha: 12 (+4)Initiative: +9; Speed: swim 6 (compress Tiny)
AC: 20; Fort: 18, Ref: 20, Will: 16
HP: 54, Staggered: 27
Resist: Melee and Ranged attacks (half damage), Vulnerable: Near and Far attacks 10
Swarm Violence aura 1: If an enemy begins their turn in this aura, makes a basic melee attack against them as a free action. Frenzied Aura aura 2: The quipper swarm’s swarm attack aura increases to 2 squares the first time an adjacent enemy becomes staggered.‡ Razor Storm (standard, at-will)
+11 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage, and the target takes persistent 5 damage (save ends).
Swarming school of small, carnivorous fish with sharp teeth, capable of overwhelming and devouring larger prey.
Level 10 Wrecker (500 XP)
Huge Natural Beast ● Aquatic, Reptile (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +8, low-light vision
Str: 22 (+11), Con: 20 (+10), Dex: 15 (+7) Int: 2 (+1), Wis: 17 (+8), Cha: 8 (+4)Initiative: +7; Speed: 2, swim 8
AC: 22; Fort: 24, Ref: 21, Will: 22
HP: 87, Staggered: 43‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
Reach 3; +15 vs AC; 3d6+6 damage, and target is weakened (save ends).
† Tail Snap (counter, at-will)
When an enemy in reach stands up from prone: Reach 3; +15 vs AC; 2d6+6 damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares.
† Tail Sweep (standard, refresh 4, 5, 6)
Near burst 3; +13 vs Reflex; 4d8+6 damage, and the target is knocked prone if it is Medium size or smaller.
An aquatic, long-necked reptile.
Level 1 Striker (100 XP)
Small Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +6, low-light vision; Skills: Athletics +6
Str: 13 (+1), Con: 17 (+3), Dex: 15 (+2) Int: 2 (-4), Wis: 12 (+1), Cha: 6 (-2)Initiative: +2; Speed: 8
AC: 15; Fort: 12, Ref: 14, Will: 13
HP: 29, Staggered: 14‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage. Secondary Attack: +6 vs Reflex; the target falls prone.
If the dog’s target is prone, attacks do +1d6 damage on a hit.
Some breeds of domesticated dog are effective trackers or guards. These statistics can also be used for small wild canines such as coyotes, jackals, and African wild dogs.
Grim (Dog)
Add the Adventurer template (Priest class).
Level 3 Striker (150 XP)
Medium Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +8, low-light vision; Skills: Nature +8, Stealth +9
Str: 13 (+2), Con: 15 (+3), Dex: 15 (+3) Int: 2 (-3), Wis: 12 (+2), Cha: 6 (-1)Initiative: +4; Speed: 8
AC: 17; Fort: 14, Ref: 16, Will: 15
HP: 39, Staggered: 19‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+8 vs AC; 1d12+4 damage. Secondary Attack: +8 vs Reflex; the target falls prone.
If the wolf’s target is prone, attacks do +1d6 damage on a hit.
Wolves are cunning pack predators and effective hunters. These statistics can also be used for hyenas.
Dire Wolf
Level 7 Striker (300 XP)
Large Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +12, low-light vision; Skills: Nature +12, Stealth +14
Str: 25 (+10), Con: 15 (+5), Dex: 17 (+6) Int: 2 (-1), Wis: 12 (+4), Cha: 10 (+3)Initiative: +9; Speed: 8
AC: 21; Fort: 18, Ref: 20, Will: 19
HP: 59, Staggered: 29‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+12 vs AC; 2d10+4 damage. Secondary Attack: +12 vs Reflex; the target falls prone.
If the dire wolf’s target is prone, attacks do +2d6 damage on a hit.
Dire wolves are prehistoric pack predators of enormous size and ferocity. These statistics can also represent a dire hyena.
Yeth Hound
Bay (encounter, standard): Near burst 5; +12 vs Will; the target is dazed.
Shadow Mastiff
Bay (encounter, standard): Near burst 5; +12 vs Will; the target is dazed.
Shadow Blend: While the shadow mastiff is in dim light, it is invisible.
Level 11 Striker (600 XP)
Large Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +17, low-light vision; Skills: Nature +17, Stealth +17
Str: 17 (+8), Con: 15 (+7), Dex: 15 (+7) Int: 6 (+3), Wis: 14 (+7), Cha: 10 (+5)Initiative: +12; Speed: 8
AC: 25; Fort: 22, Ref: 24, Will: 23
HP: 79, Staggered: 39‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+16 vs AC; 3d8+5 damage. Secondary Attack: +16 vs Reflex; the target falls prone.
If the worg’s target is prone, attacks do +3d6 damage on a hit.
Large, intelligent, and malevolent wolf-like creatures, worgs are often found in the service of evil masters. They can be taught to understand and even speak the languages of their masters.
Winter Wolf
Resistance cold 5; Vulnerability fire 5.
Breath Weapon (encounter): Near arc 5; +16 vs Reflex; 3d8+5 cold damage; on a miss, do half damage.
Catch Breath (at-will, swift) ● Stance: At the start of the winter wolf’s next turn, its breath weapon is recharged. While in this stance, the wolf cannot make opportunity attacks.
Riding Horse
Level 1 Wrecker (100 XP)
Large Natural Beast ● Mount (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +2; Skills: Athletics +9, Endure +9
Str: 18 (+4), Con: 18 (+4), Dex: 16 (+3) Int: 2 (-4), Wis: 14 (+2), Cha: 2 (-4)Initiative: +3; Speed: 10
AC: 13; Fort: 14, Ref: 12, Will: 13
HP: 33, Staggered: 16‡ Hoof (standard, at-will)
+6 vs AC; 1d10+5 damage.
Trample (standard, at-will)
The riding horse can move up to its speed, including through the spaces of enemies that are smaller than it. This movement provokes opportunity attacks, and the riding horse must end its move in an unoccupied space. Each time it enters a creature’s space, the riding horse makes a basic melee attack against that creature. On a hit, the target is also knocked prone.
Ride Down ● Mount
When the riding horse tramples, the rider can make a basic melee attack in place of one of the riding horse’s basic melee attacks.
A horse trained to be comfortable around humanoids, suitable for travel, riding and light loads.
War Horse
Level 2 Wrecker (125 XP)
Large Natural Beast ● Mount (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +3; Skills: Athletics +11, Endure +10
Str: 20 (+6), Con: 18 (+5), Dex: 16 (+4) Int: 2 (-3), Wis: 14 (+3), Cha: 2 (-3)Initiative: +4; Speed: 8
AC: 14; Fort: 15, Ref: 13, Will: 14
HP: 39, Staggered: 19‡ Hoof (standard, at-will)
+7 vs AC; 1d12+6 damage.
Trample (standard, at-will)
The war horse can move up to its speed, including through the spaces of enemies that are smaller than it. This movement provokes opportunity attacks, and the war horse must end its move in an unoccupied space. Each time it enters a creature’s space, the war horse makes a basic melee attack against that creature. On a hit, the target is also knocked prone.
Ride Down ● Mount
When the war horse tramples, the rider can make a basic melee attack in place of one of the war horse’s basic melee attacks.
Powerful horses trained to endure or even relish the chaos and stress of battle.
Level 4 Wrecker (175 XP)
Medium Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +5, low-light vision
Str: 15 (+4), Con: 17 (+5), Dex: 10 (+2) Int: 2 (-2), Wis: 13 (+3), Cha: 4 (-1)Initiative: +4; Speed: 8
AC: 16; Fort: 17, Ref: 15, Will: 16
HP: 51, Staggered: 25‡ Tusk (standard, at-will)
+9 vs AC; 1d12+8 damage.
Going Down Swinging
When staggered and when reduced to 0 HP or below, the boar makes a basic melee attack.
Aggressive wild pigs, armed with sharp tusks and fierce when provoked.
Level 8 Striker (350 XP)
Large Natural Beast ● Mount (Good)
Senses: Perception +14, darkvision; Skills: Insight +14
Languages: Common
Str: 18 (+8), Con: 16 (+7), Dex: 15 (+6) Int: 10 (+4), Wis: 13 (+5), Cha: 13 (+5)Initiative: +10; Speed: 12, fly 24
AC: 22; Fort: 19, Ref: 21, Will: 20
HP: 64, Staggered: 32‡ Hoof (standard, at-will)
+13 vs AC; 2d10+5 radiant damage.
Flyby Attack
The pegasus flies up to its fly speed and makes a basic melee attack at any point during the move without provoking an opportunity attack from the target.
Flying Strike ● Mount
When the pegasus uses flyby attack, the rider can make a basic melee attack in place of the pegasus’s basic melee attacks.
The pegasus is a magnificent winged horse that sometimes serves the cause of good. Though highly prized as aerial steeds, pegasi are wild and shy creatures not easily tamed. A typical pegasus stands 6 feet high at the shoulder, weighs 1,500 pounds, and has a wingspan of 20 feet.
Level 8 Striker (350 XP)
Large Natural Beast ● Mount (Good)
Senses: Perception +13, low-light vision; Skills: Athletics +18, Religion +13
Languages: Common, Sylvan
Str: 20 (+9), Con: 21 (+9), Dex: 17 (+7) Int: 10 (+4), Wis: 21 (+9), Cha: 24 (+11)Initiative: +11; Speed: 12
AC: 22; Fort: 19, Ref: 21, Will: 20
HP: 64, Staggered: 32
Magic Circle aura 2 If an Evil or Chaotic Evil creature attempts to move into the aura, make an attack: +11 vs Will; on a hit, the target’s move ends without them entering the aura.‡ Hoof (standard, at-will)
+13 vs AC; 2d10+5 radiant damage.
The unicorn can move up to its speed, including through the spaces of enemies that are smaller than it. This movement provokes opportunity attacks, and the unicorn must end its move in an unoccupied space. Each time it enters a creature’s space, the unicorn makes a basic melee attack against that creature. On a hit, the target is also knocked prone.
Healing Horn (swift, at-will) ● Healing
An adjacent ally can spend a recovery to either heal up to their recovery value or make a saving throw against any conditions and afflictions affected by a saving throw.
Teleport (move, daily) ● Teleportation
The unicorn teleports to anywhere within the boundaries of its forest home.
Ride Down ● Mount
When the unicorn tramples, the rider can make a basic melee attack in place of one of the unicorn’s basic melee attacks.
A unicorn has deep sea-blue, violet, brown, or fiery gold eyes. Males sport a white beard. A typical adult unicorn grows to 8 feet in length, stands 5 feet high at the shoulder, and weighs 1,200 pounds. Females are slightly smaller and slimmer than males.

Winged Unicorn
Speed 8, fly 12
Level 12 Striker (700 XP)
Large Natural Beast ● Mount (Evil)
Senses: Perception +13, darkvision; Skills: Arcana +18, Stealth +19
Str: 18 (+10), Con: 16 (+9), Dex: 15 (+8) Int: 13 (+7), Wis: 13 (+7), Cha: 12 (+7)Initiative: +14; Speed: 8, fly 18
AC: 26; Fort: 23, Ref: 25, Will: 24
HP: 84, Staggered: 42
Sulfurous Smoke aura 3 Lightly obscured. Enemies that begin their turn in the aura are rattled until they leave the aura. The nightmare and its rider can see through its aura.‡ Hoof (standard, at-will)
+17 vs AC; 3d8+6 fire damage.
Flyby Attack
The nightmare flies up to its fly speed and makes a basic melee attack at any point during the move without provoking an opportunity attack from the target.
Spectral Leap (swift, at-will) ● Mount, Stance, Teleportation
At the start of the nightmare’s next turn, the nightmare and any creature riding it are transported to the Ethereal Plane or Astral Plane. While in this stance, the nightmare cannot make opportunity attacks.
Flying Strike ● Mount
When the nightmare uses flyby attack, the rider can make a basic melee attack in place of the nightmare’s basic melee attacks.
A demonic steed wreathed in flames, conjured from the underworld for dark missions and shadowy purposes. A nightmare is about the size of a light war horse, and has the wit to carry out tasks with or without a rider.
Level 13 Blocker (800 XP)
Huge Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +18, low-light vision; Skills: Insight +18
Str: 30 (+16), Con: 21 (+11), Dex: 10 (+6) Int: 2 (+2), Wis: 13 (+7), Cha: 7 (+4)Initiative: +12; Speed: 8
AC: 29; Fort: 26, Ref: 25, Will: 25
HP: 89, Staggered: 44‡ Stomp (standard, at-will)
+18 vs AC; 3d8+7 damage.
† Tusk (standard, at-will)
+18 vs AC; 3d8+7 damage and the target is knocked prone.
† Trunk (swift, at-will)
+18 vs Reflex; The target is shunted 3 squares.
The elephant can move up to its speed, including through the spaces of enemies that are smaller than it. This movement provokes opportunity attacks, and the elephant must end its move in an unoccupied space. Each time it enters a creature’s space, the elephant makes a basic melee attack against that creature. On a hit, the target is also knocked prone.
Massive herbivores of tropical lands, elephants are unpredictable creatures but nevertheless are sometimes used as mounts or beasts of burden.
Level 17 Blocker (1600 XP)
Huge Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +22, low-light vision; Skills: Insight +22
Str: 30 (+18), Con: 21 (+13), Dex: 10 (+8) Int: 2 (+4), Wis: 13 (+9), Cha: 7 (+6)Initiative: +16; Speed: 8 (ice walk)
AC: 33; Fort: 30, Ref: 29, Will: 29
HP: 109, Staggered: 54
Resist: cold 10‡ Stomp (standard, at-will)
+22 vs AC; 4d8+7 damage.
∢ Tusks (standard, at-will)
Near burst 1; +22 vs AC; 2d12+6 damage and the target is knocked prone.
† Trunk (swift, at-will)
+22 vs Reflex; The target is shunted 5 squares.
The mammoth can move up to its speed, including through the spaces of enemies that are smaller than it. This movement provokes opportunity attacks, and the mammoth must end its move in an unoccupied space. Each time it enters a creature’s space, the mammoth makes a basic melee attack against that creature. On a hit, the target is also knocked prone.
A prehistoric elephant with long, curved tusks and a shaggy coat.
Constructs are magically created automatons.
Wicker Golem
Level 1 Striker (100 XP)
Medium Natural Automaton ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +0, darkvision; Skills: Athletics +8
Str: 16 (+3), Con: 14 (+2), Dex: 14 (+2) Int: 7 (-2), Wis: 10 (+0), Cha: 11 (+0)Initiative: +4; Speed: 6
AC: 15; Fort: 14, Ref: 13, Will: 12
HP: 29, Staggered: 14
Immune: disease, poison, sleep, Resist: attacks that target AC 5, Vulnerable: fire 10‡ Slam (standard, at-will)
+6 vs AC; 1d8+3 damage, and the target is grappled.
† Clench (standard, at-will)
+4 vs Fortitude (must be grappling the target); 1d8+6 damage.
Constructed of interwoven dried branches and vines, the wicker golem is often set as a task for apprentice magicians.
Vigilant Statue
Level 6 Boss Blocker (1250 XP)
Large Natural Automaton ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +2, darkvision; see also vigilance
Languages: Common
Str: 20 (+8), Con: 20 (+8), Dex: 9 (+2) Int: 8 (+2), Wis: 10 (+3), Cha: 14 (+5)Initiative: +4; Speed: 6; can’t shift
Action Points: 2
AC: 22; Fort: 19, Ref: 18, Will: 18; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 216, Staggered: 108
Immune: disease, poison, sleep, Resist: all 10
Suppressive Aura (Necrotic) aura 2: Enemies in the aura only regain half the standard amount of hit points from healing effects.‡ Slam (standard, at-will)
Reach 2; +11 vs AC; 2d6+5 damage.
† Double Attack (standard, at-will)
The vigilant statue makes two slam attacks. A target hit by both attacks is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
∢ Castigate (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Psychic
Near burst 3; +9 vs Will; 3d8+2 psychic damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the vigilant statue’s next turn.
∢ Menacing Visage (swift, encounter) ● Fear
Near burst 5; +9 vs Will; the target is rattled (save ends).
A vigilant statue is instantly aware of all creatures entering or leaving its enshrined area. It does not know the exact location of intruders, but is aware of their presence, making it all but impossible to surprise.
A stoic stone statue enchanted to stand guard, the vigilant statue remains motionless until provoked, at which point it animates with surprising speed and strength to defend its designated area.
Animate Collector
Level 8 Spoiler (350 XP)
Medium Natural Automaton ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +11, low-light vision; Skills: Diplomacy +14, Endure +18, History +18
Languages: Common
Str: 17 (+7), Con: 20 (+9), Dex: 16 (+7) Int: 20 (+9), Wis: 16 (+7), Cha: 12 (+5)Initiative: +11; Speed: 6
AC: 22; Fort: 20, Ref: 19, Will: 21
HP: 64, Staggered: 32
Immune: disease, poison, sleep‡ Fists (standard, at-will)
+13 vs AC; 2d10+5 damage.
∢ Fire Spray (standard, encounter)
+13 vs Reflex; 2d6 fire damage and the target takes 5 persistent fire damage (save ends).
Harden Skin (move, at-will)
The animate collector gains 8 temporary hit points.
Machine Logic (reaction, encounter)
The animate collector is the target of a Psychic attack: The attack has no effect on the animate collector.
An amalgamation of enchanted objects brought to life, the animate collector has a relentless desire to gather and hoard valuable items.
Animate Guardian
Level 12 Blocker (700 XP)
Large Natural Automaton ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +19, low-light vision; Skills: Endure +22
Languages: Common
Str: 24 (+13), Con: 20 (+11), Dex: 19 (+10) Int: 12 (+7), Wis: 14 (+8), Cha: 18 (+10)Initiative: +16; Speed: 8
AC: 28; Fort: 25, Ref: 24, Will: 24
HP: 84, Staggered: 42
Immune: disease, poison, sleep‡ Multi-Equipped Arm (standard, at-will)
+17 vs AC; 3d8+6 damage.
⤢ Bolt Rifle Arm (standard, at-will)
Ranged 20; +17 vs AC; 3d8+6 damage.
∢ Fire Spray (standard, encounter)
+17 vs Reflex; 2d6 fire damage and the target takes 5 persistent fire damage (save ends).
Machine Logic (reaction, encounter)
The animate guardian is the target of a Psychic attack: The attack has no effect on the animate collector.
Pig Iron (swift, at-will) ● Stance
The animate guardian has resistance to all damage 5.
Intervene (swift, at-will) ● Stance
As a counter, if an ally of the guardian is the target of an attack, the guardian may shift up to 5 squares to be adjacent to the ally, and then switch places with them. The guardian becomes a target of the attack instead of the ally.
A magical construct bound to protect a specific person, object, or location, the animate guardian is a loyal and unwavering sentinel, skilled in combat and relentless in its duty.
Animate Battleform
Level 16 Blocker (1400 XP)
Large Natural Automaton ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +23, low-light vision; Skills: Endure +26
Languages: Common
Str: 24 (+15), Con: 20 (+13), Dex: 19 (+12) Int: 12 (+9), Wis: 14 (+10), Cha: 18 (+12)Initiative: +20; Speed: 8
AC: 32; Fort: 29, Ref: 28, Will: 28
HP: 104, Staggered: 52
Immune: disease, poison, sleep, Resist: [energy] 10‡ Multi-Equipped Arm (standard, at-will)
+21 vs AC; 3d10+7 damage.
⤢ Bolt Rifle Arm (standard, at-will)
Ranged 20; +21 vs AC; 3d10+7 damage.
∢ Elemental Maelstrom (standard, encounter)
Near burst 5, all creatures; +21 vs Reflex; 3d10+7 [energy] damage and the target is shunted 3 squares. Miss: Half damage and the target is shunted 1 square.
∢ Reactor Leak (reaction, encounter)
Near burst 5, all creatures; +21 vs Fortitude (the animate battleform is staggered); 3d10+7 radiant damage and the target is weakened (save ends).
Machine Logic (reaction, encounter)
The animate guardian is the target of a Psychic attack: The attack has no effect on the animate collector.
Pig Iron (swift, at-will) ● Stance
The animate guardian has resistance to all damage 10.
Recharge (swift, at-will) ● Stance
The animate battleform’s elemental maelstrom power refreshes on a 5 or 6.
A powerful construct purpose-built for combat, the animate battleform is powered by a particular type of energy stored in the gemstone on its chest. It is resistant to this form of energy and able to unleash it as an attack. The GM can choose or roll on the table below.
Table – Animate Battleform
d10 | Damage Type | Gem |
1 | Acid | Pearl |
2 | Cold | Tourmaline |
3 | Fire | Garnet |
4 | Force | Sapphire |
5 | Lightning | Citrine |
6 | Necrotic | Jet |
7 | Poison | Amethyst |
8 | Psychic | Jade |
9 | Radiant | Topaz |
10 | Thunder | Spinel |
Juggernauts are the constructs created by a long-ago empire. Unlike some other constructs, Juggernauts are not capable of independent action. Each juggernaut has room in its torso for a humanoid rider, who controls the juggernaut.
The Minotaur
Level 5 Elite Wrecker (400 XP)
Large Natural Automaton ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +12, darkvision; Skills: Athletics +15, Endure +16, Intimidate +9
Str: 26 (+10), Con: 28 (+11), Dex: 10 (+2) Int: 12 (+3), Wis: 14 (+4), Cha: 12 (+3)Initiative: +2; Speed: 7
Action Points: 1
AC: 17; Fort: 17, Ref: 17, Will: 17; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 114, Staggered: 57
Resist: all 10‡ Slam (standard, at-will)
Reach 2; +10 vs AC; 2d6+6 damage.
⤢ Lightning Shot (standard, at-will) ● Lightning
Ranged 30/60; +10 vs AC; 2d8+6 lightning damage.
Minotaur Rush
The minotaur’s movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. When the Minotaur moves, it ignores difficult terrain and can freely enter squares occupied by enemies of Large size or smaller. Shunt Large and smaller enemies in squares the Minotaur enters by 1 square. The Minotaur cannot be knocked prone.
Iron Onslaught (standard, refresh 6)
The Minotaur shifts up to 9 squares in a straight line. The Minotaur makes a slam attack against each enemy in reach during this movement. On a hit, the target is knocked prone. The Minotaur can only attack each target once.
Eruption (reaction, encounter)
When the Minotaur is staggered: The Minotaur immediately stands up if prone and recovers from all conditions it suffers from. The Minotaur makes an iron onslaught attack. This use of iron onslaught does not exhaust that power, and can be used even if that power is currently exhausted.
The original use of the Minotaur was to breach walls and other defenses during siege warfare.
The Emperor
Level 9 Elite Archer (800 XP)
Large Natural Automaton ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +11, darkvision; Skills: Acrobatics +14, Athletics +13, Endure +16
Str: 20 (+9), Con: 24 (+11), Dex: 20 (+9) Int: 14 (+6), Wis: 14 (+6), Cha: 13 (+5)Initiative: +9; Speed: 6, fly 8
Action Points: 1
AC: 21; Fort: 21, Ref: 21, Will: 19; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 114, Staggered: 57
Resist: all 10‡ Slam (standard, at-will)
+14 vs AC; 1d8+6 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
⤢ Lightning Shot (standard, at-will) ● Lightning
Ranged 40/80; +14 vs AC; 2d8+8 lightning damage.
Alpha Strike (standard, refresh 5, 6)
The Emperor flies 7 squares and makes 3 lightning shot attacks.
↗ Floating Orbs (swift, at-will) ● Lightning
Ranged 15/30; +14 vs AC; 2d6+6 lightning damage.
Armored Shell (free, encounter)
When the Emperor is staggered: The Emperor’s ground and fly speeds increase by 1, the Emperor is healed to its maximum hit point total and it loses all resistances.
The Emperor is built in the shape of a gigantic, powerful human. The exposed copper and bronze wires that make up its artificial musculature give it the appearance of a skinless, gleaming gold giant floating through the air.
The Scorpion
Level 15 Elite Archer (2400 XP)
Large Natural Automaton ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +13, darkvision; Skills: Acrobatics +16, Athletics +24, Endure +24
Str: 30 (+17), Con: 30 (+17), Dex: 18 (+11) Int: 14 (+9), Wis: 12 (+8), Cha: 13 (+8)Initiative: +9; Speed: 6
Action Points: 1
AC: 27; Fort: 29, Ref: 26, Will: 25; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 162, Staggered: 81
Resist: all 10‡ Heavy Piton Leg (standard, at-will)
Reach 2; +20 vs AC; 3d6+13 damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares and knocked prone.
⤢ Lightning Shot (standard, at-will) ● Lightning
Ranged 30/60; +20 vs AC; 3d6+13 lightning damage, and the target is knocked prone.
∢ Lightning Field (standard, at-will) ● Lightning
Near burst 2; +18 vs Reflex; 2d8+8 lightning damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares and knocked prone.
↗ Second Arc (standard, at-will) ● Lightning
The Scorpion makes a lightning shot attack. If it hits, it makes a lightning shot attack against another enemy within 6 squares of the original target.
⋇ Thunder Fall (standard and move, at-will) ● Thunder
Far burst 1 within 30; +18 vs Reflex; 3d6+10 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Deployment (move, at-will) ● Stance
The Scorpion cannot move or be moved until it deactivates deployment. Its AC increases to 29 but its Reflex defense decreases to 24. The Scorpion cannot make heavy piton leg or thunder fall attacks while in this stance.
Fortified Platform
The Scorpion cannot be knocked prone or subject to unwilling movement.
The Scorpion is in the shape of a many-legged insect, but with the animated stone and bronze of the other juggernauts. The rider must lie supine in the “body” of the Scorpion, in a small dark room called the “coffin”.
The Awoken
Level 15 Boss Striker (6000 XP)
Large Natural Automaton ● Construct (Good)
Senses: Perception +19, darkvision, blindsight 10
Languages: Common
Str: 30 (+17), Con: 26 (+15), Dex: 12 (+8) Int: 14 (+9), Wis: 21 (+12), Cha: 19 (+11)Initiative: +9; Speed: 6
Action Points: 2
AC: 29; Fort: 28, Ref: 26, Will: 26; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 396, Staggered: 198
Immune: poison, disease, Resist: all 10‡ Slam (standard, at-will)
Reach 2; +20 vs AC; 3d8+13 damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares or grappled.
⤢ Force Boom (standard, at-will) ● Force
Ranged 20/40; +20 vs AC; 3d6+13 force damage, and the target takes persistent 10 force damage (save ends).
⋇ Firebomb (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Fire
Far burst 3 within 20; +18 vs Reflex; 2d8+8 fire damage, and the target takes persistent 10 fire damage (save ends).
† Direct Kill (move, at-will) ● Force, Weapon
Reach 2; +18 vs Fortitude (must be grappling the target); 3d6+13 damage, and the target takes persistent 10 damage (save ends).
Self-Repair (swift, at-will) ● Healing
The Awoken heals 10 hit points.
Scan the Area (swift, at-will)
The Awoken gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls and can ignore difficult terrain until the start of the Awoken’s next turn.
Force Shield (swift, at-will)
The Awoken gains a +1 power bonus to all defenses until the start of the Awoken’s next turn, and can shift 1 square.
The Awoken cannot be marked, dominated, or surprised.
The Awoken is the only juggernaut in recorded history to become self-aware, and able to direct itself without a rider in its torso. It might still be convinced to take a rider, or forced to do so if someone managed to break into its torso cavity. While it has a rider, it loses the unfeeling feature.
Couatl, also known as feathered dragons, are dragons sent from the heavens to do good on earth. Despite their holy mission, they remain carnivores - and they hunger for the meat of those intellectually beneath them.
Young Couatl
Level 3 Boss Striker (750 XP)
Medium Natural Monstrosity ● Dragon, Celestial (Lawful Good)
Senses: Perception +7, darkvision; Skills: Arcana +9, Insight +7, Religion +9, Stealth +10
Languages: Common, Draconic
Str: 16 (+4), Con: 14 (+3), Dex: 18 (+5) Int: 16 (+4), Wis: 13 (+2), Cha: 16 (+4)Initiative: +7; Speed: 4, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 12; see also flyby attack
Action Points: 2
AC: 17; Fort: 14, Ref: 16, Will: 14; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 156, Staggered: 78; see also energy leak
Resist: poison 15‡ Bite (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+8 vs AC; 1d6+4 damage, and the target takes persistent 5 poison damage (save ends).
‡ Tail Slap (standard, at-will)
+8 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage, and the target is grappled.
† Constrict (standard, at-will)
+6 vs Fortitude (must be grappling the target); 1d8+8 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the couatl’s next turn.
† Flyby Attack (standard, at-will)
The couatl flies up to 8 squares and makes a basic melee attack at any point during the move without provoking an opportunity attack from the target.
∢ Breath Weapon (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Poison
Near arc 5; +6 vs Fortitude; 1d8+2 poison damage, and the target is weakened and takes persistent 5 poison damage (save ends).
∢ Energy Leak (free, encounter) ● Poison
When first staggered; the couatl’s breath weapon refreshes, and the couatl uses it immediately.
∢ Blinding Presence (standard, encounter) ● Radiant
Near burst 5; +6 vs Will (enemies only); the target is blinded until the end of the couatl’s next turn. Aftereffect: The target is rattled (save ends).
Adult Couatl
Level 8 Boss Striker (1750 XP)
Large Natural Monstrosity ● Dragon, Celestial (Lawful Good)
Senses: Perception +11, darkvision; Skills: Arcana +13, Insight +11, Religion +13, Stealth +14
Languages: Common, Draconic, telepathy 10
Str: 18 (+8), Con: 16 (+7), Dex: 20 (+9) Int: 18 (+8), Wis: 14 (+6), Cha: 18 (+8)Initiative: +11; Speed: 4, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 15; see also flyby attack
Action Points: 2
AC: 22; Fort: 19, Ref: 21, Will: 19; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 256, Staggered: 128; see also energy leak
Resist: poison 20‡ Bite (standard, at-will) ● Poison
Reach 2; +13 vs AC; 1d8+5 damage, and the target takes persistent 5 poison damage (save ends).
‡ Tail Slap (standard, at-will)
Reach 2; +13 vs AC; 1d10+5 damage, and the target is grappled.
† Constrict (standard, at-will)
+11 vs Fortitude (must be grappling the target); 1d10+10 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the couatl’s next turn.
† Flyby Attack (standard, at-will)
The couatl flies up to 10 squares and makes a basic melee attack at any point during the move without provoking an opportunity attack from the target.
∢ Breath Weapon (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Poison
Near arc 5; +11 vs Fortitude; 1d10+3 poison damage, and the target is weakened and takes persistent 5 poison damage (save ends).
∢ Energy Leak (free, encounter) ● Poison
When first staggered; the couatl’s breath weapon refreshes, and the couatl uses it immediately.
∢ Blinding Presence (standard, encounter) ● Radiant
Near burst 5; +11 vs Will (enemies only); the target is blinded until the end of the couatl’s next turn. Aftereffect: The target is rattled (save ends).
Cloak of Invisibility (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Illusion
The couatl becomes invisible until it attacks.
Elder Couatl
Level 15 Boss Striker (6000 XP)
Large Natural Monstrosity ● Dragon, Celestial (Lawful Good)
Senses: Perception +16, darkvision; Skills: Arcana +17, Insight +15, Religion +17, Stealth +19
Languages: Common, Draconic, telepathy 10
Str: 20 (+12), Con: 18 (+11), Dex: 24 (+14) Int: 20 (+12), Wis: 17 (+10), Cha: 20 (+12)Initiative: +16; Speed: 6, fly 12 (hover), overland flight 18; see also flyby attack
Action Points: 2
AC: 29; Fort: 26, Ref: 29, Will: 26; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 396, Staggered: 198; see also energy leak
Resist: poison 25
Detect Thoughts aura 10: The couatl has a +2 power bonus to all defenses against attacks from enemies in aura. Enemies in aura cannot use Stealth to hide from couatl; the couatl receives a +10 power bonus to Insight checks to oppose Bluff checks made by creatures in the aura.‡ Bite (standard, at-will) ● Poison
Reach 2; +20 vs AC; 1d10+6 damage, and the target takes persistent 10 poison damage (save ends).
‡ Tail Slap (standard, at-will)
Reach 2; +20 vs AC; 2d6+6 damage, and the target is grappled.
† Constrict (standard, at-will)
+18 vs Fortitude (must be grappling the target); 2d6+12 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the couatl’s next turn.
† Flyby Attack (standard, at-will)
The couatl flies up to 12 squares and makes a basic melee attack at any point during the move without provoking an opportunity attack from the target.
∢ Breath Weapon (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Poison
Near arc 5; +18 vs Fortitude; 3d6+4 poison damage, and the target is weakened and takes persistent 10 poison damage (save ends).
∢ Energy Leak (free, encounter) ● Poison
When first staggered; the couatl’s breath weapon refreshes, and the couatl uses it immediately.
∢ Blinding Presence (standard, encounter) ● Radiant
Near burst 5; +18 vs Will (enemies only); the target is blinded until the end of the couatl’s next turn. Aftereffect: The target is rattled (save ends).
Cloak of Invisibility (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Illusion
The couatl becomes invisible until it attacks.
Ethereal Step (move, refresh 5, 6) ● Teleportation
The couatl becomes incorporeal and teleports 12 squares. It remains incorporeal until the end of its next turn.
Ancient Couatl
Level 22 Boss Striker (20000 XP)
Huge Natural Monstrosity ● Dragon, Celestial (Lawful Good)
Senses: Perception +20, darkvision; Skills: Arcana +22, Insight +20, Religion +22, Stealth +25
Languages: Common, Draconic, telepathy 10
Str: 24 (+18), Con: 20 (+16), Dex: 28 (+20) Int: 22 (+17), Wis: 19 (+15), Cha: 22 (+17)Initiative: +22; Speed: 8, fly 14 (hover), overland flight 18; see also flyby attack
Action Points: 2
AC: 36; Fort: 34, Ref: 37, Will: 32; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 536, Staggered: 268; see also energy leak
Resist: poison 30
Detect Thoughts aura 10: The couatl has a +2 power bonus to all defenses against attacks from enemies in aura. Enemies in aura cannot use Stealth to hide from couatl; the couatl receives a +10 power bonus to Insight checks to oppose Bluff checks made by creatures in the aura.‡ Bite (standard, at-will) ● Poison
Reach 3; +27 vs AC; 2d6+9 damage, and the target takes persistent 15 poison damage (save ends).
‡ Tail Slap (standard, at-will)
Reach 3; +27 vs AC; 3d6+9 damage, and the target is grappled.
† Constrict (standard, at-will)
+25 vs Fortitude (must be grappling the target); 3d6+18 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the couatl’s next turn.
† Flyby Attack (standard, at-will)
The couatl flies up to 12 squares and makes a basic melee attack at any point during the move without provoking an opportunity attack from the target.
↗ Serpent’s Gaze (swift, at-will, once per round) ● Charm, Gaze
Ranged 10; +25 vs Will; the target is stunned (save ends).
∢ Breath Weapon (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Poison
Near arc 5; +25 vs Fortitude; 4d6+5 poison damage, and the target is weakened and takes persistent 15 poison damage (save ends).
∢ Energy Leak (free, encounter) ● Poison
When first staggered; the couatl’s breath weapon refreshes, and the couatl uses it immediately.
∢ Blinding Presence (standard, encounter) ● Radiant
Near burst 5; +25 vs Will (enemies only); the target is blinded until the end of the couatl’s next turn. Aftereffect: The target is rattled (save ends).
Cloak of Invisibility (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Illusion
The couatl becomes invisible until it attacks.
Ethereal Step (move, refresh 5, 6) ● Teleportation
The couatl becomes incorporeal and teleports 12 squares. It remains incorporeal until the end of its next turn.
Cult of the New Moon
The church of Shehaan has never shied from acknowledging the goddess’s moods and strange humors. She can be wild during the new moon, and takes on a shadowed aspect during the lunar eclipse. Legend has it that Shehaan’s shadow self once lasted for decades or centuries, and ruled the earth with darkness and glory. The Cult of the New Moon are a heretic branch of the church of Shehaan that worships what they claim is the true Shehaan, the dark aspect she showed during this period. Whereas the church cautions that lycanthropy is a gift or a curse depending on how it is used, the Cult treats shapechanging as a tool at best and an excuse for cruelty and violence at worst.
Squirming Mound
Level 1 Striker (100 XP)
Medium Natural Automaton ● Construct (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +0, darkvision; Skills: Acrobatics +8, Stealth +8
Languages: Common
Str: 16 (+3), Con: 14 (+2), Dex: 16 (+3) Int: 6 (-2), Wis: 10 (+0), Cha: 15 (+2)Initiative: +5; Speed: 7
AC: 15; Fort: 12, Ref: 14, Will: 12
HP: 29, Staggered: 14‡ Hooked Glaive (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+6 vs AC; 1d8+3 damage.
† Disarm (reaction, at-will) ● Weapon
When an enemy misses the mound with a melee attack; +4 vs Reflex; the target’s weapon is ripped from its grasp and lands 1d6 squares away in a random direction.
Vermin Rebuke (reaction, encounter) ● Poison
When the mound is hit with a melee attack; The target takes 1d6+2 poison damage.
Swift Withdraw (swift, at-will)
The mound shifts 1 square.
A squirming mound is made of worms, newts, frogs, millipedes and all manner of other creeping and crawling things.
Worm That Walks
Level 2 Boss Spoiler (Leader) (625 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Vermin (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +10, Darkvision, blindsight 6; Skills: Arcana +8, Diplomacy +9, Insight +10, Stealth +10
Languages: Common, Celestial, Deep Speech
Str: 10 (+1), Con: 12 (+2), Dex: 16 (+4) Int: 13 (+2), Wis: 17 (+4), Cha: 15 (+3)Initiative: +5; Speed: 6
Action Points: 2
AC: 16; Fort: 14, Ref: 13, Will: 15; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 136, Staggered: 68
Resist: poison 5, cold 5
Squirming aura 1: Creatures grant combat advantage to the worm that walks while they are in the aura.‡ Disfiguring Touch (standard, at-will)
+7 vs AC; 1d12+3 necrotic damage.
↗ Spit Spiders (standard, at-will)
Ranged 10; +7 vs Reflex; 1d8+3 poison damage and the target’s space becomes a spider-infested zone. Creatures ending their turn in the zone take 5 poison damage.
Command Spiders (swift, at-will)
The worm that walks can move each spider-infested zone up to 3 squares.
Declaration Powers
At the end of its turn, the worm that walks can choose one of the following:
Collapse into swarm (counter) The worm that walks is the target of Melee or Ranged attack: The worm that walks becomes a swarm. It gains the Swarm tag, the compress Tiny special movement mode and resistance 5 to damage from Melee and Ranged attacks. However, it gains weakness 5 to damage from Near and Far attacks. The worm that walks can leave swarm form as a swift action.
Fast healing (reaction) The worm that walks does not take fire or thunder damage before the start of its next turn: The worm that walks heals 5.
Vermin feeding on the corpse of a dead spellcaster sometimes capture a sliver of the caster’s soul and power, and form into the horrifying shambling entity known as the worm that walks.
Level 15 Spoiler (1200 XP)
Large Shadow Beast (Evil)
Senses: Perception +21, darkvision; Skills: Bluff +20, History +20, Religion +20
Languages: Common
Str: 18 (+11), Con: 12 (+8), Dex: 15 (+9) Int: 13 (+8), Wis: 15 (+9), Cha: 12 (+8)Initiative: +16; Speed: 8
AC: 29; Fort: 27, Ref: 26, Will: 28
HP: 99, Staggered: 49‡ Spear (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+20 vs AC; 3d10+6 damage.
⤢ Javelin (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 5/10; +20 vs AC; 2d10+6 damage.
↗ Charm (standard, encounter) ● Psychic
Ranged 10; +20 vs Will; The target is dominated until the end of their next turn.
⋇ Touch of Slumber (standard, encounter) ● Psychic
Far burst 1 (within 10); +20 vs Will; The target is slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, the target falls asleep until roused.
† Lamia’s Touch (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic
+20 vs Fortitude; 2d10+6 necrotic damage and the target ages one year. The aging wears off at a rate of one year per month.
Declaration Powers
At the end of its turn, the lamia can choose one of the following:
Collapse into swarm (counter) The lamia is the target of Melee or Ranged attack, or as a free action during its turn: The lamia becomes a swarm. It gains the Swarm tag, the compress Tiny special movement mode and resistance 10 to damage from Melee and Ranged attacks. However, it gains weakness 10 to damage from Near and Far attacks. A swarm can occupy the same space as other creatures. The lamia can leave swarm form as a swift action.
Fast healing (reaction) The lamia does not take fire or thunder damage before the start of its next turn: The lamia heals 10.
Lamias are scorpion, snake or lion-bodied centaurs with human upper bodies. They were once lycanthropes, but after they took control of a kingdom and ruled it with an iron fist Shehaan fixed them in hybrid form. Jealous of the shapeshifting they had lost, they used dark rituals to give themselves back the ability to transform - but the transformation is incomplete, and only allows them to turn into swarms of insects.
Lamias recruit unwanted children, turning them into lycanthropes - their janissaries. As an incantation, a lamia can remove one of its eyes and either command it roll of its own volition (speed 3) or assign it to a servant to spy. Lamias will bargain to get an eye back.
Lamia Superior
Level 19 Spoiler (2400 XP)
Large Shadow Beast (Evil)
Senses: Perception +26, darkvision; Skills: Bluff +28, History +27, Religion +27
Languages: Common
Str: 20 (+14), Con: 12 (+10), Dex: 15 (+11) Int: 18 (+13), Wis: 17 (+12), Cha: 20 (+14)Initiative: +20; Speed: 8, climb 6, swim 6
AC: 33; Fort: 31, Ref: 30, Will: 32
HP: 119, Staggered: 59‡ Scimitar (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+24 vs AC; 6d6+6 damage.
⤢ Javelin (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 5/10; +24 vs AC; 2d12+7 damage.
↗ Charm (standard, encounter) ● Psychic
Ranged 10; +24 vs Will; The target is dominated until the end of their next turn.
⋇ Touch of Slumber (standard, encounter) ● Psychic
Far burst 1 (within 10); +24 vs Will; The target is slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, the target falls asleep until roused.
† Lamia’s Touch (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic
+24 vs Fortitude; 6d6+6 necrotic damage and the target ages 1d4 years. The aging wears off at a rate of one year per month.
Invisibility (swift, encounter) ● Illusion
The lamia superior turns invisible until the end of its next turn.
Declaration Powers
At the end of its turn, the lamia can choose one of the following:
Collapse into swarm (counter) The lamia is the target of Melee or Ranged attack, or as a free action during its turn: The lamia becomes a swarm. It gains the Swarm tag, the compress Tiny special movement mode and resistance 10 to damage from Melee and Ranged attacks. However, it gains weakness 10 to damage from Near and Far attacks. A swarm can occupy the same space as other creatures. The lamia can leave swarm form as a swift action.
Fast healing (reaction) The lamia does not take fire or thunder damage before the start of its next turn: The lamia heals 10.

Deepfolk are amphibious humanoids with fish-like features, skilled in underwater combat and wielding weapons crafted from coral and obsidian.
Deepfolk Warrior
Level 6 Wrecker (250 XP)
Medium Cosmic Humanoid ● Aquatic (Evil)
Senses: Perception +9; Skills: Athletics +14, Stealth +11
Languages: Deep Speech
Str: 22 (+9), Con: 16 (+6), Dex: 16 (+6) Int: 5 (+0), Wis: 12 (+4), Cha: 6 (+1)Initiative: +6; Speed: 6, swim 8
AC: 18; Fort: 21, Ref: 18, Will: 15
HP: 63, Staggered: 31‡ Claw (standard, at-will)
+11 vs AC; 1d10+6 damage, and the deepfolk makes a secondary attack against the same target.
Secondary Attack: +7 vs Reflex; the target is grappled.
† Worrying Bite (standard, at-will)
+11 vs AC (must be grappling the target); 2d8+6 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the deepfolk’s next turn.
↗ Blinding Mucus (standard, refresh 5, 6)
Ranged 5; +9 vs Reflex; 1d8+3 damage, and the target is blinded until the end of the deepfolk’s next turn.
Deepfolk Berserker
Level 8 Wrecker (350 XP)
Medium Cosmic Humanoid ● Aquatic (Evil)
Senses: Perception +7, darkvision; Skills: Athletics +17, Nature +12
Languages: Deep Speech
Str: 18 (+8), Con: 12 (+5), Dex: 15 (+6) Int: 11 (+4), Wis: 8 (+3), Cha: 10 (+4)Initiative: +10; Speed: 6, swim 8
AC: 20; Fort: 21, Ref: 19, Will: 20
HP: 75, Staggered: 37‡ Shark-Toothed Longsword (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+13 vs AC; 2d10 damage and 5 persistent damage (save ends).
⤢ Coral Javelin (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 5/10; +13 vs AC; 1d10+9 damage.
† Ravaging Assault (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+13 vs AC; 2d10 damage and 10 persistent damage (save ends). Effect: The deepfolk berserker grants combat advantage until the end of its next turn.
Deepfolk Hydromancer
Level 10 Spoiler (500 XP)
Medium Cosmic Humanoid ● Aquatic (Evil)
Senses: Perception +17, darkvision; Skills: Arcana +19, Insight +17
Languages: Deep Speech
Str: 14 (+7), Con: 9 (+4), Dex: 13 (+6) Int: 19 (+9), Wis: 14 (+7), Cha: 13 (+6)Initiative: +11; Speed: 6, swim 8
AC: 24; Fort: 22, Ref: 21, Will: 23
HP: 74, Staggered: 37‡ Shark-Toothed Short Sword (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+15 vs AC; 2d10 damage and 5 persistent damage (save ends).
⤢ Coral Javelin (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 5/10; +15 vs AC; 1d12+5 damage.
† Drowning Grasp (standard, at-will)
+15 vs Fortitude (if the target breathes water, it is immune to this attack); The target takes 15 persistent damage (save ends).
∢ Drowning in the Deep (standard, at-will)
Near blast 5, all creatures currently taking persistent damage; +15 vs AC; 2d12+5 damage, and one deepfolk within the area of effect heals 10 damage.
Level 8 Skulker (350 XP)
Medium Elemental Humanoid ● Earth (Evil)
Senses: Perception +12, darkvision; Skills: Stealth +12
Languages: Primordial
Str: 21 (+9), Con: 17 (+7), Dex: 17 (+7) Int: 5 (+1), Wis: 17 (+7), Cha: 17 (+7)Initiative: +11; Speed: 6, fly 6
AC: 22; Fort: 21, Ref: 19, Will: 19
HP: 53, Staggered: 26‡ Claw (standard, at-will)
+13 vs AC; 2d6+5 damage.
Stone Form (standard, at-will)
The gargoyle gains resistance 25 to all damage, regeneration 3, and tremorsense 10 (losing all other senses). The gargoyle can leave stone form as a swift action; otherwise it cannot act.
Sudden Violence (reaction, at-will)
When the gargoyle leaves stone form, it gets a basic melee attack against all adjacent enemies and shifts 3 squares.
Stone guardians brought to life, gargoyles are winged creatures with a menacing appearance. When they remain perfectly still, they are difficult to distinguish from inanimate statues.
Aquatic Gargoyle
Add the Aquatic tag. Replace the fly speed with swim speed 6.
Level 13 Elite Spoiler (1600 XP)
Gargantuan Elemental Automaton ● Earth (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +18, tremorsense 12, truesight 6, telepathy 30; Skills: Diplomacy +21, Heal +18, Intimidate +21
Languages: Common, Primordial
Str: 28 (+15), Con: 28 (+15), Dex: 25 (+13) Int: 23 (+12), Wis: 24 (+13), Cha: 31 (+16)Initiative: +13; Speed: 10, burrow 8 (earth glide)
Action Points: 1
AC: 27; Fort: 25, Ref: 24, Will: 26; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 178, Staggered: 89
Resist: acid 10, lightning 10, fire 10
Terrain Manipulation 10: Enemies treat all squares in the aura as difficult terrain. Allies in the aura receive a +2 power bonus to speed.‡ Quarterstaff (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+18 vs AC; 3d8+7 damage.
↗ Travel Bug (swift, encounter) ● Psychic
Ranged 10; +16 vs Reflex; the target is slowed (save ends).
∢ Repel Metal or Stone (swift, encounter)
Near burst 5; +16 vs Fortitude (all creatures of stone or metal, all creatures wearing metal armor, all loose metal and stone objects); the target is pushed 5
∢ Earthquake (standard, encounter)
Near burst 16; +16 vs Fortitude; the target is restrained (save ends); Miss: the target falls prone.
A jinushigami can identify a 5-mile square as its ward. Within its ward, enemies receive no attack bonus for having combat advantage against the jinushigami.
Ward Jump (move, daily)
The jinushigami teleports to the center of its ward. The jinushigami can only use this ability while within 10 miles of its ward.
Jinushigami are the spirit guardians of natural wonders, with control over the landscapes they protect.

Air Elementals
Air elementals are composed of swirling winds.
Small Air Elemental
Level 5 Spoiler (200 XP)
Small Elemental Automaton ● Air (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +4, darkvision
Languages: Primordial
Str: 10 (+2), Con: 10 (+2), Dex: 17 (+5) Int: 4 (-1), Wis: 11 (+2), Cha: 11 (+2)Initiative: +7; Speed: fly 10
AC: 19; Fort: 17, Ref: 16, Will: 18
HP: 49, Staggered: 24‡ Buffet (standard, at-will) ● Air
+8 vs Fortitude; The target is pushed 2 squares and falls prone.
Pass Through (standard, at-will)
The air elemental must be invisible: The air elemental moves up to its speed, with phasing. Make a basic melee attack against all creatures moved through.
Lesser Air (standard, at-will) ● Illusion
The air elemental becomes invisible. After it completes a move or attack, or after it is hit by an attack, it becomes visible.
↗ Control Wind (standard, at-will) ● Air
+8 vs Fortitude; The target is shunted 2 squares.
Medium Air Elemental
Level 9 Spoiler (400 XP)
Medium Elemental Automaton ● Air (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +8, darkvision
Languages: Primordial
Str: 12 (+5), Con: 14 (+6), Dex: 21 (+9) Int: 4 (+1), Wis: 11 (+4), Cha: 11 (+4)Initiative: +13; Speed: fly 10
AC: 23; Fort: 21, Ref: 20, Will: 22
HP: 69, Staggered: 34
Clattering din aura 2 Creatures that begin their turn within the aura are rattled and deafened until they leave the aura.‡ Buffet (standard, at-will) ● Air
+12 vs Fortitude; The target is pushed 3 squares and falls prone.
Pass Through (standard, at-will)
The air elemental must be invisible: The air elemental moves up to its speed, with phasing. Make a basic melee attack against all creatures moved through.
Lesser Air (standard, at-will) ● Illusion
The air elemental becomes invisible. After it completes a move or attack, or after it is hit by an attack, it becomes visible.
↗ Control Wind (standard, at-will) ● Air
+12 vs Fortitude; The target is shunted 2 squares.
Invisible Stalker
Replace buffet and control wind with
Claw (standard, at-will) +14 vs Reflex; 2d12+4 damage and make a secondary attack against the target. Secondary Attack +14 vs Fortitude; the target is grappled.
Constrictor (swift, at-will) ● Stance At the start of the invisible stalker’s turn, it makes a claw attack against a creature it is grappling. While in this stance, the invisible stalker cannot make opportunity attacks.
Human Shield (swift, at-will) ● Stance As an immediate counter, if the invisible stalker is grappling a creature and is the target of an attack targeting AC or Reflex, it can make the creature it is grappling the target of the attack instead. The invisible stalker cannot do this if the creature it is grappling is the one attacking. While in this stance, the invisible stalker grants combat advantage and cannot make opportunity attacks.
Medium shadow humanoid (undead)
Raise Up (free, at-will) If control wind hits: +14 vs Will; the target is levitated 1 square and restrained (save ends both).
Large Air Elemental
Level 13 Spoiler (800 XP)
Large Elemental Automaton ● Air (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +12, darkvision; Skills: Acrobatics +24
Languages: Primordial
Str: 14 (+8), Con: 16 (+9), Dex: 25 (+13) Int: 6 (+4), Wis: 11 (+6), Cha: 11 (+6)Initiative: +19; Speed: fly 10
AC: 27; Fort: 25, Ref: 24, Will: 26
HP: 89, Staggered: 44
Clattering din aura 2 Creatures that begin their turn within the aura are rattled and deafened until they leave the aura.‡ Buffet (standard, at-will) ● Air
+16 vs Fortitude; The target is pushed 4 squares and falls prone.
Pass Through (standard, at-will)
The air elemental must be invisible: The air elemental moves up to its speed, with phasing. Make a basic melee attack against all creatures moved through.
Lesser Air (standard, at-will) ● Illusion
The air elemental becomes invisible. After it completes a move or attack, or after it is hit by an attack, it becomes visible.
↗ Control Wind (standard, at-will) ● Air
+16 vs Fortitude; The target is shunted 3 squares.
Earth Elementals
Earth elementals embody raw earth and stone.

Small Earth Elemental
Level 3 Skulker (150 XP)
Small Elemental Automaton ● Earth (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +2, tremorsense 12; Skills: Endure +8
Languages: Primordial
Str: 17 (+4), Con: 13 (+2), Dex: 8 (+0) Int: 4 (-2), Wis: 11 (+1), Cha: 11 (+1)Initiative: +1; Speed: 4, burrow 4 (earth glide)
AC: 15; Fort: 16, Ref: 14, Will: 15
HP: 45, Staggered: 22‡ Slam (standard, at-will) ● Air
+8 vs AC; 1d12+4 damage.
Hardened Skin (swift, at-will) ● Stance
While in this stance, the earth elemental can halve the damage it takes from attack as an immediate counter. It then leaves this stance.
Small Xorn
All-Around Vision The xorn cannot be flanked.
Medium Earth Elemental
Level 7 Skulker (300 XP)
Medium Elemental Automaton ● Earth (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +6, tremorsense 12; Skills: Endure +14
Languages: Primordial
Str: 21 (+8), Con: 17 (+6), Dex: 8 (+2) Int: 4 (+0), Wis: 11 (+3), Cha: 11 (+3)Initiative: +5; Speed: 4, burrow 4 (earth glide)
AC: 19; Fort: 20, Ref: 18, Will: 19
HP: 69, Staggered: 34‡ Slam (standard, at-will) ● Air
+12 vs AC; 2d10+4 damage.
Hardened Skin (swift, at-will) ● Stance
While in this stance, the earth elemental can halve the damage it takes from attack as an immediate counter. It then leaves this stance.
Medium Xorn
All-Around Vision The xorn cannot be flanked.
Sand Sentry
Medium elemental humanoid (earth)
Skills Acrobatics +7, Stealth +7
Speed 5, burrow 10 (earth glide)
∢ Blinding Sand (standard, encounter) Near arc 2; +12 vs Reflex; 2d10+4 damage, and the target is blinded (save ends).
Glass Armor When the sand sentry takes fire or lightning damage, its outer layer of sand fuses into sheets of hardened glass. It loses earth glide but gains resistance to all damage 5 until it takes damage.
Large Earth Elemental
Level 11 Skulker (600 XP)
Large Elemental Automaton ● Earth (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +10, tremorsense 12; Skills: Endure +18
Languages: Primordial
Str: 25 (+12), Con: 17 (+8), Dex: 19 (+9) Int: 6 (+3), Wis: 11 (+5), Cha: 11 (+5)Initiative: +14; Speed: 4, burrow 4 (earth glide)
AC: 23; Fort: 24, Ref: 22, Will: 23
HP: 93, Staggered: 46‡ Slam (standard, at-will) ● Air
+16 vs AC; 3d8+5 damage.
Hardened Skin (swift, at-will) ● Stance
While in this stance, the earth elemental can halve the damage it takes from attack as an immediate counter. It then leaves this stance.
Large Xorn
All-Around Vision The xorn cannot be flanked.
Fire Elementals
Fire elementals are living manifestations of flame.
Small Fire Elemental
Level 4 Striker (175 XP)
Small Elemental Automaton ● Fire (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +4, darkvision
Languages: Primordial
Str: 10 (+2), Con: 10 (+2), Dex: 13 (+3) Int: 4 (-1), Wis: 11 (+2), Cha: 11 (+2)Initiative: +5; Speed: 6
AC: 18; Fort: 15, Ref: 17, Will: 16
HP: 44, Staggered: 22
Resist: fire 10‡ Burn (standard, at-will) ● Fire
+7 vs Reflex; The target takes 5 persistent fire damage (save ends). If it is already taking persistent fire damage, the amount it is taking increases by 5.
If the fire elemental is doused in water, smothered or otherwise risks being put out, it loses the burn power (save ends).
Fire Snake
Bite (standard, at-will) +9 vs AC; 1d12+5 damage and the target is immobile until the end of its next turn.
Fire Bat
Speed fly 8
Attach (reaction, at-will) If an adjacent enemy who is taking persistent fire damage moves, the fire bat can shift after them up to its speed.
Fire Wisp
Fiery Leap (standard, at-will) The fire wisp moves up to its speed, with phasing. Make a basic melee attack against all creatures moved through.
Replace burn with:
Bite (standard, at-will) +9 vs AC; 1d12+5 damage
Burning Gaze (standard, at-will) Ranged 10; +9 vs Reflex; the target takes 10 persistent fire damage (save ends). If it is already taking persistent fire damage, the amount it is taking increases by 10.
Pyrotechnics (standard, encounter) Near burst 2; +9 vs Fortitude; the target is blinded until the end of their next turn.
Heatwave aura 2 A creature that ends its turn within the aura takes 5 fire damage.
Medium Fire Elemental
Level 8 Striker (350 XP)
Medium Elemental Automaton ● Fire (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +8, darkvision
Languages: Primordial
Str: 12 (+5), Con: 14 (+6), Dex: 17 (+7) Int: 4 (+1), Wis: 11 (+4), Cha: 11 (+4)Initiative: +11; Speed: 6
AC: 22; Fort: 19, Ref: 21, Will: 20
HP: 64, Staggered: 32
Resist: fire 15‡ Burn (standard, at-will) ● Fire
+11 vs Reflex; The target takes 10 persistent fire damage (save ends). If it is already taking persistent fire damage, the amount it is taking increases by 10.
If the fire elemental is doused in water, smothered or otherwise risks being put out, it loses the burn power (save ends).
Speed burrow 4
Molten Body (reaction, at-will) An adjacent enemy makes a Melee attack against the thoqqua: Make a burn attack against the attacker.
Medium Magma Elemental
Speed burrow 4
Lava Puddle (swift, encounter) ● Fire, Zone An adjacent square becomes coated with lava.
Any time a creature enters or starts its turn in the zone, it is the target of an attack: +13 vs Fortitude; the target takes 10 persistent fire damage (save ends). If it is already taking persistent fire damage, the amount it is taking increases by 10.
Medium elemental humanoid (fire)
Humanoid The salamander can wield weapons. Any time the salamander hits a creature with a metal melee weapon, it can make a burn attack against that target as a free action.
Grab (standard, at-will) +13 vs AC; 2d10+5 damage and the target is grappled.
Constrictor (swift, at-will) ● Stance At the start of your turn, make a burn attack against a grappled target as a free action. While in this stance, the salamander cannot make opportunity attacks.
Add the Adventurer template (Magician class).
Medium elemental humanoid (fire)
Humanoid The azer can wield weapons. Any time the azer hits a creature with a metal melee weapon, it can make a burn attack against that target as a free action.
Large Fire Elemental
Level 12 Striker (700 XP)
Large Elemental Automaton ● Fire (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +12, darkvision
Languages: Primordial
Str: 14 (+8), Con: 14 (+8), Dex: 21 (+11) Int: 6 (+4), Wis: 11 (+6), Cha: 11 (+6)Initiative: +17; Speed: 8
AC: 26; Fort: 23, Ref: 25, Will: 24
HP: 84, Staggered: 42
Resist: fire 20‡ Burn (standard, at-will) ● Fire
+15 vs Reflex; The target takes 15 persistent fire damage (save ends). If it is already taking persistent fire damage, the amount it is taking increases by 15.
If the fire elemental is doused in water, smothered or otherwise risks being put out, it loses the burn power (save ends).
Hell Moth
Large cosmic monstrosity (fire)
Speed fly 8
Bite (standard, at-will) +17 vs AC; 3d8+6 fire damage and make a secondary attack against the target. Secondary Attack: +17 vs Fortitude; the target is grappled.
Immolation (swift, at-will) ● Stance At the start of the hell moth’s turn, it makes a burn attack against a creature it is grappling. While in this stance, the hell moth cannot make opportunity attacks.
Human Shield (swift, at-will) ● Stance As an immediate counter, if the hell moth is grappling a creature and is the target of an attack targeting AC or Reflex, it can make the creature it is grappling the target of the attack instead. The hell moth cannot do this if the creature it is grappling is the one attacking. While in this stance, the hell moth grants combat advantage and cannot make opportunity attacks.
Water Elementals
Water elementals are fluid entities shaped from water.
Small Water Elemental
Level 3 Spoiler (150 XP)
Small Elemental Automaton ● Water (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +2, darkvision; Skills: Athletics +9
Languages: Primordial
Str: 14 (+3), Con: 13 (+2), Dex: 10 (+1) Int: 4 (-2), Wis: 11 (+1), Cha: 11 (+1)Initiative: +2; Speed: 4, swim 10
AC: 17; Fort: 15, Ref: 14, Will: 16
HP: 39, Staggered: 19
Vortex aura 2 Water in the area that is in the same body of water as the water elemental is difficult terrain for swimming creatures that don’t have the Water tag.‡ Wave (standard, at-will) ● Water
+8 vs AC; 1d12+4 damage and the target is shunted 1 square.
∢ Drench (swift, at-will) ● Water
Near burst 2; All non-magical fires are extinguished. Creatures taking persistent fire damage no longer do so. Any ongoing powers with the Fire tag end immediately.
Medium Water Elemental
Level 7 Spoiler (300 XP)
Medium Elemental Automaton ● Water (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +6, darkvision; Skills: Athletics +14
Languages: Primordial
Str: 16 (+6), Con: 17 (+6), Dex: 12 (+4) Int: 4 (+0), Wis: 11 (+3), Cha: 11 (+3)Initiative: +7; Speed: 4, swim 10
AC: 21; Fort: 19, Ref: 18, Will: 20
HP: 59, Staggered: 29
Vortex aura 3 Water in the area that is in the same body of water as the water elemental is difficult terrain for swimming creatures that don’t have the Water tag.‡ Wave (standard, at-will) ● Water
+12 vs AC; 2d10+4 damage and the target is shunted 2 squares.
∢ Drench (swift, at-will) ● Water
Near burst 3; All non-magical fires are extinguished. Creatures taking persistent fire damage no longer do so. Any ongoing powers with the Fire tag end immediately.
Large Water Elemental
Level 11 Spoiler (600 XP)
Large Elemental Automaton ● Water (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +10, darkvision; Skills: Athletics +20
Languages: Primordial
Str: 20 (+10), Con: 19 (+9), Dex: 14 (+7) Int: 6 (+3), Wis: 11 (+5), Cha: 11 (+5)Initiative: +12; Speed: 4, swim 10
AC: 25; Fort: 23, Ref: 22, Will: 24
HP: 79, Staggered: 39
Vortex aura 4 Water in the area that is in the same body of water as the water elemental is difficult terrain for swimming creatures that don’t have the Water tag.‡ Wave (standard, at-will) ● Water
+16 vs AC; 3d8+5 damage and the target is shunted 4 squares.
∢ Drench (swift, at-will) ● Water
Near burst 4; All non-magical fires are extinguished. Creatures taking persistent fire damage no longer do so. Any ongoing powers with the Fire tag end immediately.
Barghests are wicked, shape-changing wolf-goblin monsters.
Transformation: If a barghest has fed on 10 or more humanoids, then the next full moon it reforms as a greater barghest. This is a good opportunity for the heroes to face the barghest in a weaker form, get a sense of its powers and tactics before it flees, and then a few days later face a more challenging greater barghest.
Level 6 Elite Striker (500 XP)
Medium Fey Humanoid ● Shapechanger (Evil)
Senses: Perception +10, low-light vision; Skills: Athletics +12, Stealth +11
Languages: Common, Goblin
Str: 19 (+7), Con: 15 (+5), Dex: 17 (+6) Int: 12 (+4), Wis: 14 (+5), Cha: 16 (+6)Initiative: +8; Speed: 8
Action Points: 1
AC: 20; Fort: 20, Ref: 19, Will: 16; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 108, Staggered: 54‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+11 vs AC; 1d10+4 damage, and the target is grappled.
† Feed (standard, at-will) ● Healing, Necrotic
+9 vs Fortitude (must be grappling the target); 2d6+2 necrotic damage, the target loses 1 recovery, the barghest heals 10 hit points and the barghest gains a +2 power bonus on attack and damage rolls until the end of its next turn.
∢ Howl of the Damned (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Fear, Psychic
Near arc 3; +9 vs Will; 3d6+3 psychic damage, and the target is rattled (save ends).
Shapechange (swift, at-will) ● Polymorph
A barghest can assume the shape of a giant black dog or a goblin-like humanoid, or its original barghest form. It loses its bite attack in goblin form. Each time a barghest changes shape it can shift 3 squares.
Greater Barghest
Level 11 Elite Striker (1200 XP)
Large Fey Humanoid ● Shapechanger (Evil)
Senses: Perception +12, low-light vision; Skills: Athletics +16, Intimidate +14, Insight +12, Stealth +14
Languages: Common, Goblin
Str: 22 (+11), Con: 17 (+8), Dex: 19 (+9) Int: 14 (+7), Wis: 15 (+7), Cha: 18 (+9)Initiative: +11; Speed: 8
Action Points: 1
AC: 25; Fort: 26, Ref: 23, Will: 21; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 158, Staggered: 79‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+16 vs AC; 3d6+6 damage, and the target is grappled.
† Feed (standard, at-will) ● Healing, Necrotic
+14 vs Fortitude (must be grappling the target); 4d6+3 necrotic damage, the target loses 1 recovery, the barghest heals 15 hit points and the barghest gains a +2 power bonus on attack and damage rolls until the end of its next turn.
∢ Howl of the Damned (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Fear, Psychic
Near arc 5; +14 vs Will; 4d6+4 psychic damage, and the target is dazed and weakened (save ends both).
Shapechange (swift, at-will) ● Polymorph
A barghest can assume the shape of a giant black dog or a goblin-like humanoid, or its original barghest form. It loses its bite attack in goblin form. Each time a barghest changes shape it can shift 3 squares.
Level 1 Mook Striker (25 XP)
Small Fey Humanoid ● Gremlin (Any)
Senses: Perception +1, Darkvision
Languages: Deep Speech
Str: 8 (-1), Con: 11 (+0), Dex: 13 (+1) Int: 8 (-1), Wis: 13 (+1), Cha: 8 (-1)Initiative: +1; Speed: 4, climb 4
AC: 15; Fort: 12, Ref: 14, Will: 13
HP: 1‡ Shortsword (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+6 vs AC; 5 damage.
↗ Dart (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 4/8; +6 vs AC; 5 damage.
If the mitflit is staggered, they do +2 damage.
Escape Route
The mitflit is not subject to opportunity attacks when moving into an ally’s space or into a square adjacent to an ally.
Small, cowardly and self-pitying fey, mitflits have an empathetic connection with insects, scorpions and other skittering things.
Scorpion Knight
Level 1 Blocker (100 XP)
Small Fey Humanoid ● Gremlin (Any)
Senses: Perception +1, Darkvision; Skills: Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7
Languages: Deep Speech
Str: 12 (+1), Con: 15 (+2), Dex: 15 (+2) Int: 6 (-2), Wis: 13 (+1), Cha: 10 (+0)
Equipment: a whistle only audible to creatures with blindsense or blindsightInitiative: +2; Speed: 4, climb 4
AC: 17; Fort: 14, Ref: 13, Will: 13
HP: 29, Staggered: 14‡ Flail (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage.
⤢ Shortbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +6 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage.
If the scorpion knight is staggered, they do +2 damage.
Escape Route
The scorpion knight is not subject to opportunity attacks when moving into an ally’s space or into a square adjacent to an ally.
Clamp On
If the scorpion knight and their mount both hit a target with opportunity attacks provoked by the same action, the target is grabbled by the mount.
Mitflits mounted on scorpions, spiders and other giant vermin.
Demon Toad
Level 1 Wrecker (100 XP)
Small Outsider Monstrosity ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +3, darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Str: 12 (+1), Con: 17 (+3), Dex: 14 (+2) Int: 6 (-2), Wis: 14 (+2), Cha: 6 (-2)Initiative: +3; Speed: 4, see also leap
AC: 13; Fort: 14, Ref: 12, Will: 13
HP: 33, Staggered: 16
Resist: poison 5‡ Bite (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+6 vs AC; 2d8+4 poison damage.
∢ Foul Belch (reaction, at-will) ● Poison
When the toad takes damage: Near burst 1; +4 vs Fortitude; 2d8+4 poison damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Leap (move, at-will)
The demon toad jumps 4 squares, without provoking opportunity attacks.
A fiendish toad that can belch toxic gas.
Hopping Imp
Level 1 Wrecker (100 XP)
Small Outsider Humanoid ● Devil (Evil)
Senses: Perception +2, darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Str: 10 (+0), Con: 14 (+2), Dex: 17 (+3) Int: 10 (+0), Wis: 12 (+1), Cha: 14 (+2)Initiative: +4; Speed: 6, fly 2
AC: 13; Fort: 14, Ref: 12, Will: 13
HP: 33, Staggered: 16
Resist: fire 5
Curse (Psychic) aura 1: Each time a creature in the aura misses on an attack, it takes 1d8+4 psychic damage.‡ Festering Claws (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+6 vs AC; the target takes persistent 5 poison damage (save ends).
∢ Blight Jet (standard, at-will) ● Poison
Near arc 2; +4 vs Fortitude; 2d8+4 poison damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
A mischievous demon about the size of a cat, with sharp claws and the ability to spit bile through its proboscis.
Burner Demon
Level 5 Wrecker (200 XP)
Medium Outsider Humanoid ● Demon, Fire (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +6, darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Str: 10 (+2), Con: 16 (+5), Dex: 19 (+6) Int: 10 (+2), Wis: 12 (+3), Cha: 16 (+5)Initiative: +9; Speed: fly 4 (hover, max altitude 2)
AC: 17; Fort: 18, Ref: 16, Will: 17
HP: 57, Staggered: 28
Resist: fire 10, Vulnerable: cold 10‡ Flickers of Flame (standard, at-will) ● Fire
+8 vs Reflex; 2d6+4 fire damage. Miss: A random creature adjacent to the burner demon takes 1d6+4 fire damage.
⋇ Quick Flicking Fire (standard, at-will) ● Fire
Far burst 1 within 5; +8 vs Reflex (one random target in range); 2d6+6 fire damage.
An alien demon consisting of many smoking tubes emerging from its goat-like legs. Some of the tubes have eyes, and others lamprey mouths to suck up bodies that have been reduced to ash.
Level 5 Wrecker (200 XP)
Medium Outsider Beast ● Demon (Evil)
Senses: Perception +8, darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Str: 19 (+6), Con: 16 (+5), Dex: 16 (+5) Int: 6 (+0), Wis: 16 (+5), Cha: 6 (+0)Initiative: +8; Speed: 8
AC: 17; Fort: 18, Ref: 16, Will: 17
HP: 57, Staggered: 28
Resist: fire 10, Vulnerable: cold 10‡ Savage Bite (standard, at-will) ● Fire
+10 vs AC; 2d6+4 fire damage. Miss: Make a fiery breath attack as a free action, if available.
∢ Fiery Breath (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Fire
Near arc 2; +8 vs Reflex; 1d6+4 fire damage, and the target takes persistent 5 fire damage (save ends).
A demonic canine with red eyes, razor-sharp fangs, and the ability to breathe fire.
Flay Devil
Level 6 Striker (250 XP)
Medium Outsider Humanoid ● Devil, Shapechanger (Evil)
Senses: Perception +7, darkvision; Skills: Athletics +12, Bluff +13, Stealth +13
Languages: Common, Celestial
Str: 12 (+4), Con: 13 (+4), Dex: 14 (+5) Int: 10 (+3), Wis: 12 (+4), Cha: 15 (+5)Initiative: +8; Speed: 6
AC: 20; Fort: 17, Ref: 19, Will: 18
HP: 54, Staggered: 27‡ Dagger (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+11 vs AC; 2d10+3 damage, and 5 persistent damage (save ends) if the target grants combat advantage.
Harvest Skin
If an attack the flay devil makes staggers or reduces to 0 HP or below its target, the flay devil harvests a piece of their skin.
Wear Skin (swift, at-will) ● Polymorph
The flay devil alters its physical form to appear as a creature whose skin it has harvested.
Passing Resemblance (swift, at-will) ● Stance
The flay devil must be affected by wear skin; While in this stance, if an ally of the creature whose skin the flay devil is wearing attacks the flay devil, the attacker must roll twice for the attack and take the lower result.
Flesh Mask (swift, at-will) ● Stance
The flay devil must be affected by wear skin; While in this stance, the flay devil gains resistance to all damage 10. If it takes damage, it leaves wear skin and loses the piece of skin it is currently using.
Mirror Darkly (swift, at-will) ● Stance
The flay devil must be affected by wear skin; While in this stance, if the creature the flay devil is wearing the skin of attacks the flay devil, make a secondary attack against them. Secondary Attack +9 vs Will; the target is stunned until the end of their next turn.
A sadistic demon that can take the form of those whose flayed skin it wears.
Level 9 Wrecker (400 XP)
Large Outsider Humanoid ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +11, darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Str: 18 (+8), Con: 21 (+9), Dex: 10 (+4) Int: 18 (+8), Wis: 14 (+6), Cha: 18 (+8)Initiative: +9; Speed: 8, see also leap
AC: 21; Fort: 22, Ref: 20, Will: 21
HP: 81, Staggered: 40
Demonic Stench aura 1: Creatures in the aura cannot heal.‡ Meaty, Clawed Hands (standard, at-will)
+14 vs AC; 2d8+4 damage, and the target is grappled.
† Constrict (standard, at-will)
A creature the hezrou has grappled takes 3d8+4 damage.
Leap (move, at-will)
The hezrou jumps 4 squares, without provoking opportunity attacks.
A hulking and repugnant toad-demon with bloated flesh.
Hungry Maw
Level 9 Wrecker (400 XP)
Medium Outsider Monstrosity ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +13, darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Str: 21 (+9), Con: 16 (+7), Dex: 18 (+8) Int: 8 (+3), Wis: 18 (+8), Cha: 8 (+3)Initiative: +13; Speed: 6
AC: 21; Fort: 22, Ref: 20, Will: 21
HP: 81, Staggered: 40
Chomp and Chew aura 1: A creature that enters or begins its turn in the aura takes 10 persistent damage (save ends).‡ Big Chomp (standard, at-will)
+14 vs AC; 4d6+8 damage.
An open mouth bristling with teeth of all sizes and shapes, on legs.
Vulture Demon
Level 9 Wrecker (400 XP)
Large Outsider Monstrosity ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +13, darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Str: 21 (+9), Con: 18 (+8), Dex: 18 (+8) Int: 15 (+6), Wis: 18 (+8), Cha: 16 (+7)Initiative: +13; Speed: 6, fly 8
AC: 21; Fort: 22, Ref: 20, Will: 21
HP: 81, Staggered: 40‡ Filth Covered Claws (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+14 vs AC; 2d8+6 damage, and the target takes 5 persistent poison damage (save ends).
∢ Demonic Screech (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Psychic
Near arc 3; +12 vs Will; 2d8+8 psychic damage and the target grants combat advantage until the end of the vulture demon’s next turn.
A winged scavenger with a fearful keening screech and claws matted with the rotted flesh of previous victims.
Big Burner
Level 15 Wrecker (1200 XP)
Large Outsider Humanoid ● Demon, Fire (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +16, darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Str: 14 (+9), Con: 21 (+12), Dex: 24 (+14) Int: 10 (+7), Wis: 12 (+8), Cha: 18 (+11)Initiative: +22; Speed: fly 8 (hover, max altitude 3)
AC: 27; Fort: 28, Ref: 26, Will: 27
HP: 117, Staggered: 58
Resist: fire 15, Vulnerable: cold 15‡ Flickers of Flame (standard, at-will) ● Fire
Reach 2; +18 vs Reflex; 3d6+8 fire damage. Miss: A random creature adjacent to the big burner takes 2d6+4 fire damage.
⋇ Quick Flicking Fire (standard, at-will) ● Fire
Far burst 1 within 5; +18 vs Reflex (one random target in range); 4d6+8 fire damage.
Mountain Demon
Level 15 Skulker (1200 XP)
Medium Outsider Humanoid ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +19, darkvision; Skills: Athletics +24, Endure +22
Languages: Common, Primordial
Str: 20 (+12), Con: 17 (+10), Dex: 17 (+10) Int: 24 (+14), Wis: 20 (+12), Cha: 17 (+10)Initiative: +17; Speed: 8
AC: 27; Fort: 28, Ref: 26, Will: 27
HP: 117, Staggered: 58
Resist: fire 5, Vulnerable: cold 5‡ Club (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+20 vs AC; 2d10+6 damage and the target is knocked prone.
⤢ Spit (standard, at-will) ● Acid
Ranged 10; +20 vs Fortitude; 3d10+6 poison damage.
⋇ Mind Blast (standard, encounter) ● Psychic
Far burst 3 (within 10); +20 vs Will; 2d10+6 damage and the target is dazed until the end of their next turn.
↗ Psychic Domination (standard, encounter) ● Psychic
Ranged 10; +20 vs Will (the target must be dazed or stunned); The target is controlled (save ends).
A long, lean demon with skin of mottled stone. More patient than most of their kin, they spend long years meditating on the slopes of mountains awaiting inspiration for evil deeds of appropriate stature.
Boar Demon (Nalfeshnee)
Level 19 Wrecker (2400 XP)
Large Outsider Humanoid ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +25, darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Str: 23 (+15), Con: 26 (+17), Dex: 13 (+10) Int: 23 (+15), Wis: 23 (+15), Cha: 20 (+14)Initiative: +20; Speed: 5, fly 8
AC: 31; Fort: 32, Ref: 30, Will: 31
HP: 141, Staggered: 70‡ Musky Claw (standard, at-will)
+24 vs AC; 3d10+12 damage.
∢ Accursed Blast (standard, encounter) ● Necrotic, Lightning
Near arc 2; +22 vs Reflex; 3d6+10 necrotic and lightning damage, and the target is weakened until the end of the boar demon’s next turn.
Horror Nimbus (reaction, encounter)
When the boar demon is reduced to 0 HP or below: Near burst 2; +22 vs Reflex; the target is pushed 2 and dazed (save ends); Effect: The boar demon is destroyed.
A demonic fusion of boar and humanoid, their powerful tusks channel havoc magic.
Frenzy Demon
Level 19 Wrecker (2400 XP)
Medium Outsider Humanoid ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +20, darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Str: 26 (+17), Con: 23 (+15), Dex: 16 (+12) Int: 8 (+8), Wis: 12 (+10), Cha: 23 (+15)Initiative: +22; Speed: 8
AC: 31; Fort: 32, Ref: 30, Will: 31
HP: 141, Staggered: 70
Aura of Frustration (Psychic) aura 3: If any creature within the aura, including the frenzy demon itself, misses on an attack roll, the frenzy demon gets a +2 power bonus on attack rolls until the end of its next turn.‡ Claw (standard, at-will)
+24 vs AC; 3d12+12 damage.
† Raking Claws (standard, at-will)
+24 vs AC; 4d12+8 damage.

A manic and frenzied demon with a twisted and contorted form, possessing incredible speed, agility, and a relentless drive to shred its victims apart.
Pincer Demon (Glabrezu)
Level 19 Wrecker (2400 XP)
Huge Outsider Humanoid ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +22, darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Str: 26 (+17), Con: 23 (+15), Dex: 10 (+9) Int: 23 (+15), Wis: 16 (+12), Cha: 23 (+15)Initiative: +19; Speed: 6
AC: 31; Fort: 32, Ref: 30, Will: 31
HP: 141, Staggered: 70‡ Pincer (standard, at-will)
+24 vs AC; 4d8+8 damage.
⋇ Chaos Hammer (standard, at-will) ● Force
Far burst 1 within 5; +22 vs Fortitude; 2d10+8 force damage, and the target falls prone.
A wolf-headed, crab-clawed demon, with a sweet tongue belied by its monstrous appearance. Glabrezu tempt victims into ruin by promising power or wealth.
Laughing Demon
Level 25 Wrecker (6400 XP)
Large Outsider Humanoid ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +27, darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Str: 26 (+20), Con: 20 (+17), Dex: 26 (+20) Int: 16 (+15), Wis: 14 (+14), Cha: 29 (+21)Initiative: +33; Speed: 8
AC: 37; Fort: 38, Ref: 36, Will: 37
HP: 177, Staggered: 88
Aura of Mockery (Psychic) aura 3: A creature within the aura that fails a saving throw takes 15 damage.‡ Tooth and Claw (standard, at-will)
+30 vs AC; 2d10+8 damage, and a creature adjacent to the target takes 1d8+4 damage.
† Tooth and Claw and Stomp (standard, at-will)
The laughing demon makes two tooth and claw attacks.
∢ Mocking Laugh (swift, encounter)
Near burst 3; +28 vs Will; the target is marked (save ends).
A deranged and sadistic demon that derives pleasure from the failure of others. Those who provoke its haunting laughter suffer physical harm.
Level 29 Wrecker (12800 XP)
Large Outsider Humanoid ● Demon, Fire (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +36, darkvision, trueseeing
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Str: 31 (+24), Con: 28 (+23), Dex: 28 (+23) Int: 24 (+21), Wis: 24 (+21), Cha: 26 (+22)Initiative: +38; Speed: 6, fly 12
AC: 41; Fort: 42, Ref: 40, Will: 41
HP: 201, Staggered: 100
Resist: fire 15, necrotic 15, Vulnerable: cold 15
Aura of Flame (Fire) aura 2: A creature that enters or begins its turn in the aura takes 20 fire damage.‡ Longsword (standard, at-will) ● Fire, Necrotic, Weapon
Reach 2; +34 vs AC; 4d12+20 fire and necrotic damage.
† Flame Whip (swift, at-will) ● Fire
Reach 3; +32 vs Reflex; the target is knocked prone and pulled 3.
Lifedrinker (free, at-will) ● Healing
If a creature is killed within the balor’s aura, the balor heals hit points equal to its recovery value.
Fallen Angel’s Reckoning (reaction, encounter) ● Radiant
When the balor is reduced to 0 HP or below: Near burst 5; 2d12+8 radiant radiant damage, and the balor is destroyed.
A towering and immensely powerful demon with fiery wings, wielding a flaming sword and whip, serving as a high-ranking commander of amassed fiends.
Level 29 Wrecker (12800 XP)
Large Outsider Humanoid ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +33, darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Str: 31 (+24), Con: 28 (+23), Dex: 28 (+23) Int: 18 (+18), Wis: 18 (+18), Cha: 28 (+23)Initiative: +38; Speed: 8
AC: 41; Fort: 42, Ref: 40, Will: 41
HP: 201, Staggered: 100
Wall of Steel aura 2: A creature that leaves the aura takes 15 damage.‡ Sword (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Reach 2; +34 vs AC; 3d6+6 damage.
† Three Whirling Swords (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
The marilith makes up to three sword attacks, each against a different target. The marilith may shift 1 after each attack.
Terrible Swift Swords (free, encounter)
For the rest of this turn, all attacks the marilith makes score a critical hit on a natural 15-20.
Beguiling Gaze (standard, at-will) ● Psychic, Charm
Ranged 10; +32 vs Will; the target is pulled 6 squares.
A demon with multiple arms and the lower body of a massive snake, able to wield four blades at the same time.
Abyssal Mummy
Level 35 Mook Blocker (10000 XP)
Medium Outsider Humanoid ● Demon, Undead (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +40, Truesight 24; Skills: Arcana +39, History +39, Religion +39
Languages: Common
Str: 25 (+24), Con: 12 (+18), Dex: 15 (+19) Int: 10 (+17), Wis: 23 (+23), Cha: 18 (+21)Initiative: +36; Speed: 4
AC: 51; Fort: 48, Ref: 47, Will: 47
HP: 1
Resist: necrotic, poison 15‡ Mummy Touch (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic, Weapon
+40 vs AC; 22 necrotic damage, and the target is subject to a secondary attack. Secondary Attack: +40 vs Fortitude; the target contracts mummy rot.
↗ Look of Horror (standard, at-will) ● Fear
Ranged 10; +38 vs Will; The target is rattled until the end of their next turn. If the target is already rattled, they are dazed instead.
∢ Insect Plague (standard, at-will) ● Zone
The mummy is removed from play. A near burst 1 area centered on where the mummy was becomes a zone of lightly obscured difficult terrain until the end of the encounter. Creatures that end their turn in the zone take 22 poison damage.
Soul Harvest
If the abyssal mummy reduces a creature to 0 HP or below, it gains one ward.
Protected by Death (counter, at-will)
Spend a ward. The attack misses. If the mummy has no wards, it cannot use this power.

Over the millennia, kings, emperors and high priests who sold their souls to Orcus have been marshalled as his undead servants.
Level 35 Boss Spoiler (200000 XP)
Huge Outsider Humanoid ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +47, Truesight 24; Skills: History +47, Religion +47
Languages: All, telepathy 72
Str: 30 (+27), Con: 21 (+22), Dex: 30 (+27) Int: 27 (+25), Wis: 27 (+25), Cha: 30 (+27)
Equipment: wand of OrcusInitiative: +44; Speed: 8, fly 12
Action Points: 2
AC: 49; Fort: 47, Ref: 46, Will: 48; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 796, Staggered: 398
Resist: acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison 15
Aura of rot 4: Each enemy that starts its turn in the aura takes 32 necrotic damage.‡ Wand of Orcus (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic, Weapon
+40 vs AC; 7d8+11 damage. On Orcus’ next turn, make a secondary attack against the target. Secondary Attack: +40 vs Will; the target takes 7d8+11 necrotic damage; on a miss, the target takes half damage.
∢ Wave of Enfeeblement (swift, refresh 5, 6)
Near burst 4; +38 vs Fortitude; The target is weakened (save ends).
Teleport (swift, refresh 5, 6) ● Teleport
Orcus teleports up to 24 squares.
† Tail (swift, at-will) ● Poison
+38 vs Fortitude; 6d6+11 poison damage.
↗ Hand of Bone (swift, refresh 5, 6)
Ranged 20; +38 vs Will; The target is restrained (save ends).
⋇ Acid Fountain (swift, refresh 5, 6) ● Acid
Far burst 2 within 20; 7d8+11 acid damage. Miss: Half damage.
⋇ Consuming Darkness (swift, refresh 5, 6) ● Necrotic, Summons, Zone
Far burst 2 within 20; 7d8+11 necrotic damage. The area of effect becomes a zone of darkness (totally obscured, blocks line of sight) until the end of Orcus’s next turn. When the zone ends, place an abyssal mummy in an unoccupied space in the zone.
⋇ Stench of Death (swift, encounter) ● Necrotic, Zone
Far burst 2 within 20; The area of effect becomes a zone until the end of the encounter. Creatures in the zone cannot heal damage. Orcus can move the zone up to 10 squares as a swift action.
This squat, bloated demonic humanoid stands three times as tall as a human. Its goat head sports large, spiraling ram’s horns. Its legs, covered in thick brown fur, end in hooves.
Powerful arms wield a skull-tipped wand. Two black, bat-like wings protrude from its back and a long, snake-like tail with a sharpened barb trails behind it.
Orcus is one of the most powerful demon lords. He fights a never-ending war against rival princes, commanding his troops from his bone palace.
Orcus likes to travel the planes, particularly the Material Plane.
Elohim Sky Guardian
Level 10 Archer (500 XP)
Medium Outsider Humanoid ● Celestial (Good)
Senses: Perception +20, low-light vision; Skills: Arcana +19
Languages: Common, Celestial
Str: 14 (+7), Con: 13 (+6), Dex: 22 (+11) Int: 18 (+9), Wis: 20 (+10), Cha: 21 (+10)Initiative: +16; Speed: 6, fly 8
AC: 22; Fort: 21, Ref: 22, Will: 22
HP: 61, Staggered: 30‡ Short Sword (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+15 vs AC; 2d12+5 damage.
⤢ Longbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +15 vs AC; 2d12+5 damage.
† Disarming Swoop (standard, encounter)
+15 vs Reflex; The target is disarmed of one weapon. The elohim may move up to its speed before or after making this attack.
Dive Attack (swift, at-will) ● Stance
While in this stance, the elohim may make a basic melee attack against each enemy it moves adjacent to during its movement.
Aerial Acrobat (swift, at-will) ● Stance
While in this stance, the elohim receives a +4 bonus to AC and Reflex while airborne.
Volley of Arrows (swift, at-will) ● Stance
While in this stance, the elohim can make three longbow attacks as a standard action. Each attack must be against a different target.
Winged, angelic warriors in golden armor, the elohim sky guardians are sworn to protect those under divine guidance.
Flying Heads
Flying Head
Level 5 Striker (200 XP)
Small Shadow Monstrosity (Evil)
Senses: Perception +3, darkvision; Skills: Stealth +11
Str: 12 (+3), Con: 15 (+4), Dex: 18 (+6) Int: 7 (+0), Wis: 12 (+3), Cha: 10 (+2)Initiative: +8; Speed: fly 7 (hover)
AC: 19; Fort: 17, Ref: 19, Will: 16
HP: 49, Staggered: 24
Immune: fear, Resist: necrotic 10, Vulnerable: radiant 5‡ Bite (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic
+10 vs AC; 1d6+4 necrotic damage, and the flying head makes a secondary attack on the same target.
Secondary Attack: +8 vs Fortitude; the target loses the ability to heal hit points (save ends).
Flyby Attack (standard, refresh 5, 6)
The flying head flies up to 7 squares. At one point during the movement, they can make one basic melee attack. Moving away from the target of the attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.
∢ Horrifying Screech (standard, encounter) ● Fear
Near arc 3; +8 vs Will; The target is immobile (save ends). First Failed Save: The target is stunned instead (save ends).
A winged head, about 18 inches high, with a wingspan of 4 feet. It weighs about 10 pounds.
Flying Head Swarm
Level 17 Elite Striker (1600 XP)
Huge Shadow Monstrosity ● Swarm (Evil)
Senses: Perception +7, darkvision; Skills: Stealth +19
Str: 26 (+16), Con: 22 (+14), Dex: 34 (+20) Int: 7 (+6), Wis: 21 (+13), Cha: 18 (+12)Initiative: +16; Speed: fly 10 (compress Tiny, hover)
Action Points: 1
AC: 29; Fort: 26, Ref: 25, Will: 25; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 178, Staggered: 89
Immune: fear, Resist: necrotic 10, Melee and Ranged attacks (half damage), Vulnerable: radiant 10, Near and Far attacks 10
Swarm Violence aura 3: If an enemy begins their turn in this aura, makes a basic melee attack against them as a free action.‡ Screeching Storm (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic
+22 vs AC; 2d8+4 necrotic damage, and the target takes persistent 5 necrotic damage (save ends), and the swarm makes a secondary attack on the same target.
Secondary Attack: +20 vs Fortitude; the target loses a recovery and the ability to heal hit points (save ends, but with a –2 penalty to the roll).
† Engulfing Swarm (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Necrotic
The swarm attacks up to three Medium or smaller targets; +20 vs Reflex (automatically hits an immobile or stunned creature); the target is grappled and pulled into the swarm’s space. The target is dazed and takes persistent 10 necrotic damage and cannot heal hit points until it escapes the grapple. A creature that escapes the grapple shifts to a square of its choice adjacent to the swarm. The swarm can move normally while creatures are engulfed within it.
∢ Cacophony of Doom (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Fear, Psychic
Near arc 5; +20 vs Will; 3d8+7 psychic damage, and the target is immobile (save ends). First Failed Save: The target is stunned instead (save ends).
Ghouls are foul and ravenous undead, with a paralyzing touch which lets them eat their prey alive.
Level 5 Striker (200 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Undead (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +6, darkvision; Skills: Acrobatics +11, Athletics +10, Stealth +11
Str: 13 (+3), Con: 10 (+2), Dex: 15 (+4) Int: 13 (+3), Wis: 14 (+4), Cha: 12 (+3)Initiative: +6; Speed: 6
AC: 19; Fort: 16, Ref: 18, Will: 17
HP: 49, Staggered: 24
Immune: disease, Resist: necrotic 5, Vulnerable: radiant 5‡ Claw (standard, at-will)
+10 vs AC; 2d8+4 damage and the target is immobile until the end of its next turn. If the target is already immobile, it loses 1 recovery. If the target loses all their recoveries, they turn into a ghoul after their next long rest.
Shuffle (swift, at-will)
The ghoul shifts 1 space.
Easy Pickings
The ghoul automatically hits creatures that are immobile.
Medium natural humanoid (aquatic, undead) Speed 6, swim 6
Level 9 Striker (400 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Undead (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +10, darkvision; Skills: Acrobatics +16, Athletics +16, Stealth +16
Str: 17 (+7), Con: 10 (+4), Dex: 17 (+7) Int: 13 (+5), Wis: 14 (+6), Cha: 16 (+7)Initiative: +11; Speed: 6
AC: 23; Fort: 20, Ref: 22, Will: 21
HP: 69, Staggered: 34
Immune: disease, Resist: necrotic 5, Vulnerable: radiant 5
Stench aura 1 Living creatures that begin their turn in the aura grant combat advantage until the end of their next turn.‡ Claw (standard, at-will)
+14 vs AC; 2d12+4 damage and the target is immobile until the end of its next turn. If the target is already immobile, it loses 1 recovery. If the target loses all their recoveries, they turn into a ghast after their next long rest.
Shuffle (swift, at-will)
The ghast shifts 1 space.
Easy Pickings
The ghast automatically hits creatures that are immobile.
Lacedon Ghast
Medium natural humanoid (aquatic, undead) Speed 6, swim 6
Hundreds of years ago, a secret organization in pursuit of power made the mistake of combining two powerful magical items: an orb of chaos and the mysterious necrosis cube. The result was the creation of the terrifying undead ichor-ghouls.
Ichor-ghouls that go too long without feeding shrivel and become moribund. Their blood-drenched flesh dries, and they become desiccated husks. The husks’ desperate and unquenched need for living energy drives them first to madness and then to near-mindlessness.
Living creatures too near an ichor-ghoul start sweating blood and their skin becomes coated with a scarlet sheen. Blood flows towards the ichor-ghouls, which grow in strength as they absorb it.
When one of the desiccated husks transforms into bloody bones, the husk’s dry skin cracks open and the bloody bones literally tear themselves out of their own body. The thing which emerges is a glistening mass of raw muscle, pulsing with thick veins of crimson-black blood. Its fang-like teeth glitter as its mouth parts in a ghastly, hissing smile.
Desiccated Husk
Level 3 Wrecker (150 XP)
Medium Elemental Humanoid ● Undead (Evil)
Senses: Perception +1, darkvision
Str: 14 (+3), Con: 10 (+1), Dex: 8 (+0) Int: 14 (+3), Wis: 10 (+1), Cha: 17 (+4)Initiative: +0; Speed: 4
AC: 15; Fort: 16, Ref: 14, Will: 15
HP: 45, Staggered: 22
Resist: necrotic 5, Vulnerable: radiant 5
Blood Sweats Aura 4: A living creature that ends its turn in the aura suffers 3 necrotic damage.‡ Claw (standard, at-will)
+8 vs AC; 1d12+4 damage.
Keep track of all damage the desiccated husk does, including through its aura. If damage done ever exceeds 22, that desiccated husk is replaced by a bloody bones as a reaction. Add 44 to the desiccated husk’s current HP to determine the bloody bones’ current HP. A bloody bones created in this way only gives 150 XP total for being defeated.
Bloody Bones
Level 3 Elite Wrecker (300 XP)
Medium Elemental Humanoid ● Undead (Evil)
Senses: Perception +2, darkvision
Str: 14 (+3), Con: 10 (+1), Dex: 12 (+2) Int: 14 (+3), Wis: 13 (+2), Cha: 17 (+4)Initiative: +2; Speed: 6
Action Points: 1
AC: 15; Fort: 16, Ref: 14, Will: 15; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 90, Staggered: 44
Resist: necrotic 5, Vulnerable: radiant 5
Blood Sweats Aura 4: A living creature that ends its turn in the aura suffers 3 necrotic damage.‡ Wicked Claw (standard, at-will)
+8 vs AC; 1d12+4 damage, and the target takes persistent 5 damage (save ends).
Slide Away (counter, encounter)
Shift 6.
This creature appears as a skeletal humanoid with bits of muscle and sinew hanging from its body. Four long, sinewy tendrils writhe from its midsection. The entire creature constantly oozes a mixture of blood and mucus. Its eye sockets are hollow and show no pupils.
Heroes can either encounter a bloody bones after it emerges from a dessicated husk, or encounter the bloody bones in that form - if it has already achieved its reformation through feeding on the blood of other creatures before the heroes arrived on the scene.
Level 10 Wrecker (500 XP)
Large Natural Humanoid ● Giant (Evil)
Senses: Perception +10; Skills: Athletics +20
Languages: Common, Giantish
Str: 21 (+10), Con: 8 (+4), Dex: 15 (+7) Int: 6 (+3), Wis: 10 (+5), Cha: 7 (+3)Initiative: +12; Speed: 6
AC: 22; Fort: 23, Ref: 21, Will: 22
HP: 87, Staggered: 43‡ Greatclub (standard, at-will) ● Club, Weapon
Reach 2; +15 vs AC; 2d12+10 damage. Secondary Attack: +15 vs Fortitude; the target is dazed.
⤢ Javelin (standard, at-will) ● Thrown Weapon, Weapon
Ranged 5/10; +15 vs AC; 2d12+5 damage and the target suffers a -2 penalty to AC until they spend a swift action pulling the javelin from where it has lodged.
Wild Swing (standard, encounter)
Make a basic melee attack against all enemies in reach. If the attack hits, push the target 2 squares and they fall prone.
Punisher (swift, at-will) ● Club, Stance
If the ogre starts its turn in this stance, and it is wielding a club, it does 6 damage to an enemy in reach. While in this stance, the ogre cannot make opportunity attacks.
Throw and Rush (swift, at-will) ● Stance, Thrown Weapon
If the ogre starts its turn in this stance, it can make a basic ranged attack with a thrown weapon, switch weapons and charge the same enemy it threw the javelin at. If so, it then leaves this stance and its turn ends.
Adult ogres stand 9 to 10 feet tall and weigh 600 to 650 pounds. Their skin color ranges from dull yellow to dull brown. Their clothing consists of poorly cured furs and hides, which add to their naturally repellent odor.
Large natural humanoid (aquatic, ogre)
Speed 6, swim 8
Hill Giant
Level 12 Wrecker (700 XP)
Large Natural Humanoid ● Giant (Evil)
Senses: Perception +12; Skills: Athletics +24
Languages: Common, Giantish
Str: 25 (+13), Con: 19 (+10), Dex: 8 (+5) Int: 6 (+4), Wis: 10 (+6), Cha: 7 (+4)Initiative: +11; Speed: 6
AC: 24; Fort: 25, Ref: 23, Will: 24
HP: 99, Staggered: 49‡ Greatclub (standard, at-will) ● Club, Weapon
Reach 2; +17 vs AC; 3d8+11 damage. Secondary Attack: +17 vs Fortitude; the target is dazed.
⤢ Rock (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Far arc 2 within 10; +17 vs AC (There must be a suitable rock within reach); 3d8+11 damage and the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
Punisher (swift, at-will) ● Club, Stance
If the giant starts its turn in this stance, and it is wielding a club, it does 6 damage to an enemy in reach. While in this stance, the giant cannot make opportunity attacks.

The weakest and smallest of the true giants, hill giants are still large and formiddable. Skin color among hill giants ranges from light tan to deep ruddy brown. Their hair is brown or black, with eyes the same color. Hill giants wear layers of crudely prepared hides with the fur left on. They seldom wash or repair their garments, preferring to simply add more hides as their old ones wear out.
Adults are about 10½ feet tall and weigh about 1,100 pounds. Hill giants can live to be 200 years old.
Fire Giant
Level 14 Spoiler (1000 XP)
Large Elemental Humanoid ● Fire, Giant (Evil)
Senses: Perception +16; Skills: Athletics +29, Intimidate +19
Languages: Common, Giantish, Primordial
Str: 31 (+17), Con: 21 (+12), Dex: 9 (+6) Int: 10 (+7), Wis: 14 (+9), Cha: 11 (+7)Initiative: +13; Speed: 6
AC: 26; Fort: 27, Ref: 25, Will: 26
HP: 111, Staggered: 55
Burning aura 2: Creatures take 7 fire damage if they begin their turns in the aura.‡ Greatsword (standard, at-will) ● Heavy Blade, Weapon
Reach 2; +19 vs AC; 3d10+5 damage, and do 8 damage to a creature adjacent to the giant or the target.
⤢ Rock (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Far arc 2 within 10; +19 vs AC (There must be a suitable rock within reach); 3d10+5 damage and the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
↗ Provoke the Earth (swift, once per round) ● Fire
Ranged 10; A fire- or earth-based trap or hazard of your choice triggers, even if it has already been expended.
Some fire giants have bright orange hair. An adult male is 12 feet tall, has a chest that measures 9 feet around, and weighs about 7,000 pounds. Females are slightly shorter and lighter. Fire giants can live to be 350 years old.
Fire giants wear sturdy cloth or leather garments colored red, orange, yellow, or black. Warriors wear helmets and half-plate armor of blackened steel.
Frost Giant
Level 16 Wrecker (1400 XP)
Large Elemental Humanoid ● Cold, Giant (Evil)
Senses: Perception +18; Skills: Athletics +30
Languages: Common, Giantish, Primordial
Str: 29 (+17), Con: 21 (+13), Dex: 9 (+7) Int: 10 (+8), Wis: 14 (+10), Cha: 11 (+8)Initiative: +15; Speed: 6
AC: 28; Fort: 29, Ref: 27, Will: 28
HP: 123, Staggered: 61‡ Greataxe (standard, at-will) ● Axe, Weapon
Reach 2; +21 vs AC; 3d10+13 damage; on a miss, do 9 damage.
⤢ Throw Ice (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Far arc 2 within 10; +21 vs AC (There must be a suitable chunk of ice within reach); 3d10+7 cold damage and the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
Slip (swift, at-will) ● Stance
While in this stance, when the giant moves (willingly or unwillingly), at the end of the move the giant can shift 2 squares.
Blood Lust (swift, at-will) ● Axe, Stance
While in this stance, if an attack causes you to become staggered, as a reaction you can make a basic melee attack against the creature that attacked you.
A frost giant’s hair can be light blue or dirty yellow, and its eyes usually match its hair color. Frost giants dress in skins and pelts, along with any jewelry they own. Frost giant warriors add chain shirts and metal helmets decorated with horns or feathers.
An adult male is about 15 feet tall and weighs about 2,800 pounds. Females are slightly shorter and lighter, but otherwise identical with males. Frost giants can live to be 250 years old.
Stone Giant
Level 18 Wrecker (2000 XP)
Huge Elemental Humanoid ● Earth, Giant (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +19; Skills: Athletics +31, Stealth +25
Languages: Common, Giantish, Primordial
Str: 27 (+17), Con: 19 (+13), Dex: 15 (+11) Int: 10 (+9), Wis: 12 (+10), Cha: 11 (+9)Initiative: +20; Speed: 8
AC: 30; Fort: 31, Ref: 29, Will: 30
HP: 135, Staggered: 67‡ Greatclub (standard, at-will) ● Club, Weapon
Reach 2; +23 vs AC; 4d8+15 damage and make a secondary attack. Secondary Attack: +23 vs Fortitude; the target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
⤢ Rock (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Far arc 2 within 10; +23 vs AC (There must be a suitable rock within reach); 4d8+8 damage and the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
Meld with Stone (swift, encounter) ● Stance
While in this stance, the giant gains burrow 8 (earth glide). This stance ends when the giant next emerges from the earth/stone.
Hardened Skin (swift, at-will) ● Stance
While in this stance, the giant can halve the damage it takes from one attack as an immediate counter. It then leaves this stance.
Punisher (swift, at-will) ● Stance
If the giant starts its turn in this stance, and it is wielding a club, it does 6 damage to an enemy in reach. While in this stance, the giant cannot make opportunity attacks.
The most patient and thoughtful of the giants, stone giants are often found meditating or practising martial arts on mountaintops.
Stone giants prefer robes or loose-fitting tunics and trousers, dyed in shades of red or saffron. Adults are about 12 feet tall and weigh about 1,500 pounds. Stone giants can live to be 800 years old.
Storm Giant
Level 20 Spoiler (2800 XP)
Huge Elemental Humanoid ● Giant, Lightning (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +30; Skills: Athletics +39, Insight +30, Intimidate +27
Languages: Common, Giantish, Primordial
Str: 39 (+24), Con: 23 (+16), Dex: 14 (+12) Int: 16 (+13), Wis: 20 (+15), Cha: 15 (+12)Initiative: +22; Speed: 8
AC: 34; Fort: 32, Ref: 31, Will: 33
HP: 124, Staggered: 62‡ Greatsword (standard, at-will) ● Heavy Blade, Weapon
Reach 2; +25 vs AC; 6d6+7 damage, and do 11 damage to a creature adjacent to the giant or the target.
⤢ Rock (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Far arc 2 within 10; +25 vs AC (There must be a suitable rock within reach); 6d6+7 damage and the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
↗ Lightning Bolt (standard, encounter) ● Lightning
Ranged 10; +23 vs Reflex; 7d8+6 lightning damage and the target is dazed (save ends).
Bolt from the Blue (swift, at-will) ● Stance
While in this stance, the lightning bolt power recharges at the start of each of the giant’s turns. The giant cannot make opportunity attacks while in this stance.
Adults are about 21 feet tall and weigh about 12,000 pounds. Storm giants can live to be 600 years old. Storm giants’ garb is usually a short, loose tunic belted at the waist, sandals or bare feet, and a headband. They wear a few pieces of simple but finely crafted jewelry, anklets (favored by barefoot giants), rings, or circlets being most common. They live quiet, reflective lives and spend their time musing about the world, composing and playing music, and tilling their land or gathering food.
Fir Bolg
Proud and noble warriors of giant size, the fir bolg live in tight-knit clans in forests and other wild places.
Fir Bolg Hunter
Level 6 Striker (250 XP)
Large Natural Humanoid (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +8, low-light vision; Skills: Nature +13, Stealth +13
Languages: Common, Giant
Str: 21 (+8), Con: 18 (+7), Dex: 15 (+5) Int: 10 (+3), Wis: 14 (+5), Cha: 16 (+6)Initiative: +8; Speed: 6
AC: 20; Fort: 17, Ref: 19, Will: 18
HP: 54, Staggered: 27‡ Greataxe (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+11 vs AC; 2d10+3 damage.
⤢ Longbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +11 vs AC; 2d10+3 damage.
↗ Hurl Boulder (standard, encounter) ● Weapon
Ranged 10; +11 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage and the target is knocked prone.
∢ Wild Swing (standard, encounter) ● Weapon
Near burst 1; +11 vs AC; 2d10+3 damage.
Recover Boulder (move, at-will)
Hurl boulder recharges.
Stalwart Defense (move, at-will)
The fir bolg has a +2 bonus to defenses until it moves from its current space.
Fir Bolg Archer
Level 7 Archer (300 XP)
Large Natural Humanoid (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +8, low-light vision; Skills: Nature +13, Stealth +15
Languages: Common, Giant
Str: 18 (+7), Con: 20 (+8), Dex: 18 (+7) Int: 11 (+3), Wis: 14 (+5), Cha: 16 (+6)Initiative: +10; Speed: 6
AC: 19; Fort: 18, Ref: 19, Will: 19
HP: 49, Staggered: 24‡ Dagger (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+12 vs AC; 2d10+4 damage.
⤢ Longbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +12 vs AC; 2d10+4 damage.
↗ Hurl Boulder (standard, encounter) ● Weapon
Ranged 10; +12 vs AC; 1d10+4 damage and the target is knocked prone.
↗ Surprise Shot (standard, encounter) ● Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +12 vs AC (the fir bolg must have combat advantage against the target); 3d10+3 damage and the target is stunned until the end of their next turn.
Recover Boulder (move, at-will)
Hurl boulder recharges.
Stalwart Defense (move, at-will)
The fir bolg has a +2 bonus to defenses until it moves from its current space.
Fir Bolg Shaman
Level 8 Spoiler (350 XP)
Large Natural Humanoid (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +12, low-light vision; Skills: Arcana +18, Nature +17
Languages: Common, Giant
Str: 19 (+8), Con: 14 (+6), Dex: 14 (+6) Int: 20 (+9), Wis: 18 (+8), Cha: 17 (+7)Initiative: +10; Speed: 6
AC: 22; Fort: 20, Ref: 19, Will: 21
HP: 64, Staggered: 32‡ Dagger (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+13 vs AC; 2d10+5 damage.
↗ Hurl Boulder (standard, encounter) ● Weapon
Ranged 10; +13 vs AC; 1d10+5 damage and the target is knocked prone.
⋇ Strike of Nature (standard, refresh 5, 6)
Far burst 2 (within 10); +13 vs Reflex; 2d10+5 damage and the target is immobile (save ends).
↗ Spirit Strike (standard, encounter) ● Psychic
Ranged 10; +13 vs Will; 1d10+5 damage and the target is stunned until the end of their next turn.
Recover Boulder (move, at-will)
Hurl boulder recharges.
Stalwart Defense (move, at-will)
The fir bolg has a +2 bonus to defenses until it moves from its current space.
Wooden Skin (standard, encounter)
The fir bolg gains 21 temporary hit points.
Fir Bolg Chieftain
Level 14 Blocker (1000 XP)
Large Natural Humanoid (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +17, low-light vision; Skills: Diplomacy +25, Nature +22, Stealth +22
Languages: Common, Giant
Str: 22 (+13), Con: 20 (+12), Dex: 17 (+10) Int: 16 (+10), Wis: 16 (+10), Cha: 22 (+13)Initiative: +17; Speed: 6
AC: 30; Fort: 27, Ref: 26, Will: 26
HP: 94, Staggered: 47‡ Great Axe (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+19 vs AC; 3d10+5 damage.
⤢ Longbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +19 vs AC; 3d10+5 damage.
↗ Hurl Boulder (standard, encounter) ● Weapon
Ranged 10; +19 vs AC; 2d10 damage and the target is knocked prone.
∢ Berserker’s Frenzy (standard, encounter) ● Weapon
Near burst 1, all creatures; +19 vs AC; 3d10+5 damage. Effect After all attacks are resolved, the fir bolg shifts 1 and may make a basic melee attack.
† Decapitating Strike (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Weapon
+19 vs AC; 5d8+6 damage. If the target is staggered (either by this attack, or already staggered), the target is also stunned until the end of its next turn.
Recover Boulder (move, at-will)
Hurl boulder recharges.
Stalwart Defense (move, at-will)
The fir bolg has a +2 bonus to defenses until it moves from its current space.
Hags are witches from the Plane of Faerie.
Tear-Drinker Hag
Level 3 Boss Spoiler (750 XP)
Medium Fey Humanoid (Any)
Senses: Perception +5, darkvision; Skills: Bluff +8
Languages: Common
Str: 19 (+5), Con: 14 (+3), Dex: 14 (+3) Int: 12 (+2), Wis: 9 (+0), Cha: 14 (+3)Initiative: +3; Speed: 6
Action Points: 2
AC: 17; Fort: 17, Ref: 15, Will: 12; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 156, Staggered: 78
Immune: disease, poison, Resist: necrotic 10, Vulnerable: radiant 5‡ Claw (standard, at-will)
+8 vs AC; 1d10+4 damage.
† Toothed Tongue (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic
Reach 2; +8 vs AC; 1d6+4 damage, and the target is grappled.
† Tooth and Claw (standard, at-will)
The hag makes a claw and a toothed tongue attack in either order.
Drink Salt (swift, at-will) ● Healing, Necrotic
A creature the hag has grappled takes 1d6+2 necrotic damage. The hag gains temporary hit points equal to the amount of necrotic damage dealt to the target.
∢ Hungry Tongues (standard, refresh 5, 6)
Near burst 2; +8 vs AC; 1d6+4 damage, and the target is grappled. The hag can grapple up to three targets with hungry tongues.
Feeding Ward
The hag gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while the hag is grappling one or more enemies.
Ice Hag
Level 12 Elite Striker (1400 XP)
Medium Fey Humanoid ● Cold (Any)
Senses: Perception +10, low-light vision, can see through concealment from precipitation, including the hag’s unceasing sleet aura; Skills: Intimidate +13, Nature +11, Stealth +15
Languages: Common, Giant
Str: 23 (+12), Con: 19 (+10), Dex: 18 (+10) Int: 11 (+6), Wis: 18 (+10), Cha: 14 (+8)Initiative: +12; Speed: 4 (ice stride), fly 10 (hover), overland flight 15
Action Points: 1
AC: 26; Fort: 26, Ref: 24, Will: 22; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 168, Staggered: 84
Immune: cold
Unceasing Sleet (Cold) aura 1: Squares in aura are heavily obscured and creatures that enter or begin their turns in the aura take 1d6 cold damage.‡ Claw (standard, at-will)
+17 vs AC; 3d6+6 damage.
† Fierce Gust (standard, at-will)
+17 vs AC; 2d6+6 damage, and the ice hag shifts 2 squares (usually up).
† Snowblind Strike (reaction, encounter, refreshes when first staggered)
When the ice hag is hit with a melee attack; +17 vs AC; 3d8+5 damage, and the target is blinded (save ends).
† Reaving Wind (standard, refresh 5, 6)
The ice hag flies up to 10 squares and makes two claw attacks at any point during that movement. It can combine the attacks on one target or attack multiple targets, and does not provoke opportunity attacks when moving away from the first target.
Change Shape (swift, at-will) ● Polymorph
An ice hag can alter their physical form to appear as an old wolf or an old woman of any Medium humanoid race.
By default, these profiles represent humans. Any stat block can be easily adapted to represent other humanoids in the Species chapter. Use the size, source, type and tags of the new species. Give them the relevant power for that species, and any other traits that are particularly distinctive. In exchange, subtract 1 from their Fortitude, Reflex and Will defenses.
Gang of Ruffians
Thieves, bandits and other violent thugs can be represented by the statistics below.
Ill-Equipped Combatant
Level 1 Mook Striker (25 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +4; Skills: Intimidate + 5, Sleight of Hand +5
Languages: Common
Str: 12 (+1), Con: 10 (+0), Dex: 13 (+1) Int: 10 (+0), Wis: 8 (-1), Cha: 10 (+0)Initiative: +3; Speed: 6
AC: 15; Fort: 14, Ref: 13, Will: 13
HP: 1; a missed attack never damages a mook‡ Hatchet (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+6 vs AC; 5 damage.
⤢ Bow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +6 vs AC; 5 damage.
Level 1 Blocker (100 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +6; Skills: Acrobatics +7, Athletics +8
Languages: Common
Str: 16 (+3), Con: 13 (+1), Dex: 14 (+2) Int: 11 (+0), Wis: 12 (+1), Cha: 10 (+0)Initiative: +4; Speed: 6
AC: 17; Fort: 14, Ref: 13, Will: 12
HP: 29, Staggered: 14‡ Spiked Chain (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Reach 2; +6 vs AC; 2d4+3 damage.
† Tripping Strike (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Weapon
+6 vs AC; 2d4+3 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Chain Brawler
Level 1 Striker (100 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +4; Skills: Intimidate +5, Stealth +7, Sleight of Hand +7
Languages: Common
Str: 12 (+1), Con: 10 (+0), Dex: 14 (+2) Int: 10 (+0), Wis: 9 (-1), Cha: 10 (+0)Initiative: +4; Speed: 6
AC: 15; Fort: 13, Ref: 14, Will: 13
HP: 29, Staggered: 14‡ Length of Chain (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Reach 2; +6 vs AC; 1d6+3 damage (1d6+6 vs prone target). The chain brawler can choose to knock the target prone instead of doing damage.
Level 1 Striker (100 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +5; Skills: Stealth +8, Thievery +8
Languages: Common
Str: 12 (+1), Con: 13 (+1), Dex: 16 (+3) Int: 10 (+0), Wis: 11 (+0), Cha: 12 (+1)Initiative: +5; Speed: 6
AC: 15; Fort: 12, Ref: 14, Will: 12
HP: 29, Staggered: 14‡ Longspear (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Reach 2; +6 vs AC; 1d10+1 damage.
† Weighted Net (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Reach 3; 1d4+1 damage.
Secondary Attack: +5 vs Reflex; the target is immobile (save ends).
† Sliding Strike (standard, encounter) ● Weapon
+4 vs Will; 1d6+3 damage, and the mancatcher shunts the target 1 square.
Combat Advantage
The mancatcher deals an additional 1d6 damage against any target it has combat advantage against.
Scurvy Pirate
Level 3 Blocker (150 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +6; Skills: Athletics +9
Languages: Common
Str: 16 (+4), Con: 15 (+3), Dex: 14 (+3) Int: 10 (+1), Wis: 11 (+1), Cha: 12 (+2)Initiative: +5; Speed: 6
AC: 19; Fort: 16, Ref: 15, Will: 14
HP: 39, Staggered: 19‡ Boat Hook (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Reach 2; +8 vs AC; 2d6+3 damage.
⤢ Crossbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 15/30; +8 vs AC; 1d8+2 damage.
† Powerful Strike (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Weapon
Reach 2; +8 vs AC; 1d6+7 damage, and target is knocked prone.
† Think Again! (counter, at-will)
When an enemy moves or shifts within reach: Reach 2; +6 vs Fortitude; target ends its movement, losing its action (although it can take another action to continue moving).
Shadowblast Warlock
Level 3 Skulker (150 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +10; Skills: Intimidate +7, Stealth +7, Athletics +6
Languages: Common
Str: 14 (+3), Con: 12 (+2), Dex: 13 (+2) Int: 11 (+1), Wis: 18 (+5), Cha: 10 (+1)Initiative: +6; Speed: 6
AC: 17; Fort: 14, Ref: 15, Will: 16
HP: 33, Staggered: 16‡ Knife (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+8 vs AC; 1d6+3 damage.
⤢ Shadowblast (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic
Ranged 40/80; +8 vs AC; 1d8+6 damage, and the target is immobile (save ends).
↗ Shadowblast Headshot (standard and move, refresh 6) ● Necrotic
Ranged 40/80; +8 vs AC; 2d8+6 damage, and the target is dazed (save ends); Miss: The shadowblast warlock regains the use of this power
Gang Initiate
Level 4 Mook Striker (44 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +7; Skills: Intimidate +7, Stealth +10
Languages: Common
Str: 12 (+3), Con: 11 (+2), Dex: 16 (+5) Int: 11 (+2), Wis: 11 (+2), Cha: 10 (+2)Initiative: +7; Speed: 6
AC: 18; Fort: 17, Ref: 17, Will: 14
HP: 1; a missed attack never damages a mook‡ Iron Knuckles (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+9 vs AC; 7 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square. If the target cannot be pushed, it takes an additional 2 damage.
⤢ Bow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +9 vs AC; 8 damage.
Gang Leader
Level 4 Elite Spoiler (Leader) (350 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +8; Skills: Intimidate +10, Bluff +10, Stealth +9
Languages: Common
Str: 11 (+2), Con: 13 (+3), Dex: 14 (+4) Int: 14 (+4), Wis: 12 (+3), Cha: 16 (+5)Initiative: +4; Speed: 6
Action Points: 1
AC: 18; Fort: 15, Ref: 15, Will: 17; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 88, Staggered: 44‡ Knife (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+9 vs AC; 1d6+3 damage.
⤢ Arbalest (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 5/10; +9 vs AC; 2d6+5 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Enough Screwing Around (standard, refresh 5, 6)
Allies in Near burst 4 can make a saving throw or make a basic attack.
Redeployment (move, at-will)
One ally in Near burst 5 shifts 3 squares.
Help Me! (reaction, at-will)
When an ally is staggered: All allies in line of sight of the gang leader shift 3 squares.
Soldiers and other organized, well-equipped armed forces can be represented by the statistics below.
Legion Recruit
Level 1 Mook Striker (25 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +1; Skills: Athletics +5, Endure +3
Languages: Common
Str: 19 (+4), Con: 15 (+2), Dex: 14 (+2) Int: 10 (+0), Wis: 13 (+1), Cha: 9 (-1)Initiative: +2; Speed: 6
AC: 15; Fort: 15, Ref: 13, Will: 12
HP: 1; a missed attack never damages a mook‡ Longspear (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Reach 2; +6 vs AC; 4 damage.
Heart of the Legion
When adjacent to an ally, the legion recruit receives a +1 power bonus to all defenses.
Level 1 Blocker (100 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +2; Skills: Athletics +10, Endure +7
Languages: Common
Str: 20 (+5), Con: 15 (+2), Dex: 14 (+2) Int: 10 (+0), Wis: 14 (+2), Cha: 10 (+0)Initiative: +4; Speed: 6
AC: 17; Fort: 15, Ref: 12, Will: 12
HP: 29, Staggered: 14‡ Short Sword (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+6 vs AC; 1d6+5 damage.
⤢ Javelin (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +6 vs AC; 1d6+5 damage.
Heart of the Legion
When adjacent to an ally, the legionary receives a +1 power bonus to all defenses.
Level 2 Archer (125 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +6; Skills: Endure + 9
Languages: Common
Str: 12 (+2), Con: 14 (+3), Dex: 12 (+2) Int: 10 (+1), Wis: 9 (+0), Cha: 10 (+1)Initiative: +2; Speed: 6
AC: 14; Fort: 14, Ref: 14, Will: 13
HP: 29, Staggered: 14‡ Dagger (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+7 vs AC; 1d8+2 damage.
⤢ Crossbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +7 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage.
⋇ Grenade (standard and move, at-will) ● Weapon
Far burst 2 within 15; +5 vs Reflex; 1d6+4 damage.
Grenadier (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Weapon
The grenadier shifts 3 squares and makes a grenade attack.
Heart of the Legion
When adjacent to an ally, the grenadier receives a +1 power bonus to all defenses.
Siege Engineer
Level 2 Archer (125 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +1; Skills: Athletics +7
Languages: Common
Str: 12 (+2), Con: 13 (+2), Dex: 17 (+4) Int: 10 (+1), Wis: 11 (+1), Cha: 12 (+2)Initiative: +4; Speed: 6
AC: 14; Fort: 13, Ref: 15, Will: 13
HP: 29, Staggered: 14‡ Dagger (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+7 vs AC; 1d4+1 damage.
⤢ Crossbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 15/30; +7 vs AC; 1d8+3 damage.
↗ Fire Ballista! (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Weapon
Range 20/40; +7 vs AC; 2d10+3 damage; must be adjacent to another siege engineer, and at a ballista to use.
Heart of the Legion
When adjacent to an ally, the grenadier receives a +1 power bonus to all defenses.
Level 2 Spoiler (Leader) (125 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +5; Skills: Athletics +10, Endure +5, Religion +7
Languages: Common
Str: 16 (+4), Con: 15 (+3), Dex: 14 (+3) Int: 12 (+2), Wis: 18 (+5), Cha: 16 (+4)Initiative: +3; Speed: 6
AC: 16; Fort: 14, Ref: 13, Will: 15
HP: 34, Staggered: 17‡ Signum Spear (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+7 vs AC; 1d8+3 damage.
⤢ Wrath of the Legion (standard, at-will) ● Psychic
Ranged 10; +5 vs Will; 2d4+4 psychic damage.
∢ Sigil of Succor (standard, encounter) ● Healing
Near burst 5; allies only; the target heals 5 hit points and all persistent effects on it end
∢ Sigil of Destruction (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Force
Near burst 3; +5 vs Reflex (enemies only); 2d8+4 force damage, and the target is knocked prone.
∢ Sigil of Terror (standard, refresh 6) ● Psychic, Fear
Near burst 3; +5 vs Will; the target is dazed and weakened (save ends both).
Heart of the Legion
When adjacent to an ally, the signifier receives a +1 power bonus to all defenses.
Level 3 Blocker (Leader) (150 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +4; Skills: Athletics +13, Endure +11
Languages: Common
Str: 21 (+6), Con: 16 (+4), Dex: 14 (+3) Int: 12 (+2), Wis: 16 (+4), Cha: 13 (+2)Initiative: +5; Speed: 6
AC: 19; Fort: 18, Ref: 14, Will: 15
HP: 39, Staggered: 19‡ Longsword (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+8 vs AC; 1d10+5 damage.
∢ Rally Point (standard, refresh 5, 6)
Near burst 5; allies in the burst shift 3 squares. Allies that end up adjacent to the centurion gain a +1 power bonus to attack and damage rolls until the end of the centurion’s next turn.
Heart of the Legion
When adjacent to an ally, the centurion receives a +1 power bonus to all defenses.
Level 5 Skulker (200 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +9; Skills: Athletics +12, Endure +6, Stealth +11
Languages: Common
Str: 16 (+5), Con: 15 (+4), Dex: 19 (+6) Int: 14 (+4), Wis: 14 (+4), Cha: 10 (+2)Initiative: +10; Speed: 7
AC: 19; Fort: 17, Ref: 18, Will: 16
HP: 41, Staggered: 20‡ Short Sword (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+10 vs AC; 1d6+3 damage.
↗ Assassin’s Mark (swift, refresh 4, 5, 6)
The target is marked and grants the infiltrator combat advantage until the end of the infiltrator’s next turn.
Combat Advantage
The infiltrator deals an additional 2d6 damage on melee attacks against any target it has combat advantage against.
Heart of the Legion
When adjacent to an ally, the infiltrator receives a +1 power bonus to all defenses.
Mercenary Raid
A powerful and well-established mercenary group or rival adventuring party.
Mercenary Archer
Level 8 Mook Archer (88 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +11; Skills: Intimidate +9, Stealth +13
Languages: Common
Str: 14 (+6), Con: 15 (+6), Dex: 18 (+8) Int: 12 (+5), Wis: 14 (+6), Cha: 13 (+5)Initiative: +8; Speed: 6
AC: 20; Fort: 20, Ref: 20, Will: 18
HP: 1; a missed attack never damages a mook‡ Knife (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+13 vs AC; 6 damage.
⤢ Longbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +13 vs AC; 8 damage.
Snapshot (move, at-will) ● Weapon
The mercenary archer makes a longbow attack.
Fire Magician
Level 8 Archer (350 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +10; Skills: Athletics +11, Intimidate +12
Languages: Common
Str: 16 (+7), Con: 17 (+7), Dex: 14 (+6) Int: 12 (+5), Wis: 14 (+6), Cha: 12 (+5)Initiative: +6; Speed: 6
AC: 20; Fort: 21, Ref: 19, Will: 20
HP: 53, Staggered: 26
Smoke ‘Em if You’ve Got ‘Em (Fire) aura 1: Enemies in the aura when the fire magician uses their scorching ray or fire wall attacks suffer 5 fire damage.‡ Fist (standard, at-will)
+13 vs AC; 2d6+5 damage.
⤢ Scorching Ray (standard, at-will) ● Fire
Near arc 5; +11 vs Reflex; 2d6+5 damage, and the target takes persistent 5 fire damage (save ends).
⋇ Fire Wall (standard, at-will) ● Fire
Far wall 5 within 10; +11 vs Reflex; 2d6+5 damage, and the target takes persistent 5 fire damage (save ends).
Insidious Assassin
Level 9 Skulker (400 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +13; Skills: Acrobatics +13, Stealth +16
Languages: Common
Str: 16 (+7), Con: 14 (+6), Dex: 18 (+8) Int: 16 (+7), Wis: 18 (+8), Cha: 16 (+7)Initiative: +12; Speed: 6
AC: 23; Fort: 20, Ref: 22, Will: 20
HP: 57, Staggered: 28‡ Knife (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+14 vs AC; 2d8+8 damage, and the target is weakened (save ends).
Combat Advantage
The insidious assassin deals an additional 8 damage against targets that grant the insidious assassin combat advantage.
Prime Position (move, at-will)
Choose one enemy adjacent to the insidious assassin. The insidious assassin moves to any unoccupied square that is still to that enemy. All enemies adjacent to the insidious assassin’s new square grant the insidious assassin combat advantage until the end of the insidious assassin’s current turn.
Pervasive Wound (free, encounter)
When the insidious assassin hits a target granting combat advantage to the insidious assassin: The target takes persistent 5 damage until the end of the encounter or until the target is reduced to 0 hit points or below.
Mercenary Lord
Level 10 Elite Spoiler (Leader) (1000 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +13; Skills: Bluff +13, Diplomacy +13, Endure +13, Athletics +13, Intimidate +13
Languages: Common
Str: 16 (+8), Con: 16 (+8), Dex: 16 (+8) Int: 18 (+9), Wis: 16 (+8), Cha: 14 (+7)Initiative: +8; Speed: 6
Action Points: 1
AC: 24; Fort: 22, Ref: 23, Will: 21; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 148, Staggered: 74‡ Heavy mace (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+15 vs AC; 1d10+5 damage.
⤢ Crossbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 15/30; +15 vs AC; 2d10+5 damage.
Inspiring Presence
All allied creatures in the encounter gain a +2 power bonus to damage rolls and saving throws. If the mercenary lord is killed, all allied creatures are rattled and suffer a -2 penalty to saving throws until the end of the encounter.
Double Shot (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
The mercenary lord makes two crossbow attacks.
Get Up! (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Healing
One standard (not a mook, elite or boss) ally spends a recovery and heals hit points equal to their recovery value.
Relay Command (swift, once per round)
One ally may make a basic attack. If that ally does so and misses, another ally may make a basic attack.
Loyalty (counter, at-will)
When the mercenary lord is hit by a ranged attack: One ally within 4 squares swaps location with the mercenary lord and suffers the hit instead.
The Black Gloves
Worshippers of the power-hungry god Kain, the Black Gloves are the acceptable face of tyranny. With gentle words and sheathed swords, they explain why hierarchy and control are needed in these dark times. Only when defied do they send in their veteran guards or draw on their own considerable power. Even then, they are careful to make an example of only as many people as is needed to restore order – plus a few of the usual suspects to deter any further rebellion.
Dark Knight
Level 11 Boss Wrecker (3000 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Evil)
Senses: Perception +13; Skills: Endure +19, Athletics +17, Intimidate +13
Languages: Common
Str: 28 (+14), Con: 28 (+14), Dex: 16 (+8) Int: 10 (+5), Wis: 8 (+4), Cha: 8 (+4)Initiative: +11; Speed: 5
Action Points: 2
AC: 23; Fort: 25, Ref: 24, Will: 20; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 372, Staggered: 186
Resist: all 5‡ Mancatcher (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Reach 2; +16 vs AC; 3d8+9, and the target is grappled.
⤢ Concealed Blowgun (standard, at-will) ● Weapon, Poison
Ranged 10/20; +16 vs AC; 2d6+6 damage, and the target is stunned until the start of the dark knight’s next turn.
† Double Attack (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
The dark knight makes two mancatcher attacks.
† Rend (standard, refresh 4, 5, 6) ● Weapon
A creature the dark knight has grappled takes 3d6+11 damage.
Staggered Regeneration
At the start of its turn, if the dark knight is staggered, it heals 5 hit points.
The dark knight cannot be dazed, marked, or weakened.
Armored Warmage
Level 12 Wrecker (700 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Evil)
Senses: Perception +10; Skills: Intimidate +10, Athletics +11
Languages: Common
Str: 18 (+10), Con: 18 (+10), Dex: 12 (+7) Int: 12 (+7), Wis: 14 (+8), Cha: 12 (+7)Initiative: +7; Speed: 3
AC: 24; Fort: 26, Ref: 22, Will: 24
HP: 99, Staggered: 49‡ Dagger (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+17 vs AC; 2d6+5 damage.
⤢ Lightning Bolt (standard, at-will) ● Lightning
Ranged 30/60; +17 vs AC; 3d6+10 lightning damage.
Supercharged Bolt (standard and move, at-will) ● Lightning
Ranged 30/60; +17 vs AC; 2d6+18 lightning damage.
⋇ Sweep the Enemy (standard and move, refresh 6) ● Lightning
Far burst 5 within 40; +15 vs Reflex; 1d8+14 lightning damage, and the target is marked until the armored warmage is reduced to 0 hit points or below.
Master Assassin
Level 12 Elite Skulker (1400 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Evil)
Senses: Perception +17; Skills: Bluff +14, Diplomacy +14, Intimidate +14, Stealth +20
Languages: Common
Str: 16 (+9), Con: 16 (+9), Dex: 22 (+12) Int: 20 (+11), Wis: 16 (+9), Cha: 15 (+8)Initiative: +16; Speed: 6
Action Points: 1
AC: 26; Fort: 24, Ref: 25, Will: 23; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 138, Staggered: 69‡ Close & Personal (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+17 vs AC; 2d8+6 damage, and the master assassin can make another close & personal attack. The master assassin can repeat this until they miss, or they have hit a total of three times.
⤢ Hand Crossbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +17 vs AC; 3d6+10 damage, and the target takes persistent 1 damage until the end of the encounter or until the target is reduced to 0 hit points or below. This damage is cumulative with successive hits with hand crossbow (maximum persistent 10 damage).
Instinctual Camouflage
When the master assassin benefits from cover or concealment, enemies suffer an additional -2 penalty to attack them.
Love Your Work
When the master assassin scores a critical hit, they gain an action point.
∢ Rain of Knives (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Near arc 8; +15 vs Reflex (enemies only); 2d6+6 damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Cover to Cover (move, at-will)
The master assassin shifts 4 squares and can make a Stealth check.
Martial Arts Master
Level 13 Boss Blocker (4000 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Evil)
Senses: Perception +19, darkvision, blindsight 10
Languages: Common
Str: 22 (+12), Con: 22 (+12), Dex: 22 (+12) Int: 14 (+8), Wis: 16 (+9), Cha: 15 (+8)Initiative: +8; Speed: 6
Action Points: 2
AC: 29; Fort: 26, Ref: 26, Will: 24; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 356, Staggered: 178
Immune: poison, disease‡ Unarmed Strike (standard, at-will)
+18 vs AC; 3d6+10 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
∢ Roundhouse (standard, at-will)
Near burst 1; +16 vs Reflex; 2d8+7 damage, and the target is dazed until the start of the martial arts master’s next turn.
† Front Kick (standard, refresh 4, 5, 6)
+18 vs AC; 3d6+10 damage, and the target is unconscious (save ends). If the target suffers any damage, it is no longer unconscious.
In a Flash
When the martial arts master runs, they gain a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense. When they charge, their attack automatically hits.
Backbreaker (move, at-will)
+16 vs Fortitude; 3d6+12 damage, and the target is dazed, slowed, and weakened (save ends each).
Crossbow Master
Level 14 Mook Archer (250 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +12
Languages: Common
Str: 14 (+9), Con: 14 (+9), Dex: 20 (+12) Int: 16 (+10), Wis: 14 (+9), Cha: 12 (+8)Initiative: +11; Speed: 6
AC: 26; Fort: 26, Ref: 28, Will: 24
HP: 1; a missed attack never damages a mook‡ Shortsword (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+19 vs AC; 12 damage.
⤢ Crossbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 15/30; +19 vs AC; 12 damage.
Quick Shift
The crossbow master can shift a square as a swift action.
Level 14 Mook Striker (250 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +14
Languages: Common
Str: 18 (+11), Con: 18 (+11), Dex: 18 (+11) Int: 12 (+8), Wis: 14 (+9), Cha: 12 (+8)Initiative: +13; Speed: 6
AC: 28; Fort: 26, Ref: 28, Will: 24
HP: 1; a missed attack never damages a mook‡ Longsword (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+19 vs AC; 16 damage.
Wild Strike (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
The blademaster gains a +2 power bonus to attack and makes a longsword attack. The blademaster then suffers a -2 penalty to AC and Reflex defense until the start of their next turn.
Cruel Lieutenant
Level 14 Elite Striker (2000 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Evil)
Senses: Perception +14; Skills: Acrobatics +16, Athletics +17, Intimidate +14
Languages: Common
Str: 18 (+11), Con: 20 (+12), Dex: 18 (+11) Int: 15 (+9), Wis: 14 (+9), Cha: 12 (+8)Initiative: +14; Speed: 6
Action Points: 1
AC: 28; Fort: 27, Ref: 25, Will: 25; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 188, Staggered: 94
Resist: all 5‡ Improvised Weapon (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+19 vs AC; 3d6+12 damage.
One-Handed Choke (standard, refresh 5, 6)
+19 vs AC; 3d8+12 damage, and the target is grappled.
Rage (standard, at-will)
The cruel lieutenant shifts 4 squares and gains 10 temporary hit points.
† Menacing Lift (standard and move, at-will)
+17 vs AC (must be grappling the target); 3d8+12 damage and the target is dazed and takes persistent 5 damage (save ends both).
Formidable Archer
Level 15 Archer (1200 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Evil)
Senses: Perception +14; Skills: Acrobatics +16, Intimidate +14, Stealth +16
Languages: Common
Str: 16 (+10), Con: 16 (+10), Dex: 18 (+11) Int: 15 (+9), Wis: 14 (+9), Cha: 14 (+9)Initiative: +11; Speed: 6
AC: 27; Fort: 26, Ref: 27, Will: 26
HP: 81, Staggered: 40‡ Knife (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+20 vs AC; 2d8+8 damage.
⤢ Composite Longbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 40/70; +20 vs AC; 3d6+15 damage, and the target is weakened or slowed (save ends).
Called Shot (move, refresh 5, 6)
The formidable archer hits with their next composite longbow attack this turn.
Head Shot (free, encounter)
When the formidable archer hits with a composite longbow attack: The triggering attack becomes a critical hit.
Level 16 Elite Wrecker (Leader) (2800 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Evil)
Senses: Perception +15; Skills: Acrobatics +12, Intimidate +9, Stealth +12
Languages: Common
Str: 18 (+12), Con: 20 (+13), Dex: 16 (+11) Int: 16 (+11), Wis: 14 (+10), Cha: 10 (+8)Initiative: +11; Speed: 6
Action Points: 1
AC: 28; Fort: 29, Ref: 27, Will: 29; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 246, Staggered: 123
Resist: all 5‡ Gauntlet (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+21 vs AC; 4d8+11 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
⤢ Acid Splash (standard, at-will) ● Acid
Ranged 30/60; +19 vs AC (two adjacent creatures); 3d6+8 damage.
Unstaggered Regeneration
At the start of its turn, if the archvillain is not staggered, it heals 5 hit points.
Weak Point
When an enemy scores a critical hit on the archvillain, the archvillain suffers an additional 20 damage.
⋇ Thunderball (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Thunder
Far burst 1 within 10; +19 vs Reflex; 3d6+8 thunder damage, and the target is knocked prone and stunned until the start of the archvillain’s next turn.
Second Phase (reaction, encounter)
When the archvillain is reduced to 0 hit points or lower: The archvillain heals 190 hit points and any of their powers that originally required a standard action now require a move action.
Thieves’ Guild
A thieves’ guild, powerful and united bandit clan or other group of well-established, stealthy combatants can be represented by the statistics below.
Crossbow Skirmisher
Level 5 Mook Archer (50 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +7; Skills: Intimidate +7, Stealth +9
Languages: Common
Str: 13 (+3), Con: 12 (+3), Dex: 14 (+4) Int: 12 (+3), Wis: 12 (+3), Cha: 11 (+2)Initiative: +4; Speed: 6
AC: 17; Fort: 17, Ref: 18, Will: 16
HP: 1; a missed attack never damages a mook‡ Shortsword (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+10 vs AC; 5 damage.
⤢ Repeater Crossbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +10 vs AC; 7 damage.
Wild Spray (move, at-will) ● Weapon
The crossbow skirmisher hit with a repeater crossbow attack this turn; the crossbow skirmisher makes one repeater crossbow attack against another enemy within 2 squares of the original target.
Cowled Assassin
Level 5 Skulker (200 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +9; Skills: Bluff +11, Intimidate +10, Stealth +11
Languages: Common
Str: 10 (+2), Con: 12 (+3), Dex: 18 (+6) Int: 16 (+5), Wis: 16 (+5), Cha: 18 (+6)Initiative: +10; Speed: 6
AC: 19; Fort: 16, Ref: 18, Will: 18
HP: 41, Staggered: 20‡ Concealed Knife (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+10 vs AC; 1d8+6 damage, and the target takes persistent 5 damage (save ends).
A Looker
Until the cowled assassin hits with concealed knife, he gains a +3 power bonus to all defenses and a +3 power bonus to Bluff and Intimidate skill checks.
Slip-Out (move, at-will)
The cowled assassin shifts 4 squares and gains a +1 power bonus to AC until the start of their next turn.
Relay Information (move, at-will)
Ranged 20; +8 vs Will; the target grants combat advantage to the cowled assassin until the start of the cowled assassin’s next turn. For the same duration, the target also grants combat advantage to all allies of the cowled assassin who share a language with the cowled assassin.
Repeater Crossbow Master
Level 5 Archer (200 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +9; Skills: Intimidate +7, Athletics +10
Languages: Common
Str: 13 (+3), Con: 16 (+5), Dex: 13 (+3) Int: 12 (+3), Wis: 14 (+4), Cha: 11 (+2)Initiative: +3; Speed: 5
AC: 17; Fort: 17, Ref: 16, Will: 16
HP: 41, Staggered: 20‡ Shortsword (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+10 vs AC; 1d6+4 damage.
⤢ Repeater Crossbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 25/50; +10 vs AC; 2d6+6 damage.
⋇ Bring Down the Rain (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Far wall 4 within 25; +8 vs Reflex; 1d8+6 damage.
Wolfshead Bandit
Level 6 Mook Archer (63 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +10; Skills: Intimidate +9, Stealth +11
Languages: Common
Str: 14 (+5), Con: 14 (+5), Dex: 16 (+6) Int: 13 (+4), Wis: 14 (+5), Cha: 12 (+4)Initiative: +6; Speed: 6
AC: 18; Fort: 18, Ref: 17, Will: 17
HP: 1; a missed attack never damages a mook‡ Scythe (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+11 vs AC; 5 damage.
⤢ Bow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +11 vs AC; 7 damage.
Level 6 Wrecker (250 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +10; Skills: Intimidate +11, Athletics +12
Languages: Common
Str: 18 (+7), Con: 16 (+6), Dex: 14 (+5) Int: 12 (+4), Wis: 14 (+5), Cha: 12 (+4)Initiative: +5; Speed: 6
AC: 18; Fort: 19, Ref: 18, Will: 18
HP: 63, Staggered: 31
Resist: all 5‡ Club (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+11 vs AC; 1d8+6 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the hulk’s next turn.
⤢ Bow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +11 vs AC; 2d6+7 damage.
Hulking (move, refresh 4, 5, 6)
If the hulk is dazed, immobile, slowed or weakened, the hulk loses these conditions.
Sniper Bandit
Level 7 Mook Striker (75 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +9; Skills: Intimidate +9, Stealth +11
Languages: Common
Str: 13 (+4), Con: 15 (+5), Dex: 17 (+6) Int: 12 (+4), Wis: 14 (+5), Cha: 12 (+4)Initiative: +8; Speed: 6
AC: 21; Fort: 19, Ref: 20, Will: 19
HP: 1; a missed attack never damages a mook‡ Dagger (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+12 vs AC; 6 damage.
⤢ Repeater Arbalest (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +12 vs AC; 6 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
↗ Sprint Shot (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Shift 4 squares then: Ranged 10/20; +12 vs AC; 6 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
King of Thieves
Level 7 Elite Blocker (Leader) (600 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +10; Skills: Acrobatics +12, Intimidate +9, Stealth +12
Languages: Common
Str: 14 (+5), Con: 16 (+6), Dex: 18 (+7) Int: 15 (+5), Wis: 14 (+5), Cha: 12 (+4)Initiative: +9; Speed: 6
Action Points: 1
AC: 23; Fort: 18, Ref: 20, Will: 20; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 118, Staggered: 59
Sleep When You’re Dead aura 5: Each time an ally in the aura suffers damage that causes them to become staggered or be reduced to 0 hit points or below, the ally may immediately make a basic attack. If the ally is at 0 hit points or below, it falls unconscious after making the attack.‡ Dagger (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+12 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage.
⤢ Crossbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +12 vs AC; 2d8+6 damage.
Empty The Quiver (standard, refresh 6)
The king of thieves makes a crossbow attack. If it hits, the king makes another crossbow attack. This continues until the king of thieves misses or has made four crossbow attacks.
Intimidating (counter, at-will)
When the king of thieves is hit: The attacker re-rolls their attack roll and takes the lower result.
Inevitables are epic threats that punish those who defy the laws of the universe.
Level 20 Skulker (2800 XP)
Medium Fey Humanoid ● Undead (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +23, darkvision; Skills: Arcana +28, Bluff +32, Nature +28, Sleight of Hand +30, Stealth +30
Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan
Str: 21 (+15), Con: 18 (+14), Dex: 20 (+15) Int: 17 (+13), Wis: 16 (+13), Cha: 24 (+17)Initiative: +25; Speed: 8
AC: 32; Fort: 33, Ref: 31, Will: 32
HP: 147, Staggered: 73
Immune: disease, poison, Resist: 10 necrotic, Vulnerable: 10 radiant‡ Claws (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic
+25 vs AC; 6d6+7 necrotic damage and the target grants combat advantage until the end of its next turn.
⤢ Blight (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Necrotic
Ranged 10; +25 vs Fortitude; 6d6+7 necrotic damage and the target is placed under lifewatch until the end of the encounter. If a creature under lifewatch heals or receives healing, it is weakened (save ends).
† Mesmerizing Touch (swift, refresh 5, 6) ● Charm, Psychic
+25 vs Will; The target is dazed until the end of its next turn, and placed under lifewatch until the end of the encounter. If the target is already under lifewatch, they are stunned instead of dazed.
Provisional Healing (swift, encounter) ● Healing
An adjacent creature not under lifewatch heals equal to its recovery value. It is then under lifewatch until the end of the encounter.
Weakened by Sunlight
While in bright light, the Undying grants combat advantage.
The Undying are elves and fey who attempted to extend their lifespans by unnatural means, and were struck down by the god Enoran as punishment. Now they hunt those who would prolong their lives.
Level 21 Blocker (3200 XP)
Large Outsider Humanoid ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +23, darkvision; Skills: Diplomacy +29, Insight +28, Religion +26
Languages: Common
Str: 35 (+22), Con: 20 (+15), Dex: 13 (+11) Int: 12 (+11), Wis: 17 (+13), Cha: 18 (+14)Initiative: +21; Speed: 6
AC: 37; Fort: 34, Ref: 33, Will: 33
HP: 129, Staggered: 64‡ Fist of Thunder (standard, at-will) ● Thunder
Reach 2; +26 vs AC; 6d6+8 thunder damage and the target is deafened (save ends) and pushed 2 squares.
‡ Fist of Lightning (standard, at-will) ● Lightning
Reach 2; +26 vs AC; 6d6+8 lightning damage and the target is blinded until the end of their next turn.
↗ Word of Command (swift, at-will) ● Charm, Psychic
Ranged 10; +26 vs Will; The marut chooses one: the target falls prone, the target is immobile until the end of their next turn, the target drops what they are holding, the target is pulled 6 squares or the target is pushed 6 squares.
↗ Mark of Justice (swift, at-will) ● Charm, Psychic
Ranged 10; +26 vs Will; The marut announces something the target must not do. A mark appears on the target’s forehead (save ends). If the target does that thing while the mark is on their forehead, the target takes 3d8+8 damage.
Regeneration (swift, at-will) ● Healing, Stance
At the beginning of the marut’s next turn, it heals 15 damage. While in this stance, it cannot make opportunity attacks.
Plane Shift (swift, daily) ● Stance
At the beginning of the marut’s next turn, it travels to another plane of existence of its choice. It then leaves this stance. While in this stance, it cannot make opportunity attacks.
Maruts confront those who would try to deny the grave itself.
Any who use unnatural means to extend their life span could be targeted by a marut. Those who take extraordinary measures to cheat death in some other way might be labeled transgressors as well. Those who use magic to reverse death aren’t worthy of a marut’s attention unless they do so repeatedly or on a massive scale.
When a marut has identified its target, it walks surely and implacably toward the foe, never resting.
The Infected come about because of a disease, which creates lesions, warts, and boils on the skin as well as causing inflammation within the brain. Those infected think only of eating and destroying. The disease is extremely infectious and can render the target violently ill for days or weeks, bringing them near the point of death, but most of those infected make a full recovery - if they are given time. Infected are also known as “false zombies”.

Infected Animal
Level 3 Wrecker (150 XP)
Medium Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +1, darkvision
Str: 16 (+4), Con: 12 (+2), Dex: 13 (+2) Int: 1 (-4), Wis: 10 (+1), Cha: 3 (-3)Initiative: +2; Speed: 8, climb 4
AC: 15; Fort: 15, Ref: 16, Will: 15
HP: 45, Staggered: 22; see also nerve shot
Immune: disease, poison‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+8 vs AC; 1d8+6 damage, and if the target is Medium or smaller, it is knocked prone.
† Rake (move, at-will)
+6 vs AC (one prone enemy); 1d8+6 damage, and the target is immobile until the start of the Infected animal’s next turn.
Nerve Shot
Any critical hit to the Infected animal reduces it to 0 hit points instantly.
Brains …
If the Infected animal is marked, it ignores that condition while adjacent to a prone enemy.
Infected animals are mostly dogs with the occasional bear thrown in. They prefer running at full speed, pouncing an opponent with the basic strike, and then keeping them in place by raking at them constantly.
Infected Drone
Level 3 Wrecker (150 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +0, darkvision
Str: 14 (+3), Con: 10 (+1), Dex: 6 (-1) Int: 1 (-4), Wis: 8 (+0), Cha: 3 (-3)Initiative: -1; Speed: 3, climb 3
AC: 15; Fort: 16, Ref: 15, Will: 15
HP: 45, Staggered: 22; see also nerve shot
Immune: disease, poison‡ Slam (standard, at-will)
+8 vs AC; 1d8+6 damage.
† Infected Grab (counter, at-will)
When an enemy attempts to move out of an adjacent square; +6 vs Reflex; The target’s move action ends without it moving from the square.
Nerve Shot
Any critical hit to the Infected drone reduces it to 0 hit points instantly.
Inhuman Burst (free, encounter)
The speed of the Infected drone increases to 6 until the end of its turn.
Humanoids who are infected by the virus become Infected drones.
Infected Guard
Level 4 Wrecker (150 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +1, darkvision
Str: 14 (+4), Con: 10 (+2), Dex: 6 (+0) Int: 1 (-3), Wis: 8 (+1), Cha: 3 (-2)Initiative: +0; Speed: 4, climb 2
AC: 16; Fort: 18, Ref: 16, Will: 14
HP: 51, Staggered: 25; see also nerve shot
Immune: disease, poison‡ Slam (standard, at-will)
+9 vs AC; 2d6+5 damage.
† Infected Grab (counter, at-will)
When an enemy leaves an adjacent square; +7 vs Reflex; The target is unable to move from the square.
Shreds of Armor (counter, encounter)
When the guard is hit, including by a critical hit: The guard takes no damage and is dazed until the end of its next turn.
Nerve Shot
Any critical hit to the Infected guard reduces it to 0 hit points instantly.
Force of Attack
If the Infected guard scores a critical hit, it knocks the enemy prone and can immediately make a slam attack against the enemy as a free action.
Infected guards were soldiers or guards who were infected while they were still in armor. They are also physically larger.
Infected Grub
Level 5 Mook Striker (50 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception -1, darkvision
Str: 16 (+5), Con: 10 (+2), Dex: 10 (+2) Int: 1 (-3), Wis: 8 (+1), Cha: 3 (-2)Initiative: +0; Speed: 4, climb 2
AC: 19; Fort: 17, Ref: 17, Will: 16
HP: 1; a missed attack never damages a mook
Immune: disease, poison‡ Slam (standard, at-will)
+10 vs AC; 5 damage.
Infected drones that go undestroyed for long enough become Infected grubs. They prefer running towards a target and ripping it apart.
Infected Behemoth
Level 8 Wrecker (350 XP)
Large Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +3, darkvision
Str: 21 (+9), Con: 18 (+8), Dex: 10 (+4) Int: 1 (-1), Wis: 8 (+3), Cha: 3 (+0)Initiative: +5; Speed: 5, climb 2
AC: 20; Fort: 24, Ref: 18, Will: 19
HP: 75, Staggered: 37
Immune: disease, poison‡ Slam (standard, at-will)
Reach 2; +13 vs AC; 2d8+7 damage or 2d6+5 damage, and the target is grappled.
↗ Debris Throw (standard, refresh 4, 5, 6)
Far burst 2 within 20; +11 vs Reflex; 2d6+5 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
† Hulk Rend (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Reach 2; +11 vs AC (must be grappling the target); 2d8+7 damage, and the target is dazed and weakened (save ends both).
The behemoth has had their body and muscles expand until they reach a massive size. The behemoth will use debris throw (if no debris is readily to hand, it will rip up a chunk of earth or a large rock) to knock down opponents and run up to fallen targets to use hulk rend.
The Invaders represent an alien invasion. The Invaders may be merely an exploratory force, or a misdirected unit intended for a fight on another planet, or the full force of an interstellar armada. In any case, the creatures outlined here represent bodies (also called “shells”) cobbled together by the aliens from supplies on their spaceship and whatever materials - inorganic and otherwise - that they find.
The invasion force consists of “skinner” shock troops and “widows”, which provide command and control. Mobile artillery units are called “chanks” and the flying vehicles are “screamers”. There are also rarely seen larger “beast” mobile strongpoints.
The Invaders have basic intelligence and, with the help of a widow, can coordinate their actions and formulate tactics. However, their overarching strategy of the entire force depends on the “Tri-Pod”—the alien commander.
Fantasy alternatives
Mixing science fiction and fantasy genres has been a part of the hobby since the very beginning, but it will not suite all fantasy campaigns.
The Invaders could just as easily be insectoid horrors from another dimension seeking out warm-blooded food or ancient alchemical constructs that cannibalize the living to replenish their numbers.
Level 13 Mook Archer (350 XP)
Medium Cosmic Automaton ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +14; Skills: Acrobatics +16, Athletics +15
Str: 14 (+8), Con: 14 (+8), Dex: 20 (+11) Int: 16 (+9), Wis: 14 (+8), Cha: 12 (+7)Initiative: +13; Speed: 6
AC: 25; Fort: 25, Ref: 27, Will: 23
HP: 1; a missed attack never damages a mook⤢ Merged Weapon (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 15/30; +18 vs AC; 10 damage.
Backup System (counter, encounter)
When the skinner is reduced to 0 hit points or below by a non-critical hit: The skinner’s current hit point total is set to 1.
Skinners are jumbled collections of cybernetic and organic parts. They are produced in the thousands from on-site materials.
Level 13 Elite Wrecker (1600 XP)
Large Cosmic Automaton ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +8; Skills: Intimidate +12, Athletics +15
Str: 18 (+10), Con: 18 (+10), Dex: 12 (+7) Int: 12 (+7), Wis: 14 (+8), Cha: 12 (+7)Initiative: +7; Speed: 4
Action Points: 1
AC: 25; Fort: 28, Ref: 25, Will: 23; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 210, Staggered: 105‡ Slam (standard, at-will)
+18 vs AC; 3d8+10 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square.
⤢ Weapon Arm (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 40/80; +18 vs AC; 3d6+13 damage.
Chaos Fire (move, at-will)
When the punk hits with its weapon arm attack: The punk makes another weapon arm attack.
Too Close (move, at-will)
The punk makes a slam attack.
Tracking (move, at-will)
Ranged 40/80 (one square of cover); The punk ignores cover provided by that source until the end of the punk’s next turn.
Anarchy Response (swift, refresh 6)
When the punk hits with its weapon arm using chaos fire: The punk makes another weapon arm attack.
The punk is a larger infantry support unit with four legs, capable of laying down heavy fire against single or multiple targets. What’s left of its organic head has been supplanted with considerable tracking equipment to pinpoint distant targets. The punk is also often seen as a counter to flying opponents. It is often flanked by at least a half-dozen skinners.
Level 14 Archer (1000 XP)
Large Cosmic Automaton ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +8; Skills: Athletics +12
Str: 10 (+7), Con: 8 (+6), Dex: 16 (+10) Int: 14 (+9), Wis: 14 (+9), Cha: 8 (+6)Initiative: +7; Speed: 3
AC: 26; Fort: 25, Ref: 27, Will: 25
HP: 77, Staggered: 38⤢ Self Propelled Plasma Artillery System (standard and move, at-will) ● Weapon
Far burst 1 within 5 and 120; +17 vs Reflex; 2d8+8 damage, and the target is knocked prone. Miss: Half damage.
⋇ Perimeter Blast (standard and move, refresh 4, 5, 6) ● Weapon
Far burst 1 within 5 and 120; +17 vs Reflex; The target is pushed 4 squares. If the target cannot be pushed 4 squares, it takes 2d8+8 damage. Buildings, objects, non-moving vehicles, and terrain take 40 points of damage.
Secured Position
As long as there is at least one ally adjacent to the chank, the chank is immune to being immobile, knocked prone, pushed, slowed or marked.
Charge Capacitor (standard, at-will)
Increase the damage of the chank’s next self propelled plasma artillery system attack by 1d8.
Capacitor Purge (reaction, encounter)
When the chank is reduced to 0 hit points or below: The chank makes a perimeter blast attack.
This unfortunately nicknamed cybernetic mobile artillery unit is only seen coupled with larger units. It has few organic components in its assembly, mostly consisting of recoil absorption hardware and armament. As the chank has no close combat capacity, it depends on its guards to protect it.
Baby Screamer
Level 14 Mook Archer (250 XP)
Medium Cosmic Automaton ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +11
Str: 14 (+9), Con: 10 (+7), Dex: 18 (+11) Int: 12 (+8), Wis: 10 (+7), Cha: 8 (+6)Initiative: +14; Speed: fly 7
AC: 26; Fort: 25, Ref: 27, Will: 25
HP: 1; a missed attack never damages a mook⤢ Pulse Rifle (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +19 vs AC; 9 damage, and the baby screamer can shift one square.
Dash (move, at-will)
The baby screamer shifts 2 squares.
Pulse Engine (counter, encounter)
When an enemy hits the baby screamer: The baby screamer shifts one square, and the attack misses.
Mother Screamer
Level 14 Skulker (Leader) (1000 XP)
Large Cosmic Automaton ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +12
Str: 14 (+9), Con: 18 (+11), Dex: 16 (+10) Int: 12 (+8), Wis: 10 (+7), Cha: 8 (+6)Initiative: +7; Speed: fly 5
AC: 28; Fort: 26, Ref: 27, Will: 25
HP: 77, Staggered: 38⤢ Pulse Rifle (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 30/60; +19 vs AC; 3d6+12 damage.
Repulsor Shield
The screamer does not provoke opportunity attacks when attacking. The screamer is immune to attacks made from a range of 30 squares or more.
Deploy Support Unit (move, at-will)
Place a baby screamer in an adjacent square. The mother can only have three baby units in the encounter at a time. A baby placed this way acts on the mother’s initiative and can act immediately after being placed.
Dash (move, at-will)
Shift 2 squares.
Screamer is an umbrella term for one-manned aircraft operated by the shells. Both are considered attack vehicles as neither can be used as a transport. The smaller screamer is used in close quarters as a high-ground support platform for ground based infantry shells while the larger one is an anti-vehicle / crowd disposal device. The only organic compound used in the screamer is a brain (the baby often sports an exposed human skull).
Level 14 Boss Striker (5000 XP)
Large Cosmic Automaton ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +14; Skills: Athletics +16
Str: 18 (+11), Con: 16 (+10), Dex: 16 (+10) Int: 16 (+10), Wis: 14 (+9), Cha: 6 (+5)Initiative: +12; Speed: 7
Action Points: 2
AC: 28; Fort: 27, Ref: 27, Will: 24; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 376, Staggered: 188‡ Slam (standard, at-will)
+19 vs AC; 2d8+15 damage.
Raw Materials
Place six corpses in Near burst 10 around the beast at the start of the encounter.
Gray Infection (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+17 vs Reflex; 2d8+7 damage, and the target suffers persistent 1 damage until the end of the encounter.
∢ Shoulder-Mounted Plasma Caster (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Near burst 1 (within 20/40); +17 vs Reflex; 2d8+7 damage, and the target takes persistent 5 fire damage (save ends).
↗ Flesh Hooks (standard, refresh 5, 6)
Ranged 20; +17 vs Reflex; 3d6+13 damage, the target is pulled into an adjacent square, and the beast immediately makes a gray infection attack.
Convert (move, at-will)
Target one adjacent corpse or killed creature. The target is replaced with a skinner. A skinner placed this way acts on the beast’s initiative and can act immediately after being placed.
Nano-Propagation (swift, at-will)
Select one enemy suffering from persistent damage from gray infection. Increase the persistent damage by 1.
Also known as a conversion unit, the beast is a mobile command node that expands the Invaders’ influence and sphere of control. Although capable of combat, the beast prefers to remain back, while constructing more Invaders. While fixed and defended facilities produce larger units like screamers and punks, beasts expand though uncontrolled and populated areas producing ground units as fast as they can acquire raw materials. To destroy one is to cripple the enemy advancement in that area. Unfortunately, beasts are incredibly difficult to defeat. Unlike many Invaders, the beast, although cybernetic, has no visible human features.
Level 15 Spoiler (Leader) (1200 XP)
Medium Cosmic Automaton ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +14; Skills: Acrobatics +16, Intimidate +14, Stealth +16
Str: 16 (+10), Con: 16 (+10), Dex: 18 (+11) Int: 15 (+9), Wis: 14 (+9), Cha: 14 (+9)Initiative: +11; Speed: 6
AC: 29; Fort: 26, Ref: 26, Will: 30
HP: 99, Staggered: 49‡ No Other Solution (standard, at-will)
+20 vs AC; 3d6+13 damage.
⤢ Direct Control (standard, at-will)
One skinner within 20 squares makes a basic attack which automatically hits its target.
Pulse Sequence (move, refresh 4, 5, 6)
Place one skinner in an adjacent square.
Uplink (swift, at-will) ● Stance
When the widow enters this stance it chooses a skinner within 20 squares. On its turn, that skinner can (as a swift action) shift one square and make a basic attack. The widow can select a new skinner as the target of this stance as a swift action.
The widow is an advanced skinner that has the capacity to influence if not outright control the skinners around it. The widow has very few organic components, sometimes as little as 2%. It also doesn’t always completely follow the humanoid form. Some have synthetic tentacles while others have multiple legs. Individual units have been nicknamed “scorpion,” ”centaur, ” “tarantula,” and “octopus”.

The Tri-Pod
Level 15 Boss Striker (6000 XP)
Gargantuan Cosmic Automaton ● Construct, Mount (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +16; Skills: Athletics +16, Bluff +16, Intimidate +16
Str: 18 (+11), Con: 16 (+10), Dex: 14 (+9) Int: 20 (+12), Wis: 18 (+11), Cha: 16 (+10)Initiative: +11; Speed: 5
Action Points: 2
AC: 29; Fort: 27, Ref: 26, Will: 29; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 396, Staggered: 198⤢ Heat Ray (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 50/100 (minimum Ranged 4); +20 vs AC; 24 damage. This is considered a critical hit. The Tri-Pod does not provoke opportunity attacks with its heat ray. The Tri-Pod cannot use heat ray on a creature it is grappling.
Force Field
The Tri-Pod begins an encounter with resist 50 to all damage. If the Tri-Pod takes any damage, it loses force field (but see power systems repaired).
↗ Dual Turrets (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
The Tri-Pod makes two heat ray attacks. They cannot target the same creature.
Tentacle Whip (move, at-will) ● Weapon
Reach 4; +18 vs Reflex (two creatures); 2d8+8 damage, and the target is either grappled or pushed 6 squares. If the target hits an obstruction, it takes 2d8 additional damage.
Tentacle Crush (move, at-will)
Reach 4; +18 vs Fortitude (must be grappling the target); 3d6+13 damage.
Power Systems Repaired (reaction, encounter)
When the Tri-Pod is reduced to 0 hit points or lower: The Tri-Pod’s force field is re-activated; it stands up (if prone) and heals 300 hit points.
Spirit, the Invader commander, is locked in a three-legged mobile command robot known inventively as the Tri-Pod.
Jiang-shi are hopping vampires.

In the World
Distractable: The jiang-shi is compelled to count any heap of things it comes across, like a pile of glutinous rice or a basket of hen eggs. It must spend at least one move action per round counting until it has finished. A jiang-shi is a very fast counter and can count most piles of items in one move action, but very large piles may take as many as three move actions. It cannot use its special scroll or drink breath powers while there is a pile yet to count or on a turn that it has spent some time counting.
One More Breath: When a jiang-shi is reduced to 0 HP or below, they fall unconscious and awaken in 1 hour with full hit points. The jiang-shi must then immediately focus for 1 minute to fully return from the Beyond. If it fails to do so (for example, because it is was distracted counting for part of the minute), it is destroyed.
Weaknesses: Creatures can use a mirror or ringing bell to repel a jiang-shi, or an altar heaped with edible offerings to the spirits to lure a jiang-shi (see Advanced Combat).
Transformation: If a jiang-shi scholar has drunk the breath of 10 or more humanoids, then the next time it is reduced to 0 HP, it reforms as a jiang-shi magistrate. This is a good opportunity for the heroes to face the jiang-shi in a weaker form, get a sense of its powers and tactics to defeat it, and then a few days later face a more challenging jiang-shi magistrate.
Jiang-Shi Scholar
Level 8 Boss Striker (Leader) (1750 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Undead (Evil)
Senses: Perception +12, blind, breathsense 12; Skills: Acrobatics +13, Athletics +10, Insight +12, Stealth +13
Languages: Common
Str: 12 (+5), Con: 12 (+5), Dex: 18 (+8) Int: 12 (+5), Wis: 16 (+7), Cha: 14 (+6)Initiative: +8; Speed: 6 (versatile stride)
Action Points: 2
AC: 22; Fort: 19, Ref: 21, Will: 20; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 256, Staggered: 128
Immune: prone, Resist: necrotic 5, Vulnerable: radiant 5‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+13 vs AC; 2d10+5 damage.
† Claw (standard, at-will)
+13 vs AC; 1d10+5 damage, and the target is grappled.
Multiattack (standard, at-will)
Make a claw and a bite attack.
Special Scroll ● Healing
While the jiang-shi is not staggered, it has regeneration 5 and a +4 power bonus to defenses against Arcane attacks.
† Drink Breath (swift, at-will)
+11 vs Fortitude (must be grappling the target); 3d10+5 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened (save ends), though no longer grappled. Sudden leap refreshes. Also see Transformation, above.
Sudden Leap (counter, refresh special)
Triggered when the jiang-shi is the target of a melee attack; the jiang-shi grapples the attacker and jumps 6 squares. The attacker can then make their attack if able to do so.
As truesight, except that a living creature who holds their breath and covers their mouth and nose is invisible to the jiang-shi for as long as they hold their breath. Covering the nose and mouth can be done with a free hand, or through another contrivance.
Jiang-Shi Magistrate
Level 11 Boss Striker (Leader) (3000 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Undead (Evil)
Senses: Perception +14, blind, breathsense 18; Skills: Acrobatics +15, Athletics +12, History +12, Insight +14, Stealth +15
Languages: Common
Str: 14 (+7), Con: 14 (+7), Dex: 20 (+10) Int: 14 (+7), Wis: 18 (+9), Cha: 16 (+8)Initiative: +10; Speed: 8 (versatile stride, water walk)
Action Points: 2
AC: 25; Fort: 22, Ref: 24, Will: 23; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 316, Staggered: 158
Immune: prone, Resist: necrotic 10, Vulnerable: radiant 10‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+16 vs AC; 3d8+5 damage.
† Claw (standard, at-will)
Reach 2; +16 vs AC; 2d8+5 damage, and the target is grappled.
Multiattack (standard, at-will)
Make a claw and a bite attack.
Special Scroll ● Healing
While the jiang-shi is not staggered, it has regeneration 10 and a +4 power bonus to defenses against Arcane attacks.
† Drink Breath (swift, at-will)
+14 vs Fortitude (must be grappling the target); 6d6+4 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened (save ends) and still grappled. Sudden leap refreshes.
Sudden Leap (counter, refresh special)
Triggered when the jiang-shi is the target of a melee attack; the jiang-shi grapples the attacker and jumps 8 squares. The attacker’s attack fails.
As truesight, except that a living creature who holds their breath and covers their mouth and nose is invisible to the jiang-shi for as long as they hold their breath. Covering the nose and mouth can be done with a free hand, or through another contrivance.
Water Walk
The jiang-shi can walk across the surface of water as if it were solid ground.

Lycanthropes are humanoids that can take animal or hybrid form. Those bitten by a lycanthrope risk contracting the disease themselves. This is represented by the curse of lycanthropy affliction (see the Afflictions chapter).
Wolf Shifter
Level 6 Striker (250 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Shapeshifter (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +14, low-light vision; Skills: Stealth +15
Languages: Common
Str: 17 (+6), Con: 19 (+7), Dex: 19 (+7) Int: 14 (+5), Wis: 16 (+6), Cha: 16 (+6)Initiative: +10; Speed: 6
AC: 20; Fort: 17, Ref: 19, Will: 18
HP: 54, Staggered: 27‡ Battleaxe (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+11 vs AC; 2d10+3 damage.
‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+11 vs AC; 1d12+4 damage and the target falls prone and is exposed to lycanthropy.
† Hamstring (standard, encounter)
+11 vs AC; 3d8+5 damage and the target is slowed (save ends). While the target is slowed, if it is knocked prone it becomes immobile (save ends) instead of slowed.
Pack Tactics
The wolf shifter gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls for each ally adjacent to their target.
Change Form (swift, at-will) ● Stance
If the wolf shifter starts its turn in this stance, it changes form (from humanoid to wolf or vice versa). In humanoid form it can use battleaxe. In wolf form it can use bite and hamstring, and its speed increases to 8. In either form, it has pack tactics.
The wolf shifter can use battleaxe while in humanoid form and bite and hamstring while in wolf form.
Bear Shifter
Level 8 Wrecker (350 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Shapeshifter (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +8, low-light vision; Skills: Endure +16, Nature +13
Languages: Common
Str: 22 (+10), Con: 16 (+7), Dex: 20 (+9) Int: 14 (+6), Wis: 10 (+4), Cha: 17 (+7)Initiative: +13; Speed: 6
AC: 20; Fort: 21, Ref: 19, Will: 20
HP: 75, Staggered: 37‡ Maul (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+13 vs AC; 2d10+9 damage.
‡ Claws (standard, at-will)
+13 vs AC; 1d10+9 damage and the bear shifter gets 8 temporary hit points.
∢ Cave Bear Frenzy (standard, encounter)
Near burst 1, all enemies; +13 vs AC; 1d12+9 damage.
Overbearing Attack (standard, encounter)
The bear shifter charges and makes a basic attack. If the attack hits, the target is shunted 3 squares and knocked prone.
Change Form (swift, at-will) ● Stance
If the bear shifter starts its turn in this stance, it changes form (from humanoid to wolf or vice versa). In humanoid form it can use maul. In bear form it can use claws and cave bear frenzy and its speed increases to 8. In either form, it can use overbearing attack.
Raven Scout
Level 8 Skulker (350 XP)
Small Natural Humanoid ● Shapeshifter (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +8, low-light vision; Skills: Sleight of Hand +19, Stealth +19
Languages: Common
Str: 16 (+7), Con: 16 (+7), Dex: 22 (+10) Int: 18 (+8), Wis: 10 (+4), Cha: 17 (+7)Initiative: +14; Speed: 6, fly 8
AC: 20; Fort: 21, Ref: 19, Will: 20
HP: 75, Staggered: 37‡ Dagger Strike (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+13 vs AC; 2d10+5 damage.
⤢ Dagger Throw (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 5/10; +13 vs AC; 2d10+5 damage.
‡ Claws (standard, at-will)
+13 vs AC; 2d10+5 damage.
Twin Strike
Choose two enemies. Make a basic attack against each one.
Dive Bomb
Fly up to your speed. Make a basic melee attack against each enemy you move adjacent to during your flight.
Change Form (swift, at-will) ● Stance
If the raven scout starts its turn in this stance, it changes form (from humanoid to raven or vice versa). It can use dagger strike, dagger throw and twin strike in humanoid form and claws and dive bomb in raven form.
Rabbit Shaman
Level 11 Spoiler (600 XP)
Small Natural Humanoid ● Shapeshifter (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +16, low-light vision; Skills: Endure +17, Nature +21
Languages: Common
Str: 12 (+6), Con: 14 (+7), Dex: 21 (+10) Int: 18 (+9), Wis: 22 (+11), Cha: 20 (+10)Initiative: +15; Speed: 6, forest stride
AC: 25; Fort: 23, Ref: 22, Will: 24
HP: 79, Staggered: 39‡ Kick (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+16 vs AC; 3d8+5 damage.
⤢ Soulwrack (standard, at-will) ● Psychic
Ranged 10; +16 vs Will; 3d8+5 psychic damage.
∢ Spirit Assault (standard, encounter) ● Psychic
Near blast 5, all enemies; +16 vs Will; 3d8+5 psychic damage and the target is pushed 3 squares.
Change Form (swift, at-will) ● Stance
If the rabbit shifter starts its turn in this stance, it changes form (from humanoid to winter hare or vice versa). It can use all powers in either form.
The ophiduan are an ancient race of serpentine humanoids, whom legend states have walked the earth since before the rise of mammals.
Their cities stand in the midst of thick forests, wild jungles, hidden mountain passes, and anywhere else they can hide from the eyes of humanity. Should anyone draw near enough to see, however, the high walls and sweeping arches of their temples are unmistakable. As befits a race of snake-like creatures, their architecture favors tight spaces, ramps or shallow steps, and rooms built with floors and ledges at various heights. Their tools and weapons are similarly built, favoring flexibility and speed over brute force.

Semiferum Caste Ophiduan
Level 13 Striker (800 XP)
Medium Natural Monstrosity ● Reptile (Evil)
Senses: Perception +7, darkvision
Languages: Common, Draconic
Str: 10 (+6), Con: 19 (+10), Dex: 22 (+12) Int: 10 (+6), Wis: 12 (+7), Cha: 19 (+10)Initiative: +12; Speed: 6
AC: 27; Fort: 24, Ref: 26, Will: 25
HP: 89, Staggered: 44
Resist: poison 10‡ Spiked Chain (standard, at-will) ● Weapon, Poison
+18 vs AC; 3d8+7 poison damage.
⤢ Longbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 20; +18 vs AC; 3d8+7 damage.
∢ Charm (standard, encounter) ● Psychic, Charm
+16 vs Will; dazed (save ends).
This creature appears as a somehow pathetic cross of man and snake. A vaguely humanoid torso, covered in reptilian scales, melds into an enormous serpentine tail at the waist. A gaunt humanoid face, also covered in scales, bulges in odd spots as fangs far too large for the mouth push at the thin lips from within. Sporadic tufts of hair just from the top of the head, giving the creature almost a sickly appearance.
Hominis Caste Ophiduan
Level 13 Elite Spoiler (Leader) (1600 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Reptile (Evil)
Senses: Perception +10, darkvision
Languages: Common, Draconic
Str: 13 (+7), Con: 19 (+10), Dex: 15 (+8) Int: 22 (+12), Wis: 19 (+10), Cha: 18 (+10)Initiative: +8; Speed: 6
Action Points: 1
AC: 27; Fort: 25, Ref: 24, Will: 26; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 178, Staggered: 89
Resist: poison 10‡ Spear (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+18 vs AC; 3d8+7 damage.
⤢ Longbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 20; +18 vs AC; 3d8+7 damage.
↗ Ophidiophobia (swift, refresh 5, 6) ● Fear, Psychic
+16 vs Will; 4d10+6 psychic damage and push 4.
⋇ Hypnotism (standard, encounter) ● Psychic, Charm
Far burst 1 within 10; +16 vs Will; 3d8+7 psychic damage and dazed (save ends).
The individual before you might pass for human, were it not for the supple scales that make up her skin. Her eyes are dark and unblinking, her features gaunt, her teeth unusually sharp. A dark shock of hair begins at a widow’s peak at her forehead, and flows down her neck and back.
Anguineum Caste Ophiduan
Level 13 Boss Spoiler (3200 XP)
Medium Natural Monstrosity ● Reptile (Evil)
Senses: Perception +9, darkvision
Languages: Common, Draconic
Str: 22 (+12), Con: 18 (+10), Dex: 13 (+7) Int: 19 (+10), Wis: 17 (+9), Cha: 19 (+10)Initiative: +7; Speed: 6
Action Points: 2
AC: 27; Fort: 25, Ref: 24, Will: 26; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 356, Staggered: 178
Resist: poison 10
Ophidiophobia (Psychic) aura 2: Creatures beginning their turn in the aura take 4d10+6 psychic damage and are pushed 4.‡ Spear (standard, at-will) ● Weapon, Poison
+18 vs AC; 3d8+7 poison damage.
⤢ Longbow (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 20; +18 vs AC; 3d8+7 damage.
∢ Charm (swift, encounter) ● Psychic, Charm
+16 vs Will; dazed (save ends).
⋇ Hypnotism (standard, encounter) ● Psychic, Charm
Far burst 1 within 10; +16 vs Will; 3d8+7 psychic damage and dazed (save ends).
∢ Spit Poison (reaction, refresh 5, 6) ● Poison
When the anguineum hits with an attack: Near arc 3; +16 vs Fortitude; 3d8+7 poison damage, and the target takes persistent 5 poison damage (save ends). Aftereffect: The target is blinded (save ends).
This creature appears to be a great serpent with humanoid features. A serpentine torso boasts a pair of slender arms, each of which is abnormally long and possessed of two elbow joints. The torso splits into two long, writhing tails. A cobra-like hood flares open behind its head, which boasts an oversized face that — despite its scales and unhinged jaw — appears as much human as snake.
Jealous of the size and skeletons of larger creatures, the strange insects called ostovites use skeletons they find or “create” to build themselves chariots of bone.
Ostovites are usually found sheltered in their bone chariots, which they control through elaborate pulleys and levers. The ostovites will intermittently lift their bone chariot’s face masks (often made from hip bones or interlaced ribs) to strike with their mandibles.
Bone Chariot
Level 2 Blocker (125 XP)
Medium Natural Automaton ● Construct, Mount (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception -3
Str: 14 (+3), Con: 16 (+4), Dex: 8 (+0) Int: 2 (-3), Wis: 2 (-3), Cha: 2 (-3)Initiative: +0; Speed: 5
AC: 18; Fort: 15, Ref: 14, Will: 14
HP: 34, Staggered: 17
Resist: all 5‡ Slam (standard, at-will)
+7 vs AC; 1d12+3 damage.
Shelter ● Mount
An ostovite riding a bone chariot benefits from cover and the bone chariot’s resistance to all damage 5. It is affected by area of effect attacks, although it still receives the resistance against those attacks. The bone chariot acts on its rider’s initiative count.
Shattered Bone
While the bone chariot is staggered, it loses its resistance to all damage 5 and no longer grants shelter to the ostovite riding it.
Empty Vessel
If the ostovite riding the bone chariot is ever incapacitated or leaves the bone chariot, the bone chariot cannot take any actions until an ostovite rides it again.
Skeletons as assembled by someone with only a passing familiarity with or interest in human anatomy.
Game Master tips
The players will likely assume that the ostovite and its chariot are a single creature. Assume they are attacking the chariot unless they specify otherwise. When the ostovite is ready to attack, it lifts the chariot’s bone mask. At some point, they will tweak that the chariot’s skittering silver “tongue” is an armor-plated insect with a hundred chitinous legs gripping onto the chariot.
Since a chariot stops working when its ostovite is destroyed, the heroes may start targeting the ostovites with attacks. Some things they may choose include:
- The default is simply to attack the ostovite through the bone chariot. The ostovite has cover, and gets resistance from the chariot until the chariot is staggered.
- They may pull the chariot’s mask off to leave the ostovite exposed. Make a Strength check vs Fortitude.
- They may ready an action to attack when the ostovite attacks.
- Any other creative solution will do.
Level 2 Skulker (125 XP)
Tiny Cosmic Monstrosity (Evil)
Senses: Perception +2; Skills: Stealth +9
Str: 6 (-1), Con: 14 (+3), Dex: 16 (+4) Int: 2 (-3), Wis: 12 (+2), Cha: 8 (+0)Initiative: +4; Speed: 5
AC: 16; Fort: 14, Ref: 15, Will: 13
HP: 29, Staggered: 14
Resist: radiant 5‡ Mandibles (standard, at-will) ● Acid
+7 vs AC; 1d12+3 acid damage.
† Bone Spike (standard, at-will)
+7 vs AC; 2d10+2 damage. Special: Only usable if the ostovite is not in a bone chariot.
Scuttle Away (reaction, encounter)
When the ostovite’s bone chariot is destroyed; Shift 5.
Ostovite Sentient: As the ostovite, except it does not get bone spike. Instead, it has: Activation aura 10: Bone chariots within the aura that are not being ridden act on the ostovite sentient’s initiative as if they were being ridden, taking their full complement of actions.
Level 3 Boss Blocker (0 XP)
Large Natural Automaton ● Construct (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception -3
Str: 18 (+5), Con: 20 (+6), Dex: 6 (-1) Int: 2 (-3), Wis: 2 (-3), Cha: 2 (-3)Initiative: -1; Speed: 5
Action Points: 2
AC: 19; Fort: 16, Ref: 15, Will: 15; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 78, Staggered: 39; see also breakdown
Resist: all 5
Ostovite Lashings (Acid) aura 1: Creatures that begin their turn adjacent to the mega-chariot take 1d12+4 acid damage.‡ Slam (standard, at-will)
+8 vs AC; 1d12+4 damage.
↗ Ostovite Surprise (reaction, at-will) ● Acid
When an enemy does not move during their turn: Ranged 5; +8 vs AC; The target takes persistent 5 acid damage (save ends).
Bone Garden
Each time the mega-chariot takes damage, create a Near burst 1 zone of difficult terrain. This lasts until the end of the encounter.
When the mega-chariot is reduced to 0 HP or below, it is replaced by an ostovite swarm.
Game Master tips
The mega-chariot and ostovite swarm work differently to the bone chariot and ostovite described above. The mega-chariot and ostovite swarm together make a two-stage boss encounter.
The ostovite swarm cannot be targeted until the mega-chariot is destroyed. The mega-chariot gives no XP. The ostovite swarm must be defeated for the heroes to gain XP.
Ostovite Swarm
Level 3 Boss Spoiler (750 XP)
Large Cosmic Monstrosity ● Swarm (Evil)
Senses: Perception +2
Str: 12 (+2), Con: 14 (+3), Dex: 16 (+4) Int: 2 (-3), Wis: 12 (+2), Cha: 8 (+0)Initiative: +4; Speed: 5 (compress Tiny)
AC: 15; Fort: 13, Ref: 12, Will: 14
HP: 78, Staggered: 39
Resist: radiant 5
Activation aura 10: Bone chariots within the aura act on the ostovite swarm’s initiative as if they were being ridden, taking their full complement of actions.‡ Bone Spike (standard, at-will)
+8 vs AC; 1d12+4 damage, and the target is grappled (save ends).
∢ Mandibles (standard, at-will) ● Acid
Near arc 1; +8 vs AC; 1d12+2 acid damage.
† Begin the Harvest (standard, encounter)
+8 vs AC (must be grappling the target); 2d10+3 damage, and the target is weakened (save ends).
Scuttle Away (reaction, encounter)
When the ostovite swarm is staggered for the first time; Shift 5
Ghoul Worm
Level 4 Elite Striker (350 XP)
Large Cosmic Monstrosity (Evil)
Senses: Perception +7; Skills: Stealth +8
Str: 19 (+6), Con: 20 (+7), Dex: 9 (+1) Int: 7 (+0), Wis: 11 (+2), Cha: 9 (+1)Initiative: +3; Speed: 6
Action Points: 1
AC: 18; Fort: 15, Ref: 17, Will: 16; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 88, Staggered: 44
Resist: radiant 10
Stench aura 2: A living creature, other than a ghoul worm, that enters the aura or begins its turn in it is rattled (save ends).‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+9 vs AC; 1d12+5 damage, and the target is grappled.
† Slam (standard, at-will)
+9 vs AC; 1d12+5 damage, and the target takes persistent 5 necrotic damage (save ends).
† Constrict (standard, at-will)
Must be grappling the target; 1d12+5 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the ghoul worm’s next turn.
∢ Horror (counter, at-will) ● Fear, Psychic
Near burst 10, one creature; +7 vs Will (a creature sees the ghoul worm for the first time); The target is stunned until the end of their next turn.
Speed Burst (counter, refresh 4, 5, 6)
The ghoul worm takes a move action.
An ostovite that grows fat and strong on freshly-dead corpses eventually sheds its carapace and emerges as a ghoul worm, which resembles the decaying corpse of a naga or large snake. Ghoul worms often wear a giant skull to complete the illusion that they are an undead serpent. The emergence of a ghoul worm often provokes a schism in ostovite hives, with some in the hive worshipping the ghoul worm and others spurning it out of fear.
Plane of Shadow
The Plane of Shadow coexists alongside the Prime Material Plane, the world. It is a twisted shadow of the world.
Shadow Bat Swarm
Level 3 Skulker (150 XP)
Medium Shadow Beast ● Swarm (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +7, darkvision; Skills: Stealth +10
Str: 13 (+2), Con: 14 (+3), Dex: 18 (+5) Int: 2 (-3), Wis: 13 (+2), Cha: 11 (+1)Initiative: +9; Speed: 2, fly 8 (compress Tiny, clumsy in air)
AC: 17; Fort: 15, Ref: 17, Will: 14
HP: 33, Staggered: 16; see also umbra healing
Resist: cold 5, necrotic 5, Melee and Ranged attacks (half damage), Vulnerable: radiant 5, Near and Far attacks 5
Swarm Violence aura 1: If an enemy begins their turn in this aura, the swarm makes a basic melee attack against them as a free action.‡ Cloud of Teeth (standard, at-will) ● Cold, Necrotic
+8 vs AC; 2d6+4 cold and necrotic damage.
∢ Blinding Wings (standard, encounter)
Near burst 2; +6 vs Fortitude; 1d6+4 damage, and the target is blinded (save ends).
Umbra Healing ● Healing
At the start of its turn, the shadow bat swarm heals 5 points of damage as long as an ally is within Near 10.
A swarm of eerie, shadowy bats that soar through the Plane of Shadow. Their touch leaves a shadowy film behind.
Shadow Drake
Level 3 Boss Skulker (750 XP)
Large Shadow Beast (Evil)
Senses: Perception +8, darkvision; Skills: Arcana +7, Stealth +10
Languages: Common, Draconic
Str: 18 (+5), Con: 16 (+4), Dex: 18 (+5) Int: 12 (+2), Wis: 15 (+3), Cha: 10 (+1)Initiative: +9; Speed: 6, fly 8
Action Points: 2
AC: 17; Fort: 16, Ref: 16, Will: 12; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 132, Staggered: 66; see also umbra burst
Resist: cold 10, necrotic 10, Vulnerable: radiant 10‡ Bite (standard, at-will) ● Cold, Necrotic
Reach 2; +8 vs AC; 1d6+4 damage, and the target takes persistent 5 cold and necrotic damage (save ends).
† Tail Slap (standard, at-will) ● Cold, Necrotic
+8 vs AC; 1d6+4 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Umbra Rage (standard, at-will)
The umbra drake makes a bite and a tail slap attack. If both attacks strike the same target, the target is weakened (save ends).
∢ Breath Weapon (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Cold, Necrotic
Near arc 5; +6 vs Reflex; 1d12+3 damage, and the target takes 5 persistent cold and necrotic damage and is blinded (save ends all).
∢ Umbra Burst (reaction, encounter) ● Cold, Necrotic
When reduced to 0 hit points or below: Near burst 1; +6 vs Fortitude; 3d6+3 cold and necrotic damage, and the target is weakened.
The shadow drake resembles a clumsy, stub-nosed lizard with wings barely large enough to lift it from the ground. Clinging, frosted-over dark goop trail like snot from its nostrils.
Umbral Mass
Level 4 Elite Skulker (350 XP)
Large Shadow Monstrosity (Evil)
Senses: Perception +3, darkvision; Skills: Stealth +10
Languages: Common, telepathy 10
Str: 17 (+5), Con: 16 (+5), Dex: 17 (+5) Int: 13 (+3), Wis: 15 (+4), Cha: 12 (+3)Initiative: +11; Speed: 5
Action Points: 1
AC: 18; Fort: 17, Ref: 17, Will: 14; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 74, Staggered: 37
Immune: disease, poison, Resist: cold 10, necrotic 10, Vulnerable: radiant 10‡ Tentacle (standard, at-will) ● Cold, Necrotic
Reach 3; +9 vs AC; 1d8+3 cold and necrotic damage, and the target is grappled. The umbral mass deals an automatic 1d8+3 damage at the beginning of its turn each round it maintains the grapple. The umbral mass can grapple any number of targets.
↗ Fist of Madness (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Psychic
Ranged 10; +7 vs Will; 1d8+2 psychic damage, and the target is weakened and slowed (save ends both).
∢ Flailing Burst (standard, encounter) ● Cold, Necrotic
Near burst 3; +7 vs AC (enemies only); 1d8+3 cold and necrotic damage.
Opportunistic Reach
The range of the umbral mass’s opportunity attacks is its reach (3).
A malevolent entity formed from condensed shadows, the umbral mass engulfs its prey.
Shadow Prince
Level 5 Elite Spoiler (400 XP)
Medium Shadow Humanoid ● Human (Any)
Senses: Perception +11, darkvision; Skills: Arcana +9, Insight +11, Religion +9
Languages: Common
Str: 8 (+1), Con: 14 (+4), Dex: 8 (+1) Int: 14 (+4), Wis: 18 (+6), Cha: 17 (+5)Initiative: +1; Speed: 6
Action Points: 1
AC: 19; Fort: 17, Ref: 15, Will: 20; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 98, Staggered: 49; see also shadow burst
Resist: cold 5, necrotic 5, Vulnerable: radiant 5
Shadow Haze (Necrotic) aura 1: Enemies that enter or start their turn in the aura take 5 necrotic damage.⤢ Shadow Bolt (standard, at-will) ● Cold, Necrotic
Ranged 10; +8 vs Reflex; 3d4+6 cold and necrotic damage.
↗ Flame Gout (swift, refresh 5, 6) ● Fire
Ranged 10; +8 vs Reflex; 1d12+4 fire damage.
∢ Shadow Burst (reaction, encounter) ● Necrotic, Healing
Near burst 5; +8 vs Fortitude; 10 necrotic damage, and all undead and creatures with the shadow ancestry within the burst heal 10 hit points.
Shadow Jump (move, at-will) ● Teleportation
Ranged 10; one ally; the target teleports 3 squares.
Shadow princes are born from the dying hopes and dreams of those in the Prime Material Plane who would have been great, but for an accident of birth or other misfortune.
Level 8 Elite Striker (700 XP)
Large Shadow Monstrosity (Evil)
Senses: Perception +7, darkvision, low-light vision; Skills: Stealth +14
Str: 15 (+6), Con: 17 (+7), Dex: 20 (+9) Int: 5 (+1), Wis: 17 (+7), Cha: 8 (+3)Initiative: +9; Speed: 8
Action Points: 1
AC: 22; Fort: 19, Ref: 21, Will: 20; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 128, Staggered: 64
Resist: necrotic 5, Vulnerable: radiant 5‡ Claw (standard, at-will) ● Teleportation
Reach 3; +13 vs AC; 2d10+5 damage.
† Bounding Pounce (standard, at-will)
The greymalkin shifts 8 squares and makes a claw attack. If the attack hits, the target is knocked prone.
Multiple Images (swift, refresh 5, 6) ● Illusion
The greymalkin receives a +6 power bonus to AC. Each time an attack misses the greymalkin, the bonus decreases by 2.
The greymalkin resembles a smoke-gray leopard with an unusually bestial snout. The air around it shimmers like a heat mirage, and it can conjure mirror images of itself to throw off attackers.
Shapeshifter Slime
Shapeshifter slime are oozes of unusual intelligence, who can disguise themselves as humanoids. The shapeshifter slime typically begins in human form. Once sufficiently damaged, it transforms into its slime form, with the same current HP as its previous form. Players only get XP once for defeating a shapeshifter slime.

Shapeshifter Slime (Human Form)
Level 6 Archer (250 XP)
Medium Cosmic Humanoid ● Shapechanger (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +6; Skills: Arcana +12, Bluff +9, History +12
Languages: Common, Draconic
Str: 10 (+3), Con: 12 (+4), Dex: 14 (+5) Int: 18 (+7), Wis: 17 (+6), Cha: 12 (+4)Initiative: +5; Speed: 6
AC: 18; Fort: 15, Ref: 19, Will: 18
HP: 45, Staggered: 22
Vulnerable: poison 10‡ Dagger (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
+11 vs AC; 4d4 damage.
↗ Magic Missile (standard, at-will) ● Force
Ranged 20; +11 vs AC; 2d4+4 force damage.
Fading (reaction, encounter)
When first staggered: The monster regresses to its natural form.
Shapeshifter Slime (Slime Form)
Level 6 Skulker (250 XP)
Medium Cosmic Automaton ● Blind, Shapechanger (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +12, blindsight 10, tremorsense 10; Skills: Bluff +6, Stealth +6
Languages: telepathy 15
Str: 10 (+3), Con: 17 (+6), Dex: 14 (+5) Int: 10 (+3), Wis: 18 (+7), Cha: 6 (+1)Initiative: +9; Speed: 6, climb 6 (wall-climber), swim 6
AC: 20; Fort: 18, Ref: 18, Will: 18
HP: 45, Staggered: 22
Vulnerable: poison 10‡ Slam (standard, at-will)
+11 vs AC; 2d10+4 damage.
Any time the shapeshifter slime takes cold damage, it is slowed (save ends), unless it is already slowed.

Skeleton Warrior
Level 1 Blocker (100 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Undead (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +0, darkvision
Str: 10 (+0), Con: 10 (+0), Dex: 10 (+0) Int: 2 (-4), Wis: 10 (+0), Cha: 10 (+0)Initiative: +0; Speed: 6
AC: 17; Fort: 14, Ref: 13, Will: 13
HP: 29, Staggered: 14
Immune: disease, poison, Resist: necrotic 5, Vulnerable: radiant 5‡ Longsword (standard, at-will) ● Heavy Blade, Weapon
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage. The skeleton warrior may also do 2 damage to a creature adjacent to the skeleton warrior or the target.
The skeleton is unconscious and helpless when reduced to 0 HP, but is not destroyed unless reduced to negative HP equal to its staggered value or its bones are disturbed. Bones can be disturbed as a swift action by an adjacent creature or by a creature moving through the space or stopping on it. One round after being reduced to 0 HP, the skeleton makes a saving throw. On a success, the skeleton is restored to 1 HP. On a failure, it is destroyed.
An animated skeleton clad in tattered armor, wielding ancient weapons with an eerie proficiency, relentless in pursuit of its long-forgotten purpose.
Smoldering Skeleton
Level 2 Archer (125 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Undead (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +9, low-light vision
Str: 15 (+3), Con: 13 (+2), Dex: 17 (+4) Int: 3 (-3), Wis: 14 (+3), Cha: 12 (+2)Initiative: +7; Speed: 6
AC: 14; Fort: 13, Ref: 14, Will: 13
HP: 29, Staggered: 14
Immune: disease, poison, Resist: fire 5, necrotic 5, Vulnerable: radiant 5‡ Claw (standard, at-will) ● Fire
+7 vs AC; 2d4+4 fire damage.
↗ Blazing Orb (standard, at-will) ● Fire
Ranged 10; +5 vs Reflex; 1d10+5 fire damage.
The skeleton is unconscious and helpless when reduced to 0 HP, but is not destroyed unless reduced to negative HP equal to its staggered value or its bones are disturbed. Bones can be disturbed as a swift action by an adjacent creature or by a creature moving through the space or stopping on it. One round after being reduced to 0 HP, the skeleton makes a saving throw. On a success, the skeleton is restored to 1 HP. On a failure, it is destroyed.
A charred skeleton, wreathed in flames and embers. It flings balls of fire conjured in its bony palms.
Failed Sacrifice
Level 6 Wrecker (250 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Undead (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +3, darkvision; Skills: Stealth +10
Languages: Common
Str: 20 (+8), Con: 17 (+6), Dex: 15 (+5) Int: 8 (+2), Wis: 10 (+3), Cha: 12 (+4)Initiative: +5; Speed: 6
AC: 18; Fort: 20, Ref: 17, Will: 16
HP: 63, Staggered: 31
Immune: disease, poison, Resist: necrotic 10, Vulnerable: radiant 5‡ Claw (standard, at-will)
+11 vs AC; 1d8+5 damage, and the target is weakened (save ends).
† Flesh Ripper (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Healing
The failed sacrifice makes two claw attacks against a single target. If both attacks hit, the target takes an additional 5 damage and the failed sacrifice heals 5 hit points.
Staggered Frenzy
While staggered, the failed sacrifice has a +2 power bonus to attack rolls.
A skeleton of a victim from a dark ritual gone awry, driven by hunger for revenge against those responsible for its fate.
Revenant Skeleton
Level 6 Elite Wrecker (500 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Undead (Evil)
Senses: Perception +4, darkvision
Languages: Common
Str: 19 (+7), Con: 14 (+5), Dex: 16 (+6) Int: 11 (+3), Wis: 12 (+4), Cha: 10 (+3)Initiative: +5; Speed: 8
Action Points: 1
AC: 18; Fort: 20, Ref: 19, Will: 15; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 126, Staggered: 63
Immune: disease, poison, Resist: necrotic 15, Vulnerable: radiant 5‡ Claw (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic
+11 vs AC; 1d6+5 damage, and the target takes persistent 5 necrotic damage (save ends).
† Claw Fury (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic
The revenant skeleton makes two claw attacks. If both attacks hit the same target, the target is knocked prone.
∢ Shadowswarm (standard, encounter) ● Zone
The revenant skeleton vomits forth a cloud of screaming, shadowy bats, creating a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter. The cloud blocks line of sight and grants concealment to creatures within it. Any enemy within the cloud that makes a Ranged or Far attack suffers an opportunity attack: +11 vs AC; 1d10+1 damage, and the target is rattled until the end of its next turn.
The skeleton is unconscious and helpless when reduced to 0 HP, but is not destroyed unless reduced to negative HP equal to its staggered value or its bones are disturbed. Bones can be disturbed as a swift action by an adjacent creature or by a creature moving through the space or stopping on it. One round after being reduced to 0 HP, the skeleton makes a saving throw. On a success, the skeleton is restored to 1 HP. On a failure, it is destroyed.
A skeletal figure escaped from the Plane of Shadow to seek retribution against its killers.
Greater Failed Sacrifice
Level 14 Wrecker (1000 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Undead (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +9, darkvision; Skills: Athletics +19, Stealth +16
Languages: Common
Str: 24 (+14), Con: 20 (+12), Dex: 19 (+11) Int: 11 (+7), Wis: 14 (+9), Cha: 15 (+9)Initiative: +11; Speed: 8
AC: 26; Fort: 29, Ref: 26, Will: 24
HP: 111, Staggered: 55
Immune: disease, poison, Resist: necrotic 15, Vulnerable: radiant 10‡ Claw (standard, at-will)
+19 vs AC; 2d8+10 damage, and the target is weakened (save ends) and grappled.
† Heart Ripper (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Healing
+17 vs Fortitude (must be grappling the target); 4d8+7 damage, and the greater failed sacrifice heals 10 hit points. If this power reduces a target to 0 hit points or below, the greater failed sacrifice rips out the target’s heart, killing it instantly.
Staggered Frenzy
While staggered, the greater failed sacrifice gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and can take an additional standard action each round.

Peaceful Specter
Level 5 Skulker (200 XP)
Medium Shadow Humanoid ● Undead (Good)
Senses: Perception +12, darkvision; Skills: Stealth +12
Languages: Common
Str: 10 (+2), Con: 12 (+3), Dex: 16 (+5) Int: 17 (+5), Wis: 16 (+5), Cha: 19 (+6)Initiative: +7; Speed: fly 6 (hover), phasing
AC: 17; Fort: 18, Ref: 16, Will: 17
HP: 28, Staggered: 14
Immune: poison, disease, Resist: necrotic 5, incorporeal, Vulnerable: radiant 5
Benign Presence aura 2 Creatures in the aura receive a +2 power bonus on saving throws.⤢ Radiance of Calm (standard, at-will) ● Psychic
Ranged 10; +10 vs Will; The target is pushed 5 squares and weakened (save ends).
↗ Sleep (standard, at-will) ● Psychic
Ranged 10; +10 vs Will; The target is slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, it falls asleep (until disturbed or save ends, whichever is sooner).
Spawn Specter
Any humanoid killed by a specter rises as a free-willed spectral spawn at the start of its creator’s next turn, appearing in the space where it died (or nearest unoccupied space).
A serene spirit, the peaceful specter offers guidance and solace to lost souls.
Spectral Spawn
Level 6 Stalker Mook (62 XP)
Medium Shadow Humanoid ● Undead (Good)
Senses: Perception +6, darkvision
Languages: Common
Str:6 (+1), Con: 12 (+4), Dex: 20 (+8) Int: 11 (+3), Wis: 6 (+1), Cha: 19 (+7)Initiative: +8; Speed: fly 6 (hover), phasing
AC: 20; Fort: 16, Ref: 20, Will: 19
HP: 1; a missed attack never damages a mook
Immune: poison, disease, Resist: necrotic 5, incorporeal⤢ Spectral Claws (standard, at-will) ● Psychic
+9 vs Reflex; 8 psychic damage.
A spectral spawn defeated in the same encounter it was created does not grant any XP.
Specter of Chivalry
Level 6 Blocker (250 XP)
Medium Shadow Humanoid ● Undead (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +10, darkvision
Languages: Common
Str: 14 (+5), Con: 12 (+4), Dex: 12 (+4) Int: 10 (+3), Wis: 11 (+3), Cha: 14 (+5)Initiative: +6; Speed: fly 6 (hover), phasing
AC: 22; Fort: 19, Ref: 17, Will: 19
HP: 54, Staggered: 27
Immune: disease, poison, Resist: incorporeal‡ Ghostly Sword (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic, Weapon
+9 vs Reflex; 2d8+4 necrotic damage, and the target is marked until the end of the specter’s next turn.
Knightly Tactics
A specter has combat advantage against any target marked by any ghostly sword power.
Spawn Specter
Any humanoid killed by a specter rises as a free-willed spectral spawn at the start of its creator’s next turn, appearing in the space where it died (or nearest unoccupied space).
A gallant specter, born of the soul of one betrayed while upholding their sworn duty. They can be over-zealous in maintaining the codes of honor of a bygone time.
Specter of Sorrow
Level 6 Spoiler (250 XP)
Medium Shadow Humanoid ● Undead (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +6, darkvision
Languages: Common
Str: 6 (+1), Con: 12 (+4), Dex: 20 (+8) Int: 11 (+3), Wis: 6 (+1), Cha: 19 (+7)Initiative: +8; Speed: fly 6 (hover), phasing
AC: 20; Fort: 16, Ref: 20, Will: 19
HP: 54, Staggered: 27
Immune: disease, poison, Resist: necrotic 10, incorporeal, Vulnerable: radiant 5
Regretful Whispers (Psychic) aura 1: Any enemy that enters or starts its turn in the aura takes 5 psychic damage and cannot shift until the start of its next turn. If the specter of sorrow takes radiant damage, the aura is negated until the end of its next turn.‡ Touch of Misery (standard, at-will) ● Psychic
+9 vs Reflex; 1d6+5 psychic damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to Will defense (save ends).
† Touch of Grief (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Psychic
+9 vs Will; 2d6+4 psychic damage, and target is weakened (save ends).
Spawn Specter
Any humanoid killed by a specter rises as a free-willed spectral spawn at the start of its creator’s next turn, appearing in the space where it died (or nearest unoccupied space).
A melancholic specter that tries to subject others to whatever tragedy took the specter’s life.
Level 10 Skulker (500 XP)
Medium Shadow Humanoid ● Undead (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +19, darkvision; Skills: Stealth +19
Languages: Common
Str: 13 (+6), Con: 15 (+7), Dex: 19 (+9) Int: 20 (+10), Wis: 19 (+9), Cha: 22 (+11)Initiative: +14; Speed: fly 6 (hover), phasing
AC: 22; Fort: 23, Ref: 21, Will: 22
HP: 87, Staggered: 43
Immune: poison, disease, Resist: necrotic 5, incorporeal, Vulnerable: radiant 5
Vile Presence aura 2 Creatures in the aura receive a -1 penalty on saving throws.⤢ Radiance of Fear (standard, at-will) ● Psychic
Ranged 10; +15 vs Will; The target is pushed 5 squares and dazed (save ends).
† Soul Burn (standard, at-will) ● Psychic
+15 vs Will; 2d12+5 psychic damage and the target loses one recovery. If the target has no recoveries, they are immune to this power.
Shadowy Presence (swift, encounter) ● Illusion
The deathgaunt becomes invisible. This effect ends when the deathgaunt is exposed to bright light.
Spawn Specter
Any humanoid killed by a specter rises as a free-willed spectral spawn at the start of its creator’s next turn, appearing in the space where it died (or nearest unoccupied space).
Deathgaunts and gloomwardens are specters that remain on the Prime Material Plane to cause trouble and suffering, even after being given a chance to move on to the afterlife.
Level 12 Spoiler (700 XP)
Medium Shadow Humanoid ● Undead (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: Perception +22, darkvision; Skills: Stealth +22
Languages: Common
Str: 14 (+8), Con: 16 (+9), Dex: 20 (+11) Int: 21 (+11), Wis: 20 (+11), Cha: 23 (+12)Initiative: +17; Speed: fly 6 (hover), phasing
AC: 26; Fort: 24, Ref: 23, Will: 25
HP: 84, Staggered: 42
Immune: poison, disease, Resist: necrotic 10, incorporeal, Vulnerable: radiant 10
Dread Presence aura 2 Creatures in the aura receive a -2 penalty to Will defense.‡ Will Drain (standard, at-will) ● Fear, Psychic
+17 vs Will; 3d8+6 psychic damage and the target suffers a -2 penalty to Will defense (save ends).
∢ Radiance of Doom (standard, encounter) ● Fear, Psychic
Near burst 3, all non-undead creatures; +17 vs Will; 3d8+6 psychic damage and the target is weakened until the end of their next turn.
∢ Shadow Revolt (swift, encounter) ● Fear, Psychic
Near blast 5, all non-undead creatures; +17 vs Will (the target must not be in bright light); 3d8+6 necrotic damage and the target is immobile (save ends).
Spawn Specter
Any humanoid killed by a specter rises as a free-willed spectral spawn at the start of its creator’s next turn, appearing in the space where it died (or nearest unoccupied space).
The throach has the body and head of a roach, and six roach-like legs, but from the end of the thorax protrudes a scorpion-like tail complete with stinger. The stinger is straighter and more spear-like than the slightly curved stinger of a scorpion. The throach’s chitinous shell is iridescent dark blue (indigo or navy), almost black, but shades of purple can be seen in the right light.
Throaches thrive in moisture-rich environments, and are common in swamps, marshes and wet forests. They can also be found in the sewer systems of many large cities and occasionally inhabit ruins in damp, rainy regions. Where one throach is found, others are usually located, so even a solitary encounter with one is often indicative of a brood nearby. Throaches prefer to live in dark or shadowy areas, and will scurry from bright light.
Throaches can be deadly to non-adventurers, or even unprepared adventurers with their bite and sting, but the true danger lies in their reproductive method. Throaches are asexual creatures that both produce and fertilize their own eggs. However, in order for the young to hatch and survive, the eggs must be implanted in a living creature. Typically, a throach will sting a victim, and when the paralyzed victim lies helpless it will implant several eggs inside the abdominal cavity. These eggs hatch in 24 hours and begin feeding on the host, killing it in the process. This provides enough nutrition and energy for the young throaches to scurry for cover and establish a territory.
Throach Hatchling
Level 2 Mook Striker (31.25 XP)
Small Natural Beast ● Vermin (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception -2, Darkvision; Skills: Athletics +6, Stealth +9
Str: 8 (+0), Con: 12 (+2), Dex: 14 (+3) Int: 2 (-3), Wis: 2 (-3), Cha: 2 (-3)Initiative: +4; Speed: 4
AC: 14; Fort: 15, Ref: 13, Will: 14
HP: 1
Vulnerable: light sensitivity‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+7 vs AC; 5 damage (+2 damage against the creature they were implanted in).
Light Sensitivity
Any time the throach is exposed to bright light, it is rattled (save ends).
Throach hatchlings created through a throach’s implant power do not grant any XP.
Level 2 Elite Blocker (250 XP)
Large Natural Beast ● Vermin (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +3, Darkvision; Skills: Athletics +11, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +6
Str: 18 (+5), Con: 16 (+4), Dex: 8 (+0) Int: 2 (-3), Wis: 13 (+2), Cha: 7 (-1)Initiative: +1; Speed: 10
Action Points: 1
AC: 18; Fort: 15, Ref: 14, Will: 14; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 68, Staggered: 34
Vulnerable: light sensitivity‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+7 vs AC; 1d12+3 damage.
† Sting (standard, at-will)
+7 vs AC; 1d12+3 damage and the target is dazed (save ends). First Failed Save: The target is stunned instead (save ends).
† Implant (standard, at-will)
+7 vs AC (can only be used on a target that is stunned); 2d10+2 damage and the target has 2d4 throach eggs implanted in them. At the end of each of the target’s turns, make a saving throw. On a success, one throach egg is expelled. On a failure, one throach egg hatches. Place a throach hatchling in an adjacent unoccupied space. The throach hatchling acts on the initiative count just after the throach’s.
Light Sensitivity
Any time the throach is exposed to bright light, it is rattled (save ends).
This hideous, dark blue creature is nearly seven feet long and has a tail like a scorpion, but no pincers.
Giant Amoeba
Level 1 Elite Blocker (200 XP)
Medium Natural Automaton ● Aquatic, Ooze (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception -5, Blindsight 6; Skills: Athletics +6
Str: 12 (+1), Con: 16 (+3), Dex: 1 (-5) Int: 1 (-5), Wis: 1 (-5), Cha: 1 (-5)Initiative: -5; Speed: 2, climb 2, swim 4
Action Points: 1
AC: 17; Fort: 14, Ref: 13, Will: 13; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 58, Staggered: 29
Resist: acid 5‡ Pseudopod (standard, at-will)
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage and grappled.
† Constrict (standard, at-will)
Grappled target only; 1d10+3 acid damage.
† Engulf (standard, at-will)
+6 vs AC (Grappled target of Medium size or smaller; the giant amoeba must not be staggered); The target is swallowed. It shares a space with the giant amoeba, and cannot move out of the amoeba’s space. The target takes 2d8+3 acid damage at the start of each of its turns. It can only target the giant amoeba with attacks, and cannot use two-handed weapons. If the amoeba is staggered or reduced to 0 HP or below, the swallowed target escapes and is placed in an adjacent unoccupied space of the target’s choice.
A massive single-celled organism with a gelatinous body, capable of engulfing and digesting its prey.
Hate Reaper
Level 3 Spoiler (150 XP)
Small Natural Monstrosity (Evil)
Senses: Perception +3, tremorsense 12; Skills: Stealth +11
Str: 8 (+0), Con: 12 (+2), Dex: 18 (+5) Int: 4 (-2), Wis: 13 (+2), Cha: 16 (+4)Initiative: +6; Speed: 4, burrow 2
AC: 17; Fort: 15, Ref: 14, Will: 16
HP: 39, Staggered: 19‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
Melee; +8 vs AC; 1d12+4 damage.
↗ Gaze of Rage (standard, refresh 5, 6) ● Fear, Psychic
Ranged 10; +6 vs Will; The target is controlled until the end of its next turn.
∢ Inspire Terror (swift, encounter) ● Fear, Psychic
Near burst 5, all enemies; +6 vs Will; The target is pushed 3 and rattled (save ends).
A hate reaper is a small, rodent-like monster that can manipulate the emotions of those it is near. In particular, it can amplify anger and fear into incandescent rage.
Level 4 Skulker (175 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Spider (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +6, darkvision, tremorsense 12 (creatures touching its web); Skills: Athletics +11, Stealth +12
Languages: Common
Str: 14 (+4), Con: 13 (+3), Dex: 17 (+5) Int: 6 (+0), Wis: 15 (+4), Cha: 8 (+1)Initiative: +7; Speed: 6 (web stride), climb 6 (wall-climber)
AC: 16; Fort: 17, Ref: 15, Will: 16
HP: 51, Staggered: 25
Resist: poison 5‡ Fangs (standard, at-will)
+9 vs AC; 1d12+5 damage and the target is slowed (save ends).
† Claws (standard, at-will)
The target must be immobile or restrained: 2d12+3 damage.
↗ Web Trap (standard, at-will)
+9 vs AC; The target is immobile (save ends).
Spring Upon Prey (reaction, encounter)
If a creature touches the ettercap’s web while the ettercap is on it: The ettercap moves its speed towards the triggering creature and makes a basic melee attack.
Speak with Spiders
The ettercap can speak with spiders.
An ettercap is about 6 feet tall and weighs about 200 pounds. Ettercaps are not brave creatures, but their cunning traps often ensure that the enemy never draws a weapon. When an ettercap does engage its enemies, it attacks with its keen-edged claws and venomous bite. It usually will not come within melee reach of any foe that is still able to move.
Level 5 Spoiler (200 XP)
Tiny Natural Monstrosity (Evil)
Senses: Perception +9, blindsight 10; Skills: Stealth +11
Str: 16 (+5), Con: 15 (+4), Dex: 19 (+6) Int: 9 (+1), Wis: 14 (+4), Cha: 10 (+2)Initiative: +6; Speed: 6, climb 6
AC: 19; Fort: 17, Ref: 19, Will: 16
HP: 49, Staggered: 24‡ Mandibles (standard, at-will)
+10 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage.
∢ Suffocating Trance (standard, encounter) ● Psychic
Near burst 5; +8 vs Reflex (enemies only); the target is restrained and takes persistent 10 damage (save ends both).
Squish Small
A witchcrawler can compress its body enough to squeeze through a 1-inch-wide crack. Cracks and other openings that are more than 1 inch wide do not slow the witchcrawler at all.
The witchcrawler is a nightmarish blend of arachnid and serpent, possessing the power to suffocate foes without touching them and the ability to crawl along walls and ceilings with unnatural agility.
Level 7 Elite Spoiler (600 XP)
Medium Fey Humanoid ● Earth (Evil)
Senses: Perception +6, gemsight; Skills: Arcana +10, Bluff +8, Dungeoneering +11
Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Giant, Primordial
Str: 12 (+4), Con: 10 (+3), Dex: 16 (+6) Int: 14 (+5), Wis: 16 (+6), Cha: 10 (+3)
Equipment: gemstoneInitiative: +6; Speed: 5
Action Points: 1
AC: 21; Fort: 19, Ref: 18, Will: 20; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 118, Staggered: 59‡ Claw (standard, at-will)
+12 vs AC; 2d10+4 damage and target slowed (save ends). If target already slowed, immobile instead (save ends). If target already immobile, petrified instead (indefinitely).
↗ Gem Gaze (standard, at-will) ● Psychic, Fear
+10 vs Will; 2d10+4 psychic damage, and the target is pushed 2.
↗ Earthbind (swift, refresh 5, 6) ● Psychic
Ranged 10; +10 vs Fortitude; target is lowered safely to the ground, and cannot fly, levitate or climb (save ends).
Light Sickness
If the stygia is exposed to bright light, it is dazed (save ends).
As long as the stygira holds a gemstone, they can see through the gem with darkvision and truesight. The stygira is blind when they are not holding a gem.
A hooded humanoid that sees only through a crystal it holds in its hand, able to paralyze its prey before carting them off to be rendered down in the vast vats of their subterranean lairs.
In the World
Stone Curse: Wounds dealt by the stygira’s claws leave the flesh bleached of color and turn the blood that runs from them dark gray. A creature petrified by the stone curse that spends 8 hours in direct sunlight can attempt a new saving throw to remove the effects of stone curse.
Oracles: Stygira know divination magic pertaining to reading omens, clairaudience, reading auras and auguries.
Those stygira with particularly precious gemstones may have different gaze attacks.
Bauble Beast
Level 9 Elite Blocker (800 XP)
Large Natural Monstrosity ● Earth (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +7, darkvision; Skills: Acrobatics +13, Bluff +13, Sleight of Hand +13
Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Dwarvish
Str: 18 (+8), Con: 16 (+7), Dex: 18 (+8) Int: 12 (+5), Wis: 16 (+7), Cha: 18 (+8)Initiative: +8; Speed: 6, climb 2
Action Points: 1
AC: 25; Fort: 22, Ref: 21, Will: 21; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 138, Staggered: 69‡ Leg (standard, at-will)
+14 vs AC; 2d12+4 damage.
† Jaws (standard, refresh 4, 5, 6) ● Acid
+14 vs AC; 4d8+5 acid damage and target is overly-generous (save ends).
∢ Bile (standard, refresh 4, 5, 6) ● Acid
Near arc 3; +12 vs Fortitude; 2d12+4 acid damage and target is overly-generous (save ends).
↗ Item Toss (reaction, at-will)
If the bauble beast is handed a gift: Ranged 10; +14 vs AC; 4d8+5 damage and the gift lands in the target’s space.
Bile Duct (reaction, encounter)
When first staggered; Make an immediate bile attack, whether or not it is refreshed.
A four-legged creature with two small and graceful arms and a blocky head, the beast’s mustard-yellow hide is spotted with what appears to be precious stones.
The bauble beast attacks until it has been given as many valuable items as it thinks it can get away with, then it runs away.
In the World
Forge Jewelry: The bauble beast creates imitation jewelry within its digestive system. Anyone who dons the imitation jewelry is attacked: +14 vs Will; the target learns where the fake jewelry was created and is compelled for one hour to collect their valuable belongings and bring them to that location. Removing the imitation jewelry ends the effect immediately, but the target can’t take it off voluntarily.
The bauble beast introduces a new condition:
Overly-generous: The affected creature spends up to one move action per round trying to give away items. The target recipient is any creature to request a gift. If multiple creatures have requested a gift, choose randomly between them. If a particular gift was requested, the affected creature gives that. Otherwise, choose randomly between the affected creature’s items of value.
If no creature requested a gift, the affected creature attempts to give a random item of value to the nearest creature. If multiple creatures are the same distance from the affected creature, the recipient is selected randomly among them.
The bauble beast usually requests gems or jewelry.
Level 12 Striker (700 XP)
Large Cosmic Monstrosity (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +13, darkvision
Languages: Common
Str: 16 (+9), Con: 19 (+10), Dex: 11 (+6) Int: 6 (+4), Wis: 13 (+7), Cha: 6 (+4)Initiative: +12; Speed: 4
AC: 26; Fort: 23, Ref: 25, Will: 24
HP: 84, Staggered: 42
Immune: disease
Stench aura 1 Living creatures that are not otyughs that enter or begin their turn within the aura grant combat advantage.‡ Tentacle (standard, at-will)
Reach 3; +17 vs AC; 3d8+6 damage and the target is grappled. The otyugh can grapple up to three creatures.
† Bite (standard, at-will)
+17 vs AC (The target must be grappled.); 6d6+6 damage and the target is exposed to sewer plague.
† Tentacle Smash (swift, at-will)
Move each grappled creature to an unoccupied space within reach. If two or more creatures are grappled, they are all dazed until the end of their next turn.
A scavenger with an orb-like body, three legs, three tentacles and a gigantic mouth. A redundancy of eyes bristle from one of its tentacles; the other two are barbed.
Tunnel Brute
Level 16 Wrecker (1400 XP)
Large Natural Monstrosity (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +8, darkvision, tremorsense 12
Str: 24 (+15), Con: 21 (+13), Dex: 21 (+13) Int: 10 (+8), Wis: 11 (+8), Cha: 21 (+13)Initiative: +13; Speed: 4, burrow 4, climb 2
AC: 28; Fort: 29, Ref: 27, Will: 28
HP: 123, Staggered: 69
Miasma of Despair (Fear) aura 1: Living creatures that are not tunnel brutes suffer a -2 penalty to defenses, on attack rolls and on skill checks while in the aura.‡ Mandibles (standard, at-will)
+21 vs AC; 3d10+13 damage.
† Sting (standard, encounter) ● Poison
+21 vs AC; 7d6+13 poison damage and the target is slowed (save ends).
This is a brutal giant with insectoid features. Although humanoid in shape, it is covered in a hard chitin. Its eyes are faceted, and its mouth boasts two pairs of mandibles, the lower larger than the upper. It hunches as it walks, its knuckles nearly dragging the floor, and a large tail with a needle-like stinger curls up above its head. A horrific, oppressive stench emanates from the creature; the air around it almost seems to simmer with the fumes.

Phrenic Scourge
Level 16 Elite Spoiler (2800 XP)
Medium Cosmic Monstrosity (Evil)
Senses: Perception +13, darkvision; Skills: Bluff +15, Dungeoneering +20, Insight +18
Languages: Common, Deep Speech; telepathy 20
Str: 10 (+8), Con: 21 (+13), Dex: 16 (+11) Int: 24 (+15), Wis: 21 (+13), Cha: 15 (+10)Initiative: +11; Speed: 6 (compress), burrow 3, climb 6
Action Points: 1
AC: 30; Fort: 28, Ref: 27, Will: 29; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 208, Staggered: 76
Resist: radiant 10, Vulnerable: psychic 10‡ Tendril Cluster (standard, at-will)
+21 vs AC; 3d10+7 psychic damage, and the target is grappled.
† Implant Larva (swift, refresh 5, 6) ● Psychic, Disease
+19 vs Will (must be grappling the target); grapple ends; 3d10+7 psychic damage, and the target is dominated (save ends).
⋇ Sap Will (standard, encounter) ● Psychic
Far burst 1 within 6; +19 vs Will; the target is stunned and suffers a -2 penalty to Will defense (save ends both).
↗ Suggestion (swift, encounter) ● Psychic, Charm
Ranged 10; +19 vs Will; 2d10+7 psychic damage and shunt target 5.
⋇ Mandatory Slumber (standard, at-will) ● Psychic
Far burst 1 within 6; +19 vs Will; 2d10+7 psychic damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Teleport (move, encounter) ● Teleportation
Teleport up to 6.
This horrific being stands as a human, but is clearly nothing of the sort. A dark and tattered robe only partly covers a body that appears to be formed entirely of squirming, writhing tendrils in hues of off-white, corpse-gray, and sickly purples and blues. Lengths of these tendrils hang from its sleeves as hands, while others make up a visage that cannot, in any sense of the word, be called a face. It steps forward with a shambling, yet somehow graceful, gait.

Evil Eye
Level 16 Boss Wrecker (5600 XP)
Large Cosmic Monstrosity (Evil)
Senses: Perception +13, all-around vision, darkvision, truesight
Str: 8 (+7), Con: 21 (+13), Dex: 14 (+10) Int: 24 (+15), Wis: 21 (+13), Cha: 16 (+11)Initiative: +10; Speed: fly 6 (hover)
Action Points: 2
AC: 28; Fort: 28, Ref: 27, Will: 29; Saving Throws: +5
HP: 492, Staggered: 208
Resist: radiant 10, Vulnerable: psychic 10‡ Lash (standard, at-will)
+21 vs AC; 4d10+8 damage.
∢ Gaze Attack (standard, at-will) ● Psychic, Fire
Near arc 6; the evil eye chooses one effect. It cannot choose one that it has used since the beginning of its last turn.
1. Charm: +19 vs Will; the target is dominated (save ends).
2. Confuse: +19 vs Will; 2d10+7 psychic damage, and the target cannot use encounter or daily powers (save ends).
3. Death: +19 vs Fortitude; 3d10+7 damage.
4. Enervate: +19 vs Fortitude; 2d10+7 psychic damage, and the target is weakened (save ends).
5. Immolate: +19 vs Reflex; 2d10+7 fire damage.
6. Paralyze: +19 vs Will; 2d10+7 psychic damage, and the target is immobile (save ends).
7. Petrify: +19 vs Fortitude; the target is petrified (save ends).
8. Sleep: +19 vs Will; 2d10+7 psychic damage, and the target is knocked prone (save ends).
All-Out (standard, encounter)
Use gaze attack twice (evil eye chooses the effect each time). This power refreshes when the evil eye is first staggered.
Lash Out (reaction, refresh 4, 5, 6)
The evil eye is hit by an attack; the evil eye makes a gaze attack, with the effect chosen randomly.
An enormous floating eye, apparently ripped raw from the skull of some giant beast, hovers in the air before you. Lengths of optic nerve writhe and thrash behind it like tails, fading away after several feet into thin wisps of white mist. That same white mist is visible in the eye’s dark pupil, as though through a window to some distant world.

Flash Beetle
Level 1 Spoiler (100 XP)
Small Natural Beast ● Vermin (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +2, low-light vision
Str: 14 (+2), Con: 15 (+2), Dex: 15 (+2) Int: 2 (-4), Wis: 14 (+2), Cha: 11 (+0)Initiative: +2; Speed: 6, fly 6
AC: 15; Fort: 13, Ref: 12, Will: 14
HP: 29, Staggered: 14
Luminescence aura 2: The flash beetle casts bright light.‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage.
∢ Flash (standard, encounter)
Near burst 2; +6 vs Fortitude; The target is rattled until the end of its next turn. If the target was already rattled, it is instead blinded until the end of its next turn.
A bioluminescent insect that can emit dazzling flashes of light when threatened. Flash beetles are found in dark and cavernous environments.
Iridescent Scorpion
Level 1 Striker (100 XP)
Medium Natural Beast ● Vermin (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +0, Tremorsense 12; Skills: Athletics +5, Stealth +6
Str: 11 (+0), Con: 12 (+1), Dex: 12 (+1) Int: 2 (-4), Wis: 10 (+0), Cha: 2 (-4)Initiative: +1; Speed: 8
AC: 15; Fort: 12, Ref: 14, Will: 13
HP: 29, Staggered: 14‡ Claw (standard, at-will)
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage.
† Sting (Red Scorpion) (standard, at-will)
Reach 2; +6 vs AC; 1d10+3 poison damage and the target becomes vulnerable to poison 5 (save ends).
† Sting (Blue Scorpion) (standard, at-will)
Reach 2; +6 vs AC; 1d10+3 poison damage and the target is slowed (save ends).
† Multiattack (standard, at-will)
Can only be used on a target that is flanked; The scorpion makes two claw attacks against the target.
Iridescent scorpions are either blue or red. Each variety has a different poison, administered by its stinger.
Fishing Spiders
A large and agile spider adapted to aquatic habitats, the fishing spider skates across water surfaces or clings on to the riverbed to remain submerged.
Small Fishing Spider
Level 1 Skulker (100 XP)
Small Natural Beast ● Spider (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +0, darkvision, tremorsense (body of water the spider is on or in reach of); Skills: Acrobatics +8, Athletics +3, Stealth +8
Str: 7 (-2), Con: 10 (+0), Dex: 17 (+3) Int: 2 (-4), Wis: 10 (+0), Cha: 2 (-4)Initiative: +3; Speed: 4 (water walk)
AC: 13; Fort: 14, Ref: 12, Will: 13
HP: 33, Staggered: 16‡ Claw (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 poison damage. Secondary Attack: +4 vs Fortitude; the target is grappled.
† Bite (standard, at-will)
The target must be grappled: 2d8+3 damage.
Float (counter, at-will)
At any time that the spider is on the floor of a body of water, it can release its hold to float to the surface.
Medium Fishing Spider
Level 4 Skulker (175 XP)
Medium Natural Beast ● Spider (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +4, darkvision, tremorsense (body of water the spider is on or in reach of); Skills: Acrobatics +12, Athletics +9, Stealth +12
Str: 11 (+2), Con: 10 (+2), Dex: 17 (+5) Int: 2 (-2), Wis: 10 (+2), Cha: 2 (-2)Initiative: +7; Speed: 6 (water walk)
AC: 16; Fort: 17, Ref: 15, Will: 16
HP: 51, Staggered: 25‡ Claw (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+9 vs AC; 1d12+5 poison damage. Secondary Attack: +7 vs Fortitude; the target is grappled.
† Bite (standard, at-will)
The target must be grappled: 2d12+3 damage.
Float (counter, at-will)
At any time that the spider is on the floor of a body of water, it can release its hold to float to the surface.
Large Fishing Spider
Level 8 Skulker (350 XP)
Large Natural Beast ● Spider (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +8, darkvision, tremorsense (body of water the spider is on or in reach of); Skills: Acrobatics +16, Athletics +15, Stealth +16
Str: 15 (+6), Con: 12 (+5), Dex: 17 (+7) Int: 2 (+0), Wis: 10 (+4), Cha: 2 (+0)Initiative: +11; Speed: 6 (water walk)
AC: 20; Fort: 21, Ref: 19, Will: 20
HP: 75, Staggered: 37‡ Claw (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+13 vs AC; 2d10+5 poison damage. Secondary Attack: +11 vs Fortitude; the target is grappled.
† Bite (standard, at-will)
The target must be grappled: 3d10+5 damage.
Float (counter, at-will)
At any time that the spider is on the floor of a body of water, it can release its hold to float to the surface.
Huge Fishing Spider
Level 12 Skulker (700 XP)
Huge Natural Beast ● Spider (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +12, darkvision, tremorsense (body of water the spider is on or in reach of); Skills: Acrobatics +20, Athletics +21, Stealth +20
Str: 19 (+10), Con: 14 (+8), Dex: 17 (+9) Int: 2 (+2), Wis: 10 (+6), Cha: 2 (+2)Initiative: +15; Speed: 8 (water walk)
AC: 24; Fort: 25, Ref: 23, Will: 24
HP: 99, Staggered: 49‡ Claw (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+17 vs AC; 3d8+6 poison damage. Secondary Attack: +15 vs Fortitude; the target is grappled.
† Bite (standard, at-will)
The target must be grappled: 6d6+6 damage.
Float (counter, at-will)
At any time that the spider is on the floor of a body of water, it can release its hold to float to the surface.
Hunting Spiders
Hunting spiders are predators of speed and agility. They have venomous bites. Tarantulas can spray itchy and hindering bristles. Wolf spiders carry their young on their bodies in egg sacs.
No spider has access to all powers. Instead, they each get a selection, described below.
Tarantula: Bite, venomous bite, hiss, raise hairs and spray hairs.
Wolf Spider: Bite, venomous bite and egg sacs.
Small Hunting Spider
Level 1 Striker (100 XP)
Small Natural Beast ● Spider (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +0, darkvision; Skills: Acrobatics +8, Athletics +3, Stealth +8
Str: 7 (-2), Con: 10 (+0), Dex: 17 (+3) Int: 2 (-4), Wis: 10 (+0), Cha: 2 (-4)Initiative: +3; Speed: 5, climb 2 (wall-climber)
AC: 15; Fort: 12, Ref: 14, Will: 13
HP: 29, Staggered: 14‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage, or 2d8+3 damage against a slowed, grappled, restrained or immobile target.
Egg Sacs (counter, encounter)
If the spider is hit by an attack: Place a spider swarm in an adjacent space (whether or not it is occupied).
∢ Hiss (swift, encounter) ● Fear
Near burst 3, all creatures without the Spider tag; +6 vs Will; The target grants combat advantage until the end of their next turn.
Raise Hairs (swift, at-will) ● Poison, Stance
If an adjacent creature hits the spider with an attack, make an attack. +4 vs Fortitude; the target grants combat advantage until the end of their next turn.
∢ Spray Hairs (swift, encounter) ● Poison
Near burst 3, all creatures without the Spider tag; +6 vs Reflex; The target grants combat advantage until the end of their next turn. The spider cannot use raise hairs if it has used spray hairs this encounter.
† Venomous Bite (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 poison damage and the target is slowed until the end of their next turn.
Medium Hunting Spider
Level 4 Striker (175 XP)
Medium Natural Beast ● Spider (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +4, darkvision; Skills: Acrobatics +12, Athletics +9, Stealth +12
Str: 11 (+2), Con: 12 (+3), Dex: 17 (+5) Int: 2 (-2), Wis: 10 (+2), Cha: 2 (-2)Initiative: +7; Speed: 6, climb 3 (wall-climber)
AC: 18; Fort: 15, Ref: 17, Will: 16
HP: 44, Staggered: 22‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+9 vs AC; 1d12+5 damage, or 2d12+3 damage against a slowed, grappled, restrained or immobile target.
Egg Sacs (counter, encounter)
If the spider is hit by an attack: Place a spider swarm in an adjacent space (whether or not it is occupied).
∢ Hiss (swift, encounter) ● Fear
Near burst 3, all creatures without the Spider tag; +9 vs Will; The target grants combat advantage until the end of their next turn.
Raise Hairs (swift, at-will) ● Poison, Stance
If an adjacent creature hits the spider with an attack, make an attack. +7 vs Fortitude; the target grants combat advantage until the end of their next turn.
∢ Spray Hairs (swift, encounter) ● Poison
Near burst 3, all creatures without the Spider tag; +9 vs Reflex; The target grants combat advantage until the end of their next turn. The spider cannot use raise hairs if it has used spray hairs this encounter.
† Venomous Bite (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+9 vs AC; 1d12+5 poison damage and the target is slowed until the end of their next turn.
Large Hunting Spider
Level 8 Striker (350 XP)
Large Natural Beast ● Spider (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +8, darkvision; Skills: Acrobatics +16, Athletics +15, Stealth +16
Str: 15 (+6), Con: 12 (+5), Dex: 17 (+7) Int: 2 (+0), Wis: 10 (+4), Cha: 2 (+0)Initiative: +11; Speed: 6, climb 4 (wall-climber)
AC: 22; Fort: 19, Ref: 21, Will: 20
HP: 64, Staggered: 32‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+13 vs AC; 2d10+5 damage, or 3d10+5 damage against a slowed, grappled, restrained or immobile target.
Egg Sacs (counter, encounter)
If the spider is hit by an attack: Place a spider swarm in an adjacent space (whether or not it is occupied).
∢ Hiss (swift, encounter) ● Fear
Near burst 3, all creatures without the Spider tag; +13 vs Will; The target grants combat advantage until the end of their next turn.
Raise Hairs (swift, at-will) ● Poison, Stance
If an adjacent creature hits the spider with an attack, make an attack. +11 vs Fortitude; the target grants combat advantage until the end of their next turn.
∢ Spray Hairs (swift, encounter) ● Poison
Near burst 3, all creatures without the Spider tag; +13 vs Reflex; The target grants combat advantage until the end of their next turn. The spider cannot use raise hairs if it has used spray hairs this encounter.
† Venomous Bite (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+13 vs AC; 2d10+5 poison damage and the target is slowed until the end of their next turn.
Huge Hunting Spider
Level 12 Striker (700 XP)
Huge Natural Beast ● Spider (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +12, darkvision; Skills: Acrobatics +20, Athletics +21, Stealth +20
Str: 19 (+10), Con: 14 (+8), Dex: 17 (+9) Int: 2 (+2), Wis: 10 (+6), Cha: 2 (+2)Initiative: +15; Speed: 8, climb 6 (wall-climber)
AC: 26; Fort: 23, Ref: 25, Will: 24
HP: 84, Staggered: 42‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+17 vs AC; 3d8+6 damage, or 6d6+6 damage against a slowed, grappled, restrained or immobile target.
Egg Sacs (counter, encounter)
If the spider is hit by an attack: Place a spider swarm in an adjacent space (whether or not it is occupied).
∢ Hiss (swift, encounter) ● Fear
Near burst 3, all creatures without the Spider tag; +17 vs Will; The target grants combat advantage until the end of their next turn.
Raise Hairs (swift, at-will) ● Poison, Stance
If an adjacent creature hits the spider with an attack, make an attack. +15 vs Fortitude; the target grants combat advantage until the end of their next turn.
∢ Spray Hairs (swift, encounter) ● Poison
Near burst 3, all creatures without the Spider tag; +17 vs Reflex; The target grants combat advantage until the end of their next turn. The spider cannot use raise hairs if it has used spray hairs this encounter.
† Venomous Bite (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+17 vs AC; 3d8+6 poison damage and the target is slowed until the end of their next turn.
Vermin Swarms
A writhing mass of countless small insects, spiders or other biting creatures.
Rattlesnake Swarm: Reptile tag.
Spider Swarm: Spider tag. Tremorsense (with contiguous web spaces, while on a web).
Vermin Swarm
Level 2 Striker (125 XP)
Medium Natural Beast ● Swarm (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +7, low-light vision; Skills: Stealth +10
Str: 11 (+1), Con: 12 (+2), Dex: 18 (+5) Int: 2 (-3), Wis: 12 (+2), Cha: 10 (+1)Initiative: +7; Speed: 6 (compress Tiny), climb 6
AC: 16; Fort: 13, Ref: 16, Will: 13
HP: 34, Staggered: 17
Resist: Melee and Ranged attacks (half damage), Vulnerable: Near and Far attacks 5
Swarm Violence aura 1: If an enemy begins their turn in this aura, the swarm makes a basic melee attack against them as a free action.‡ Plague of Fangs (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+7 vs AC; 1d10+2 damage, and the vermin swarm makes a secondary attack on the same target.
Secondary Attack: +5 vs Fortitude; 1d10 poison damage.
A swarm can occupy the same space as other creatures.
Large Vermin Swarm
Level 6 Striker (250 XP)
Large Natural Beast ● Swarm (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +9, low-light vision; Skills: Stealth +12
Str: 11 (+3), Con: 12 (+4), Dex: 18 (+7) Int: 2 (-1), Wis: 12 (+4), Cha: 10 (+3)Initiative: +9; Speed: 6 (compress Tiny), climb 6
AC: 20; Fort: 17, Ref: 20, Will: 17
HP: 54, Staggered: 27
Resist: Melee and Ranged attacks (half damage), Vulnerable: Near and Far attacks 5
Swarm Violence aura 1: If an enemy begins their turn in this aura, the swarm makes a basic melee attack against them as a free action.‡ Plague of Fangs (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+11 vs AC; 2d10+2 damage, and the vermin swarm makes a secondary attack on the same target.
Secondary Attack: +9 vs Fortitude; 1d10 poison damage.
A swarm can occupy the same space as other creatures.
Webbing Spiders
Spinner of intricate webs, most webbing spiders ensnare their prey in sticky silk before moving in for the kill.
The reaper spider spins webs for its lair, but is too slow at spinning to throw webs in combat. The short-sighted widow spider catches prey in webs and pre-digests it by spitting acidic juices over it. The crab spider’s scent glands can reproduce other smells, helping to lure creatures into the snare it dangles. The jumping spider attaches itself to key points using its web. The spitting spider sprays its target with entangling webs.
No spider has access to all powers. Instead, they each get a selection, described below.
Reaper Spider: Bite, recluse bite and play dead.
Widow Spider: Bite, venomous bite, wrap in silk, spit juices and play dead. Blind beyond 6 squares.
Crab Spider: Bite, venomous bite and snare. Crab spiders can also emit a smell of their choice, usually choosing the scent of a local predator or environmental hazard.
Jumping Spider: Bite and tethered leap. Jumping spiders also have all-around vision.
Gladiator Spider: Bite and gladiator’s strike.
Spitting Spider: Bite, venomous bite, spray sticky venom and wrap in silk.
Small Webbing Spider
Level 1 Skulker (100 XP)
Small Natural Beast ● Spider (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +0, darkvision, tremorsense (when standing on a web, for contiguous web spaces only); Skills: Acrobatics +8, Athletics +3, Stealth +8
Str: 7 (-2), Con: 10 (+0), Dex: 17 (+3) Int: 2 (-4), Wis: 10 (+0), Cha: 2 (-4)Initiative: +3; Speed: 5 (web stride), climb 2 (wall-climber)
AC: 13; Fort: 14, Ref: 12, Will: 13
HP: 33, Staggered: 16‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage, or 2d8+3 damage against a slowed, grappled, restrained or immobile target.
† Gladiator’s Strike (standard, refresh 4, 5, 6)
+6 vs Reflex; The target is slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, they are grappled until they escape. If they are already grappled, they are restrained until they escape the grapple.
Play Dead (swift, at-will) ● Stance
If the spider is hit by an attack, as an immediate reaction the spider makes a Bluff check against its enemies’ passive Perception. On a successful check, it appears dead until it next acts.
† Recluse Bite (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 necrotic damage. Secondary Attack: +4 vs Fortitude; the target cannot heal necrotic damage from any source until the target’s next long rest.
† Snare (swift, at-will)
Reach 4 (directly beneath the spider only); +6 vs Reflex; The target is slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, they are grappled until they escape. If they are already grappled, they are restrained until they escape the grapple.
† Spit Juices (standard, at-will) ● Acid
The target must be grappled or restrained: The target takes 10 persistent acid damage (save ends).
∢ Spray Sticky Venom (standard, encounter) ● Poison
Near blast 3, all creatures without the Spider tag; +6 vs Fortitude; 1d10+3 poison damage and the target is immobile (save ends).
Tethered Leap (move, at-will)
The spider jumps 4 squares, or travels directly down 4 squares. The spider leaves a tether attached to the original square. It can jump back to the original square at any time as a swift action, provided the silk line to its tether remains intact and it hasn’t moved more than 8 squares from the tether. Movement made as part of this ability never provokes opportunity attacks.
† Venomous Bite (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 poison damage and the target is slowed until the end of their next turn.
† Wrap in Silk (standard, at-will)
+6 vs Reflex; The target is slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, they are grappled until they escape. If they are already grappled, they are restrained until they escape the grapple.
Medium Webbing Spider
Level 4 Skulker (175 XP)
Medium Natural Beast ● Spider (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +4, darkvision, tremorsense (when standing on a web, for contiguous web spaces only); Skills: Acrobatics +12, Athletics +9, Stealth +12
Str: 11 (+2), Con: 12 (+3), Dex: 17 (+5) Int: 2 (-2), Wis: 10 (+2), Cha: 2 (-2)Initiative: +7; Speed: 6 (web stride), climb 3 (wall-climber)
AC: 16; Fort: 17, Ref: 15, Will: 16
HP: 51, Staggered: 25‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+9 vs AC; 1d12+5 damage, or 2d12+3 damage against a slowed, grappled, restrained or immobile target.
† Gladiator’s Strike (standard, refresh 4, 5, 6)
+9 vs Reflex; The target is slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, they are grappled until they escape. If they are already grappled, they are restrained until they escape the grapple.
Play Dead (swift, at-will) ● Stance
If the spider is hit by an attack, as an immediate reaction the spider makes a Bluff check against its enemies’ passive Perception. On a successful check, it appears dead until it next acts.
† Recluse Bite (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic
+9 vs AC; 1d12+5 necrotic damage. Secondary Attack: +7 vs Fortitude; the target cannot heal necrotic damage from any source until the target’s next long rest.
† Snare (swift, at-will)
Reach 4 (directly beneath the spider only); +9 vs Reflex; The target is slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, they are grappled until they escape. If they are already grappled, they are restrained until they escape the grapple.
† Spit Juices (standard, at-will) ● Acid
The target must be grappled or restrained: The target takes 15 persistent acid damage (save ends).
∢ Spray Sticky Venom (standard, encounter) ● Poison
Near blast 3, all creatures without the Spider tag; +9 vs Fortitude; 1d12+5 poison damage and the target is immobile (save ends). Tethered Leap (move, at-will)
The spider jumps 5 squares, or travels directly down 5 squares. The spider leaves a tether attached to the original square. It can jump back to the original square at any time as a swift action, provided the silk line to its tether remains intact and it hasn’t moved more than 10 squares from the tether. Movement made as part of this ability never provokes opportunity attacks.
† Venomous Bite (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+9 vs AC; 1d12+5 poison damage and the target is slowed until the end of their next turn.
† Wrap in Silk (standard, at-will)
+9 vs Reflex; The target is slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, they are grappled until they escape. If they are already grappled, they are restrained until they escape the grapple.
Large Webbing Spider
Level 8 Skulker (350 XP)
Large Natural Beast ● Spider (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +8, darkvision, tremorsense (when standing on a web, for contiguous web spaces only); Skills: Acrobatics +16, Athletics +15, Stealth +16
Str: 15 (+6), Con: 12 (+5), Dex: 17 (+7) Int: 2 (+0), Wis: 10 (+4), Cha: 2 (+0)Initiative: +11; Speed: 6 (web stride), climb 4 (wall-climber)
AC: 20; Fort: 21, Ref: 19, Will: 20
HP: 75, Staggered: 37‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+13 vs AC; 2d10+5 damage, or 3d10+5 damage against a slowed, grappled, restrained or immobile target.
† Gladiator’s Strike (standard, refresh 4, 5, 6)
+13 vs Reflex; The target is slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, they are grappled until they escape. If they are already grappled, they are restrained until they escape the grapple.
Play Dead (swift, at-will) ● Stance
If the spider is hit by an attack, as an immediate reaction the spider makes a Bluff check against its enemies’ passive Perception. On a successful check, it appears dead until it next acts.
† Snare (swift, at-will)
Reach 4 (directly beneath the spider only); +13 vs Reflex; The target is slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, they are grappled until they escape. If they are already grappled, they are restrained until they escape the grapple.
† Spit Juices (standard, at-will) ● Acid
The target must be grappled or restrained: The target takes 20 persistent acid damage (save ends).
∢ Spray Sticky Venom (standard, encounter) ● Poison
Near blast 3, all creatures without the Spider tag; +13 vs Fortitude; 2d10+5 poison damage and the target is immobile (save ends).
Tethered Leap (move, at-will)
The spider jumps 6 squares, or travels directly down 6 squares. The spider leaves a tether attached to the original square. It can jump back to the original square at any time as a swift action, provided the silk line to its tether remains intact and it hasn’t moved more than 12 squares from the tether. Movement made as part of this ability never provokes opportunity attacks.
† Recluse Bite (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic
+13 vs AC; 2d10+5 necrotic damage. Secondary Attack: +11 vs Fortitude; the target cannot heal necrotic damage from any source until the target’s next long rest.
† Venomous Bite (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+13 vs AC; 2d10+5 poison damage and the target is slowed until the end of their next turn.
† Wrap in Silk (standard, at-will)
+13 vs Reflex; The target is slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, they are grappled until they escape. If they are already grappled, they are restrained until they escape the grapple.
Huge Webbing Spider
Level 12 Skulker (700 XP)
Huge Natural Beast ● Spider (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +12, darkvision, tremorsense (when standing on a web, for contiguous web spaces only); Skills: Acrobatics +20, Athletics +21, Stealth +20
Str: 19 (+10), Con: 14 (+8), Dex: 17 (+9) Int: 2 (+2), Wis: 10 (+6), Cha: 2 (+2)Initiative: +15; Speed: 8 (web stride), climb 6 (wall-climber)
AC: 24; Fort: 25, Ref: 23, Will: 24
HP: 99, Staggered: 49‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
+17 vs AC; 3d8+6 damage, or 6d6+6 damage against a slowed, grappled, restrained or immobile target.
† Gladiator’s Strike (standard, refresh 4, 5, 6)
+17 vs Reflex; The target is slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, they are grappled until they escape. If they are already grappled, they are restrained until they escape the grapple.
Play Dead (swift, at-will) ● Stance
If the spider is hit by an attack, as an immediate reaction the spider makes a Bluff check against its enemies’ passive Perception. On a successful check, it appears dead until it next acts.
† Recluse Bite (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic
+17 vs AC; 3d8+6 necrotic damage. Secondary Attack: +15 vs Fortitude; the target cannot heal necrotic damage from any source until the target’s next long rest.
† Snare (swift, at-will)
Reach 4 (directly beneath the spider only); +17 vs Reflex; The target is slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, they are grappled until they escape. If they are already grappled, they are restrained until they escape the grapple.
† Spit Juices (standard, at-will) ● Acid
The target must be grappled or restrained: The target takes 25 persistent acid damage (save ends).
∢ Spray Sticky Venom (standard, encounter) ● Poison
Near blast 3, all creatures without the Spider tag; +17 vs Fortitude; 3d8+6 poison damage and the target is immobile (save ends).
Tethered Leap (move, at-will)
The spider jumps 6 squares, or travels directly down 6 squares. The spider leaves a tether attached to the original square. It can jump back to the original square at any time as a swift action, provided the silk line to its tether remains intact and it hasn’t moved more than 12 squares from the tether. Movement made as part of this ability never provokes opportunity attacks.
† Wrap in Silk (standard, at-will)
+17 vs Reflex; The target is slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, they are grappled until they escape. If they are already grappled, they are restrained until they escape the grapple.
† Venomous Bite (standard, at-will) ● Poison
+17 vs AC; 3d8+6 poison damage and the target is slowed until the end of their next turn.

Scavenger Worm
Level 8 Blocker (350 XP)
Large Cosmic Monstrosity (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +13, blindsight 12
Str: 14 (+6), Con: 24 (+11), Dex: 21 (+9) Int: 1 (-1), Wis: 21 (+9), Cha: 6 (+2)Initiative: +13; Speed: 6, climb 4
AC: 24; Fort: 21, Ref: 20, Will: 20
HP: 64, Staggered: 32
Resist: radiant 10, Vulnerable: psychic 10‡ Bite (standard, at-will) ● Acid
+13 vs AC; 2d10+5 acid damage.
∢ Tranquilizing Spray (standard, encounter) ● Acid, Psychic
Near arc 2; +11 vs Fortitude; 2d10+5 acid damage and the target falls prone.
This insectoid creature might be mistaken for a simple giant centipede, were it not for the circular, moray-like maw, the hard reflective chitin that clicks as it moves, and its complete lack of eyes. Something green and foul-smelling trickles from its mouth.
Burrower Worm
Level 10 Elite Striker (1000 XP)
Huge Cosmic Monstrosity (Evil)
Senses: Perception +13; Skills: Stealth +15
Str: 21 (+10), Con: 17 (+8), Dex: 20 (+10) Int: 4 (+2), Wis: 17 (+8), Cha: 12 (+6)Initiative: +12; Speed: 8, burrow 8
Action Points: 1
AC: 24; Fort: 23, Ref: 23, Will: 21; Saving Throws: +2
HP: 148, Staggered: 74‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
Reach 2; +15 vs AC; 2d8+6 damage, and the target is knocked prone
† Death from Below (standard, at-will)
The worm moves below the surface up to its burrow speed, avoiding opportunity attacks, and then bursts up from the ground and makes a secondary attack with combat advantage.
Secondary Attack: +17 vs AC; 2d8+6 damage, and the target is grappled.
∢ Acidic Spew (swift, refresh 4, 5, 6) ● Acid
Far burst 1 within 10; +15 vs AC; 1d8+5 damage.
A digging worm of enormous size. It prefers to attack from below, tunnelling up with dazzling speed.
A reanimated but decaying corpse, the zombie shambles aimlessly.
Level 1 Blocker (100 XP)
Medium Natural Humanoid ● Undead (Unaligned)
Senses: Perception +0, darkvision
Str: 12 (+1), Con: 10 (+0), Dex: 8 (-1) Int: 2 (-4), Wis: 10 (+0), Cha: 1 (-5)Initiative: -1; Speed: 6
AC: 17; Fort: 14, Ref: 13, Will: 13
HP: 29, Staggered: 14
Immune: disease, poison, Resist: necrotic 5, Vulnerable: radiant 5‡ Slam (standard, at-will)
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage and make a secondary attack against the target. Secondary Attack: +4 vs Fortitude; the target is grappled.
Zombies do not get a move action (though they trade their standard action for a move action).
The zombie automatically hits creatures that are grappled by an ally.
Dinner Rush
The zombie’s speed on a charge is doubled.
Fast Zombie
Remove the slow feature.
Putrid Zombie
Stench aura 1 Living creatures that begin their turn within the aura grant combat advantage.
Zombified Wyvern
Level 7 Wrecker (300 XP)
Large Natural Automaton ● Undead (Evil)
Senses: Perception +4, darkvision
Str: 21 (+8), Con: 18 (+7), Dex: 12 (+4) Int: 5 (+0), Wis: 12 (+4), Cha: 6 (+1)Initiative: +4; Speed: 3, fly 6 (hover)
AC: 19; Fort: 22, Ref: 17, Will: 17
HP: 69, Staggered: 34
Immune: disease, poison, Resist: necrotic 10, Vulnerable: radiant 10‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
Reach 2; +12 vs AC; 2d6+5 damage.
‡ Claws (standard, at-will)
The zombified wyvern can attack with its claws only while flying; +12 vs AC; 1d10+5 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
† Necrotic Sting (standard, at-will) ● Necrotic
Reach 2; +12 vs AC; 1d8+5 damage, and the target takes persistent 5 necrotic damage (save ends).
Appendix: Monsters by Level
Name | Level | Role |
Legion Recruit | 1 | Mook Striker |
Mitflit | 1 | Mook Striker |
Ill-Equipped Combatant | 1 | Mook Striker |
Eagle | 1 | Striker |
Raven of Doom | 1 | Skulker |
Dog | 1 | Striker |
Riding Horse | 1 | Wrecker |
Wicker Golem | 1 | Striker |
Squirming Mound | 1 | Striker |
Scorpion Knight | 1 | Blocker |
Demon Toad | 1 | Wrecker |
Hopping Imp | 1 | Wrecker |
Bodyguard | 1 | Blocker |
Chain Brawler | 1 | Striker |
Mancatcher | 1 | Striker |
Legionary | 1 | Blocker |
Skeleton Warrior | 1 | Blocker |
Flash Beetle | 1 | Spoiler |
Iridescent Scorpion | 1 | Striker |
Small Fishing Spider | 1 | Skulker |
Small Hunting Spider | 1 | Striker |
Small Webbing Spider | 1 | Skulker |
Zombie | 1 | Blocker |
Giant Amoeba | 1 | Elite Blocker |
Throach Hatchling | 2 | Mook Striker |
War Horse | 2 | Wrecker |
Grenadier | 2 | Archer |
Siege Engineer | 2 | Archer |
Signifier | 2 | Spoiler |
Bone Chariot | 2 | Blocker |
Ostovite | 2 | Skulker |
Smoldering Skeleton | 2 | Archer |
Vermin Swarm | 2 | Striker |
Throach | 2 | Elite Blocker |
Worm That Walks | 2 | Boss Spoiler |
Mega-Chariot | 3 | Boss Blocker |
Great Ape | 3 | Wrecker |
Wolf | 3 | Striker |
Small Earth Elemental | 3 | Skulker |
Small Water Elemental | 3 | Spoiler |
Desiccated Husk | 3 | Wrecker |
Scurvy Pirate | 3 | Blocker |
Shadowblast Warlock | 3 | Skulker |
Centurion | 3 | Blocker |
Infected Animal | 3 | Wrecker |
Infected Drone | 3 | Wrecker |
Shadow Bat Swarm | 3 | Skulker |
Hate Reaper | 3 | Spoiler |
Bloody Bones | 3 | Elite Wrecker |
Young Couatl | 3 | Boss Striker |
Blood-Drinker Hag | 3 | Boss Spoiler |
Ostovite Swarm | 3 | Boss Spoiler |
Shadow Drake | 3 | Boss Skulker |
Gang Initiate | 4 | Mook Striker |
Infected Guard | 4 | Wrecker |
Bison | 4 | Wrecker |
Giant Frog | 4 | Wrecker |
Panther | 4 | Striker |
Ragged Tooth Shark | 4 | Striker |
Boar | 4 | Wrecker |
Small Fire Elemental | 4 | Striker |
Ettercap | 4 | Skulker |
Medium Fishing Spider | 4 | Skulker |
Medium Hunting Spider | 4 | Striker |
Medium Webbing Spider | 4 | Skulker |
Gang Leader | 4 | Elite Spoiler |
Ghoul Worm | 4 | Elite Striker |
Umbral Mass | 4 | Elite Skulker |
Crossbow Skirmisher | 5 | Mook Archer |
Infected Grub | 5 | Mook Striker |
Small Air Elemental | 5 | Spoiler |
Burner Demon | 5 | Wrecker |
Hellhound | 5 | Wrecker |
Flying Head | 5 | Striker |
Ghoul | 5 | Striker |
Infiltrator | 5 | Skulker |
Cowled Assassin | 5 | Skulker |
Repeater Crossbow Master | 5 | Archer |
Peaceful Specter | 5 | Skulker |
Witchcrawler | 5 | Spoiler |
Dog-faced Baboon | 5 | Elite Wrecker |
Scintillating Boa | 5 | Elite Blocker |
The Minotaur | 5 | Elite Wrecker |
Shadow Prince | 5 | Elite Spoiler |
Ancient Hermit Crab | 5 | Boss Blocker |
Spectral Spawn | 6 | Mook Striker |
Wolfshead Bandit | 6 | Mook Archer |
Enthralled Servant | 6 | Blocker |
Quipper Swarm | 6 | Striker |
Deepfolk Warrior | 6 | Wrecker |
Flay Devil | 6 | Striker |
Fir Bolg Hunter | 6 | Striker |
Hulk | 6 | Wrecker |
Wolf Shifter | 6 | Striker |
Shapeshifter Slime (Human Form) | 6 | Archer |
Shapeshifter Slime (Slime Form) | 6 | Skulker |
Failed Sacrifice | 6 | Wrecker |
Specter of Chivalry | 6 | Blocker |
Specter of Sorrow | 6 | Spoiler |
Large Vermin Swarm | 6 | Striker |
Barghest | 6 | Elite Striker |
Revenant Skeleton | 6 | Elite Wrecker |
Half-Aboleth | 6 | Boss Wrecker |
Vigilant Statue | 6 | Boss Blocker |
Sniper Bandit | 7 | Mook Striker |
Dire Wolf | 7 | Striker |
Medium Earth Elemental | 7 | Skulker |
Medium Water Elemental | 7 | Spoiler |
Fir Bolg Archer | 7 | Archer |
Zombified Wyvern | 7 | Wrecker |
King of Thieves | 7 | Elite Blocker |
Stygira | 7 | Elite Spoiler |
Mercenary Archer | 8 | Mook Archer |
Transformed Servant | 8 | Blocker |
Veteran Thrall | 8 | Wrecker |
Devil Ape | 8 | Wrecker |
Pegasus | 8 | Striker |
Unicorn | 8 | Striker |
Animate Collector | 8 | Spoiler |
Deepfolk Berserker | 8 | Wrecker |
Gargoyle | 8 | Skulker |
Medium Fire Elemental | 8 | Striker |
Fir Bolg Shaman | 8 | Spoiler |
Fire Magician | 8 | Archer |
Infected Behemoth | 8 | Wrecker |
Bear Shifter | 8 | Wrecker |
Raven Scout | 8 | Skulker |
Large Fishing Spider | 8 | Skulker |
Large Hunting Spider | 8 | Striker |
Large Webbing Spider | 8 | Skulker |
Scavenger Worm | 8 | Blocker |
Greymalkin | 8 | Elite Striker |
Adult Couatl | 8 | Boss Striker |
Jiang-Shi Scholar | 8 | Boss Striker |
Medium Air Elemental | 9 | Spoiler |
Hezrou | 9 | Wrecker |
Hungry Maw | 9 | Wrecker |
Vulture Demon | 9 | Wrecker |
Ghast | 9 | Striker |
Insidious Assassin | 9 | Skulker |
The Emperor | 9 | Elite Archer |
Bauble Beast | 9 | Elite Blocker |
Thrall Commander | 10 | Blocker |
Plesiosaur | 10 | Wrecker |
Deepfolk Hydromancer | 10 | Spoiler |
Ogre | 10 | Wrecker |
Elohim Sky Guardian | 10 | Archer |
Deathgaunt | 10 | Skulker |
Tyrannosaur | 10 | Elite Striker |
Mercenary Lord | 10 | Elite Spoiler |
Burrower Worm | 10 | Elite Striker |
Worg | 11 | Striker |
Large Earth Elemental | 11 | Skulker |
Large Water Elemental | 11 | Spoiler |
Rabbit Shaman | 11 | Spoiler |
Greater Barghest | 11 | Elite Striker |
Dark Knight | 11 | Boss Wrecker |
Jiang-Shi Magistrate | 11 | Boss Striker |
Nightmare | 12 | Striker |
Animate Guardian | 12 | Blocker |
Large Fire Elemental | 12 | Striker |
Hill Giant | 12 | Wrecker |
Armored Warmage | 12 | Wrecker |
Gloomwarden | 12 | Spoiler |
Otyugh | 12 | Striker |
Huge Fishing Spider | 12 | Skulker |
Huge Hunting Spider | 12 | Striker |
Huge Webbing Spider | 12 | Skulker |
Ice Hag | 12 | Elite Striker |
Master Assassin | 12 | Elite Skulker |
Skinner | 13 | Mook Archer |
Elephant | 13 | Blocker |
Large Air Elemental | 13 | Spoiler |
Semiferum Caste Ophiduan | 13 | Striker |
Jinushigami | 13 | Elite Spoiler |
Punk | 13 | Elite Wrecker |
Hominis Caste Ophiduan | 13 | Elite Spoiler |
Anguineum Caste Ophiduan | 13 | Boss Spoiler |
Martial Arts Master | 13 | Boss Blocker |
Baby Screamer | 14 | Mook Archer |
Blademaster | 14 | Mook Striker |
Crossbow Master | 14 | Mook Archer |
Chuul | 14 | Wrecker |
Fire Giant | 14 | Spoiler |
Fir Bolg Chieftain | 14 | Blocker |
Chank | 14 | Archer |
Mother Screamer | 14 | Skulker |
Greater Failed Sacrifice | 14 | Wrecker |
Cruel Lieutenant | 14 | Elite Striker |
Beast | 14 | Boss Striker |
Lamia | 15 | Spoiler |
Big Burner | 15 | Wrecker |
Mountain Demon | 15 | Skulker |
Formidable Archer | 15 | Archer |
Widow | 15 | Spoiler |
The Scorpion | 15 | Elite Archer |
Elder Couatl | 15 | Boss Striker |
The Tri-Pod | 15 | Boss Striker |
The Awoken | 15 | Boss Striker |
Animate Battleform | 16 | Blocker |
Frost Giant | 16 | Wrecker |
Tunnel Brute | 16 | Wrecker |
Archvillain | 16 | Elite Wrecker |
Phrenic Scourge | 16 | Elite Spoiler |
Evil Eye | 16 | Boss Wrecker |
Mammoth | 17 | Blocker |
Flying Head Swarm | 17 | Elite Striker |
Aboleth | 18 | Spoiler |
Stone Giant | 18 | Wrecker |
Lamia Superior | 19 | Spoiler |
Boar Demon (Nalfeshnee) | 19 | Wrecker |
Frenzy Demon | 19 | Wrecker |
Pincer Demon (Glabrezu) | 19 | Wrecker |
Storm Giant | 20 | Spoiler |
Undying | 20 | Skulker |
Marut | 21 | Blocker |
Ancient Couatl | 22 | Boss Striker |
Laughing Demon | 25 | Wrecker |
Balor | 29 | Wrecker |
Marilith | 29 | Wrecker |
Abyssal Mummy | 35 | Mook Blocker |
Orcus | 35 | Boss Spoiler |
Threats are easy to use, thematic, level-appropriate collections of hazards, traps and other challenges.
If the PCs are particularly disadvantaged by the threat relative to their opponents, count the threat as one standard monster of its level for the purposes of encounter design.
Level 1. Wooden floorboards; wooden walls; 20-foot ceiling with beams running across the length and breadth of the mill at 10 feet.
Light: Lanterns (bright in 4x4 area).
**✪ Brambles ● Cover **
Creatures who start their turn in brambles are slowed until they leave the brambles.
△ Boggy Ground ● Difficult Terrain
☁ Mist ● Lightly Obscuring
░ Cloud of Midges ● Difficult Terrain, Lightly Obscuring, Zone
If no creatures in zone when a creature moves within 3 of the zone, the zone moves 5 to overlap creature. If a Near or Far attack includes zone in area, those parts of zone destroyed.
⦷ Saw ● Difficult Terrain
Small. AC/Reflex 5, Fortitude 10, 30 HP
If a creature enters this space, make an attack. +3 vs Reflex; 1d10+3 damage.
║ Beams ● Difficult Terrain
May treat as normal terrain if you make a DC 13 Acrobatics check; if you fail by 5 or more you fall off the beam.
☼ Sawdust Port ● Hazard
Swift action to activate. Creates arc 3 zone of obscuring terrain.
Deactivate DC 12 (swift action). If deactivation check fails, 2d6 fire damage in zone as a spark ignites the sawdust.
◒ Rope and Pulley
Small. AC/Ref 8, Fortitude 8, 5 HP
Activate as a move action. Travel up to a beam or down from a beam to the ground.
✪ Work Bench ● Cover
Medium. AC/Ref 5, Fortitude 10, 20 HP
With a swift action, find an improvised weapon on the bench.
⟍ Conveyor Belt ● Difficult Terrain, Hazard
Swift action to activate. Creatures on the conveyor belt are shunted 2 squares at the end of each round, until they leave the conveyor belt.
Level 2
Light: Depends on the weather. Swamp lanterns provide illumination.
≈ Deep Water
Must swim to cross.
✪ Brambles ● Cover
Creatures who start their turn in brambles are slowed until they leave the brambles.
△ Boggy Ground ● Difficult Terrain
☁ Mist ● Lightly Obscuring
░ Cloud of Midges ● Difficult Terrain, Lightly Obscuring, Zone
If no creatures in zone when a creature moves within 3 of the zone, the zone moves 5 to overlap creature. If a Near or Far attack includes zone in area, those parts of zone destroyed.
║ Floating Log ● Difficult Terrain
May treat as normal terrain if you make a DC 13 Acrobatics check; if you fail by 5 or more you fall off the log.
☼ Swamp Lanterns ● Hazard, Light Source (bright in 4x4 area)
Leaking plumes of gas. If exposed to flame, they explode and disappear (recharge 5–6): Near burst 1, +5 vs Reflex; 1d12+3 fire damage.
☒ Quicksand ● Difficult Terrain, Hazard
Appears as boggy ground (notice DC 13 reveals water is bubbling up).
Attack any creature that enters or starts its turn in quicksand: +5 vs Fortitude; the target is restrained until the end of the turn.
Event (roll at the end of each round, on a 6):
- An island turns out to be the back of a giant turtle/hermit crab
- A swamp creature seizes a creature and pulls them into the deep water
- A floating log turns out to be a crocodile
- An abandoned boat floats downstream
- Midges turn out to be blood midges: while in the zone, creatures have vulnerability to all damage 5.
Wizard’s Tower
Level 3. Mortared stone walls; flagstone floors; 10-foot ceiling
Light: Continual flame torches provide regular bright light.
🙾 Chequerboard
Each square is either black or white. On odd rounds, spikes attack creatures standing on a black square. On even rounds, spikes attack creatures standing on a white square.
+9 vs Reflex; 1d12+4 damage.
♕ Marble Queen ● Cover
Medium. AC/Ref 5, Fortitude 10, 40 HP
DC 14 Athletics to rotate. While facing chequerboard, pattern swaps: on odd rounds, spikes attack white. On even, spikes attack black.
░ Force Wall ● Zone
When a creature attempts to enter the zone, make an attack. +9 vs Fortitude; the creature is pushed back the way they came 1d6 squares.
☼ Teleportation Circle
This square is adjacent to all other teleportation circles within sight.
☒ Summoning Stasis Circle
Appears as a teleportation circle (notice DC 14 reveals pentagram etched lightly into the flagstones).
If a creature enters the circle, it is stunned until the end of its next turn.
✪ Capacious Cupboard ● Cover
Medium. AC/Ref 5, Fortitude 10, 20 HP
Appears as a regular cupboard (notice DC 14 reveals moving objects inside).
Roll at the end of each round. On a 5 or 6, summon a small animated object in an adjacent unoccupied space.
Shutting the cupboard door stops further summons.
Spider’s Lair
Level 4. Open ground; tunnels have walls and floors of raw earth and are as high as the spiders that made them.
Light: Dim light under tree canopy; tunnels are dark.
☼ Web ● Difficult Terrain, Lightly Obscured, Hazard, Zone
If a creature enters a web, +7 vs Reflex; the target is slowed until the end of their next turn.
If they are already slowed, they are grappled until the target escapes (DC 14), leaves the space or an adjacent creature helps them escape. If the target fails their escape roll by 5 or more, they are restrained instead. If the rescuer fails their escape roll, they are grappled too.
If a web is exposed to fire, it sets alight. Creatures that enter or begin their turn in the zone take 5 fire damage. At the same initiative count the next round, the fire burns out, the web in that square is destroyed and any adjacent squares with webs are set alight.
║ Branch Bridge ● Difficult Terrain
May treat as normal terrain if you make a DC 14 Acrobatics check; if you fail by 5 or more you fall off the branch.
✪ Tree ● Cover, Impassible
Large. AC/Reflex 4, Fortitude 15, 100 HP. Climb DC 15.
⌘ Trapped Creature ● Difficult Terrain
Medium. AC 14, Fortitude/Reflex/Will 12, 34 HP
An adjacent creature can free a trapped creature with an escape roll (DC 14). If the rescuer fails their escape roll by 5 or more, one hand is stuck to the trapped creature until the end of their next turn.
A spider can feed from a trapped creature as a swift action. The trapped creature takes 4d8 damage and the spider heals that amount.
△ Leaf Litter ● Difficult Terrain
Small and smaller creatures have light concealment and cover while in leaf litter.
Leaf litter can conceal trapdoors and webs.
☁ Canopy ● Lightly Obscuring
The canopy is too fragile for Medium or larger creatures unless they have wall-climbing.
◒ Trapdoor
As a door, but leading down into tunnels. Can open with a swift action.
⦷ Spider Eggs ● Difficult Terrain
Small. AC 14, Fortitude/Reflex/Will 12, 34 HP
If a creature enters this space, make a refresh roll. On a 4 to 6, the eggs hatch. Destroy the eggs and place a vermin swarm on this space. The swarm starts with damage equal to damage taken by the eggs it hatched from.
☒ Rotten Patch ● Difficult Terrain, Hazard
Appears as one or more squares of a branch bridge (notice DC 14 reveals rot has set in).
Attack any creature that enters or starts its turn on the branch: +7 vs Fortitude; that square of the branch is destroyed and the target starts to fall (may make a save to catch the edge).
Frozen Wastes
Level 7
≈ Ice-Cold Water ● Hazard
Must swim to cross. At the end of each turn spent in ice-cold water, make an attack: +10 vs Fortitude; on a hit the target is dazed (save ends). If the target is already dazed, they lose one recovery.
✪ Tree ● Cover
Large. AC/Reflex 4, Fortitude 15, 100 HP. Climb DC 15.
△ Slush ● Difficult Terrain
☁ Mist ● Lightly Obscuring
║ Ice Bridge ● Difficult Terrain
Per square: Medium. AC/Reflex 4, Fortitude 12, 10 HP.
Must make a DC 16 Acrobatics check while moving across; if you fail by 5 or more you fall off the bridge. If you fail by less than that, your movement ends.
⟍ Ice ● Hazard, Zone
Each time a creature enters an ice space, they must make an Acrobatics check (DC 11). On a failure, their movement ends. If they fail by 5 or more, they fall prone and slide 2 squares in a random direction (roll 1d8 and count clockwise to determine the direction).
☒ False Layer of Snow ● Difficult Terrain, Hazard, Zone
Appears as slush (notice DC 16 reveals gaps in the snow cover).
Each time a creature enters the zone, roll 1d6, +1 for every 100 pounds the creature weighs (round down). On a 6 or higher, the layer collapses.
Creatures in the zone make a saving throw; if successful, they move to adjacent unoccupied space (if one exists).
Otherwise, they fall 20 feet (2d10 falling damage). Climb DC 20 to escape the pit.
Events (roll at the end of each round, on a 6):
- A snowstorm descends for the round (lightly obscuring everywhere)
- Chilly wind (every creature is affected by cold as if in ice-cold water).
Aboleth’s Lair
Level 10. Solid stone but mossy walls and floors; 20-foot ceiling
Light: Darkness.
≈ Deep Water
Must swim to cross.
△ Boggy Ground ● Difficult Terrain
⦷ Slime Pod ● Cover
Small. AC 14, Fortitude/Reflex/Will 12, 34 HP
If a creature enters the slime pod’s square, the pod makes an attack and then is destroyed: +13 vs Fortitude; the target is exposed to the aboleth slime affliction.
☁ Phantasmal Force ● Cover
An illusion. As a swift action, a creature with telepathy within 12 squares of the phantasmal force can change the illusion to something else. Notice DC 19 to see the illusion flicker.
☼ Memory Extractor ● Disguised
Appears as mechanical brass legs attached to a coil hanging from a long pole. Notice DC 19 to see traces of scalp on the toes of the legs.
If a creature moves adjacent to the memory extractor or starts their turn adjacent to it, the memory extractor attacks: +13 vs Reflex; 2d12+5 psychic damage, the target is grappled (escape DC 23) and any aboleths within 12 squares learn one memory of the target’s.
☒ Whirlpool ● Difficult Terrain, Hazard
Appears as deep water (notice DC 19 reveals water is shifting).
Attack any creature that enters or starts its turn in the whirlpool: +13 vs Fortitude; the target is pulled 2 squares towards the center of the whirlpool and slowed until the end of their next turn.
Magma Caverns
Level 12. Solid stone walls and floors; 20-foot ceiling
Light: Darkness. Pools of lava provide illumination.
≈ Pool of Lava ● Fire, Light Source (bright in burst 2), Zone
Creatures that enter or begin their turn on the pool of lava take 6d6+6 fire damage, or 42 fire damage if fully submerged.
☼ Flame Spurt ● Fire, Hazard
Appears as a crack in the ground (notice DC 20 reveals area around crack is seared).
Initiative +11 (recharge 4–6); trigger: As soon as recharged. Near arc 2, +18 vs Reflex; 3d8+6 fire damage.
Disable DC 20 (Dungeoneering or Sleight of Hand).
☁ Noxious Gases ● Lightly Obscuring, Zone
Attack creatures that enter or begin their turn in the zone. +15 vs Fortitude; the target is weakened until the end of their next turn.
△ Rubble ● Difficult Terrain
✪ Boulders ● Cover
Medium. AC/Ref 5, Fortitude 10, 40 HP
☒ Fissure
Appears as normal ground (notice DC 20 reveals spiderwebbing cracks).
If the fissure event is triggered, the ground opens up. Creatures on a fissure space make a saving throw; if successful, move to adjacent unoccupied space. Otherwise, fall 60 feet (6d10 falling damage).
Athletics DC 20 to climb from the pit.
Events (roll at the end of each round, on a 6):
- An island starts rising from the lava
- An island starts sinking into the lava
- A fissure opens in the rock
- All noxious gases shift 1 square in a random direction.
Maw of Chaos
Floating island-planets of earth, air, fire and water, and a hundred quasi-, para- and pseudo-elements besides, dot the void. They bump and jostle, splitting and combining, according to unknown laws or the whims of those on them.
Level 17
Subjective Gravity: A creature is pulled towards whatever surface of a chaos mote they are closest to. A creature that is further from the surface of any mote than its own height can fly at its walking speed.
Mind’s Influence: A creature standing on a chaos mote can command it to move as a move action. Make an Arcana check, with a DC equal to 10 + the number of squares that make up the mote. On a success, the mote moves up to 6 squares, and will move half that speed next round unless commanded by the same or a different creature.
≈ Pool
Must swim to cross.
☼ Flames ● Fire, Zone
Creatures that enter or begin their turn in flames take 4d8+7 fire damage.
☁ Violent Air ● Air, Lightly Obscuring, Zone
Creatures in these spaces are rattled and deafened.
△ Rubble ● Difficult Terrain
✪ Boulders ● Cover
Medium. AC/Ref 5, Fortitude 10, 40 HP
☒ Ancient Portal
Appears as a stone arch (notice DC 23 reveals a flicker of the destination).
If the portal event is triggered, the portal starts pulling creatures towards it if they are on the same mote. At the end of each creature’s turn, it is pulled 3 squares towards/into the portal.
A creature adjacent to the portal can use a standard action and make a DC 31 Religion check to activate or deactivate it or, if the portal is activated, to have it only target creatures of a particular alignment.
Events (roll at the end of each round, on a 6):
- A mote starts flying towards another of its own accord
- A portal opens to the City of Brass or another planar location
- A monster turns into a completely different monster
- All elements on a mote swap (air becomes earth, water becomes fire, and vice versa).
Traps can be found almost anywhere. One wrong step in an ancient tomb might trigger a series of scything blades, which cleave through armor and bone. The seemingly innocuous vines that hang over a cave entrance might grasp and choke anyone who pushes through them. A net hidden among the trees might drop on travelers who pass underneath. In a fantasy game, unwary adventurers can fall to their deaths, be burned alive, or fall under a fusillade of poisoned darts.
How to Use Traps
Traps can often spice up a combat encounter. Outside of combat, the party does not face the same time and healing pressures, which means traps can feel a little flat. They can still be used to good effect to heighten tension, consume the party’s resources or reward clever thinking by the party.
The traps are usually generic in describing their trigger, but the following are all good options for a trap that targets the creature that triggered it:
- When a chest or drawer is opened.
- When a door is opened.
- When a character enters a square, stepping on a pressure plate.
- When a character crosses a trip wire stretched across several squares. Characters that have noticed a trip wire can usually step over it and avoid triggering the trap.
- When a character interacts with a corpse, precious item or other interesting object, yanking a trip wire attached to the object.
- When the wrong answer is inputted to a puzzle, like mosaic tiles that must be pressed in a special sequence.
Something like a lever or button could be used to activate traps that target an area, rather than the creature that triggered them.
If you select the same trap multiple times for an encounter, it could reflect multiple charges of the one trap or multiple instances of the trap scattered throughout the battlefield.
Traps in Play
When adventurers come across a trap, you need to know how the trap is triggered and what it does, as well as the possibility for the characters to detect the trap and to disable or avoid it.
Triggering a Trap
Most traps are triggered when a creature goes somewhere or touches something that the trap’s creator wanted to protect. Common triggers include stepping on a pressure plate or a false section of floor, pulling a trip wire, turning a doorknob, and using the wrong key in a lock. Magic traps are often set to go off when a creature enters an area or touches an object. Some magic traps (such as the glyph of warding spell) have more complicated trigger conditions, including a password that prevents the trap from activating.
Detecting and Disabling a Trap
Usually, some element of a trap is visible to careful inspection. Characters might notice an uneven flagstone that conceals a pressure plate, spot the gleam of light off a trip wire, notice small holes in the walls from which jets of flame will erupt, or otherwise detect something that points to a trap’s presence.
A trap’s description specifies the checks and DCs needed to notice it or disable it. A character actively looking for a trap can attempt a Perception check against the trap’s DC. You can also compare the DC to detect the trap with each character’s passive Perception score to determine whether anyone in the party notices the trap in passing. If the adventurers detect a trap before triggering it, they might be able to pause or disarm it.
Adjudicating Traps
In most cases, a trap’s description is clear enough that you can adjudicate whether a character’s actions locate or foil the trap. As with many situations, you shouldn’t allow die rolling to override clever play and good planning. Use your common sense, drawing on the trap’s description to determine what happens. No trap’s design can anticipate every possible action that the characters might attempt.
You should allow a character to discover a trap without making a skill check if something would clearly reveal the trap’s presence. For example, if a character lifts a rug that conceals a pressure plate, the character has found the trigger and no check is required.
Foiling traps can be a little more complicated. Consider a trapped treasure chest. If the chest is opened without first pulling on the two handles set in its sides, a mechanism inside fires a hail of poison needles toward anyone in front of it. After inspecting the chest and making a few checks, the characters are still unsure if it’s trapped. Rather than simply open the chest, they prop a shield in front of it and push the chest open at a distance with an iron rod. In this case, the trap still triggers, but the hail of needles fires harmlessly into the shield.
Traps are often designed with mechanisms that allow them to be disarmed or bypassed. Intelligent monsters that place traps in or around their lairs need ways to get past those traps without harming themselves. Such traps might have hidden levers that disable their triggers, or a secret door might conceal a passage that goes around the trap.
Trap Types
There are several varieties of type:
- One-Off: These traps trigger once, and must be reset before they will trigger again (or in some cases cannot be reset at all). It would be rare, though not impossible, for a one-off trap to be reset during combat. These traps are usually worth one-quarter the XP of a standard monster of their level.
- Hazard: These traps remain on the battlefield, affecting any creature that comes into contact with them. These traps are usually worth one-half the XP of a standard monster of their level. These traps are usually worth XP equal to that of a standard monster of their level.
- Recurring: These traps activate or at least can be activated once per round, once they are triggered.
- Elite: These are particularly powerful examples of one of the above types of trap. They are usually worth double the XP of a trap of their type. For example, an elite hazard is usually worth XP equal to that of a standard monster of their level.
Trap Roles
- Shooter: Multiple attacks or areas of effect.
- Assassin: The trap alternates between triggering and retracting.
- Blocker: The trap serves as an impediment, or punishes movement through a particular area.
- Warning: The trap makes a ruckus or otherwise alerts other enemies. Typically it also has negative effects to those who trigger it.
Traps in Encounters
Traps come with a level and an XP value. Add them to encounters just as you would monsters.
Sample Traps
Cinder Trap
One sconce is set up to launch its torch at a distant creature when that creature disturbs the trap’s trigger.
Level 1 One-Off Warning (25 XP Trap)
Perception DC 12: The character notices the slow-burning torch and the mechanism that flings it.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character comes into contact with the trigger. It must be manually reset before it triggers again.
Target The creature that triggers the trap.
↗ Attack ● Fire
Ranged 5; +4 vs Reflex
Hit 1d6+1 fire damage.
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable the trap with a DC 18 Sleight of Hand check. If the trap is triggered, an adjacent character can throw himself in front of the trap to prevent the torch from being flung into the air with a successful DC 12 Acrobatics or Athletics check. However, if the character is successful, they suffer 1 point of fire damage.
Simple Spear Trap
A spear shoots out from a hole near to the trigger of this trap.
Level 1 One-Off Warning (25 XP Trap)
Perception DC 12: The character notices the mechanism that fires the spear.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character comes into contact with the trigger. It must be manually reset before it triggers again.
Target The creature that triggers the trap.
† Attack
+4 vs AC
Hit 1d8+3 damage.
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable the spear trap with a DC 18 Sleight of Hand check. A DC 12 Dungeoneering check grants the party a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to delay or disable the trap.
Whistling Staircase
A staircase where the stairs are attached by a mechanism to a bell that rings when the stairs are stepped on.
Level 1 One-Off Warning (25 XP Trap)
Perception DC 12: The character notices the cords running beneath the stairs.
Trigger The trap is triggered when a Medium or larger creature steps onto the stairs. It must be manually reset before it triggers again.
Effect The trapped stairs make a terrible racket, alerting those nearby.
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable the whistling stairs with a DC 18 Sleight of Hand check. A DC 12 Dungeoneering check grants the party a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to delay or disable the trap.
A patch of quicksand across one or several squares, which looks just like other sandy ground.
Level 1 Hazard Blocker (50 XP Trap)
Nature DC 18: The character notices that the ground ahead is quicksand, and which squares are affected.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character enters one of its squares.
Target The creature that entered the trigger square.
† Attack
+4 vs Reflex
Hit The target falls into the pit and sinks 1 square down. Sinking targets are restrained. Each round, the trap makes a secondary attack against sinking creatures.
Secondary Attack: +4 vs Fortitude; the target sinks 1 square to a maximum depth of 3 squares. Targets in over their head begin to suffocate.
On a miss, the target rises one square. A creature that rises to the surface can move to an adjacent, unoccupied square as a free action. They are prone.
Miss Target returns to last square it occupied and its move action ends immediately
Countermeasures A character in the pit can rise 1 square as a move action using Athletics (DC 12). A character adjacent to the pit using a long item (like a ten-foot pole, rope, polearm haft or snake) to help the target escape grants the target a +2 bonus to their Athletics check. A character with a rope around their body can easily dive in and retrieve a drowning target.
Snare Trap
A noose lays on the ground. When it is disturbed, the noose tightens and a mechanism in the ceiling (or attached to a tree) yanks the target into the air.
Level 1 One-Off Elite Warning (50 XP Trap)
Perception DC 12: The character notices coiled rope. DC 18: The character spots the noose.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character enters the square with the noose. It must be manually reset before it triggers again.
Target The creature that triggers the trap.
† Attack
+4 vs Reflex
Hit The target is restrained and suspended upside-down 2 squares in the air until freed (Sleight of Hand DC 8 for an ally, DC 12 for the target).
Countermeasures A character who makes a successful Athletics check (DC 5 or DC 10 without a running start) can jump over the noose. An adjacent character can trigger the trap with a DC 12 Sleight of Hand check (standard action). An adjacent character can destroy the trap by cutting the rope
Stinking Trench
A thin (one-square wide, one-square deep) trench runs along several squares. It is thick on the ground with rotting matter.
Level 1 Hazard Blocker (50 XP Trap)
Perception DC 5: The character notices the horrific smell coming from the trench.
Trigger The trap is triggered when a creature enters or begins its turn in one of the trap’s squares.
Target The creature.
† Attack ● Necrotic
+4 vs Fortitude
Hit The target is dazed (save ends).
Countermeasures A character who makes a successful Athletics check (DC 5 or DC 10 without a running start) can jump over the trench.
Arrow Trap
An arrow shoots out from a hole across the room from the trigger of this trap.
Level 2 One-Off Warning (31 XP Trap)
Perception DC 19: The character notices the small hole on the chest through which the arrow is fired.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character comes into contact with the trigger. It must be manually reset before it triggers again.
Target The creature that triggers the trap.
† Attack
+8 vs AC
Hit 1d10+3 damage.
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable the poison arrow trap with a DC 13 Sleight of Hand check. A DC 13 Dungeoneering check grants the party a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to delay or disable the trap.
Scythe Trap
A scythe swings out from the ceiling to attack the creature that triggers this trap.
Level 2 One-Off Warning (31 XP Trap)
Perception DC 13: The character notices the scythe blade housing in the drawer
Trigger The trap attacks when a character comes into contact with the trigger. It must be manually reset before it triggers again.
Target The creature that triggers the trap.
† Attack
+5 vs AC
Hit 1d10+3 damage.
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable the scythe blade trap with a DC 13 Sleight of Hand check. A DC 13 Dungeoneering check grants the party a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to delay or disable the trap
Concealed Pit Trap
A pit trap of one or more squares in area is hidden beneath a fragile surface layer, like a lattice of branches heaped with straw.
Level 2 Hazard Warning (63 XP Trap)
Perception DC 13: The character notices that the squares hiding the pit trap bow in slightly.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character enters one of its squares. It must be manually reset to be hidden again, but in the meantime characters can enter or be forced to move into its squares.
Target The creature that entered one of the trap’s squares.
† Attack
+6 vs Reflex
Hit The target falls into the pit, takes 1d10+3 damage, and falls prone.
Miss The target returns to the last square it occupied and its move action ends immediately.
Effect The pit trap opens and the trap is no longer hidden.
Countermeasures An adjacent character can trigger the trap with a DC 9 Sleight of Hand check. An adjacent character can disable the trap with a DC 13 Sleight of Hand check. A DC 13 Dungeoneering check grants the party a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to delay or disable the trap.
Gate Spikes
When disturbed, spikes shoot out of the top of this gate.
Level 2 Hazard Assassin (63 XP Trap)
Perception DC 13: The character notices the hidden mechanism that fires the spears.
Trigger The trap is triggered when a character attempts to climb over the gate.
Target The creature climbing over the gate.
† Attack
+7 vs AC
Hit 1d8+3 damage.
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable the spears with a DC 13 Sleight of Hand check. A character that makes a DC 19 Athletics check to vault over the gate is outside of the spike’s reach.
Zombie Breakout
The arms and heads protuding of several zombies buried beneath the surface.
Level 2 Hazard Blocker (63 XP Trap)
Perception DC 13: The character notices the zombie’s head and shoulders poking out of the muck.
Religion DC 13: The character recognizes the creature as a zombie.
Trigger The trap is triggered when a creature enters or begins its turn in one of the trap’s squares.
Target The creature in the zombie’s square.
† Attack ● Necrotic
+4 vs AC
Hit 2d6+2 necrotic damage, and the target falls prone.
Countermeasures A character can make a DC 15 (or 30 without an running start) Athletics check to leap over the zombie without provoking an attack Killing the zombie removes the hazard.
Floor Spears
When triggered, spears jab from holes in the floor.
Level 2 Recurring Blocker (125 XP Trap)
Perception DC 13: The character notices a series of holes in the ground. Perception DC 19: The character notices the trigger or triggers.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character comes into contact with the trigger. On subsequent turns, the trap attacks on the initiative count immediately following that of the creature that activated this trap.
Target All creatures.
∢ Attack
Near burst 3; +8 vs AC
Hit 1d8+3 damage.
Countermeasures A character adjacent to the trigger can disable it with a DC 19 Sleight of Hand check. A successful Athletics check (DC 5, or DC 10 without a running start) allows a character to leap over the trigger. An adjacent character can disable the spear attack in one square with a DC 19 Sleight of Hand check. A DC 13 Dungeoneering check grants the party a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to delay or disable the trap. A character can ready an action to attack the spear for a square (AC 13, other defenses 10; hp 10).
Fusillade of Javelins Trap
Javelins are launched from a row of holes when this trap is triggered, and every round afterwards.
Level 2 Recurring Shooter (125 XP Trap)
Perception DC 13: The character notices the small holes in the coffer.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character comes into contact with the trigger. On subsequent turns, the trap attacks on the initiative count immediately following that of the creature that activated this trap.
Target 2d4 targets in range.
↗ Attack
Ranged 10; +8 vs AC
Hit 1d4+3 damage
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable the trap with a DC 13 Sleight of Hand check. A DC 13 Dungeoneering check grants the party a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to delay or disable the trap. A character that moves more than 1 square on a turn gains a +5 bonus to AC against the trap’s needle attack.
Rain of Darts Trap
Darts are launched from a row of holes when this trap is triggered, and every round afterwards.
Level 2 Recurring Shooter (125 XP Trap)
Perception DC 13: The character notices the small holes in the coffer.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character comes into contact with the trigger. On subsequent turns, the trap attacks on the initiative count immediately following that of the creature that activated this trap.
Target 1d6 targets in range.
↗ Attack
Ranged 10; +8 vs AC
Hit 1d6+3 damage
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable the trap with a DC 13 Sleight of Hand check. A DC 13 Dungeoneering check grants the party a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to delay or disable the trap. A character that moves more than 1 square on a turn gains a +5 bonus to AC against the traps dart attack.
Double-Pike Trap
Two pikes poke out from holes near the trigger of this trap.
Level 3 One-Off Warning (38 XP Trap)
Perception DC 14: The character notices the mechanism that fires the spears.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character comes into contact with the trigger. It must be manually reset before it triggers again.
Target The two creatures nearest the trap
↗ Attack
Ranged 5; +6 vs AC
Hit 1d8+3 damage.
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable the twin-spear trap with a DC 14 Sleight of Hand check. A DC 14 Dungeoneering check grants the party a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to delay or disable the trap.
Noxious Leak
Flicking a lever causes noxious gas to leak from a nozzle elsewhere in the room.
Level 3 Recurring Shooter (150 XP Trap)
Perception DC 14: The character notices the controls and the spigot.
Trigger The trap triggers when a lever is flicked as a swift action. It becomes available to use again at the start of that creature’s next turn.
Target All creatures.
∢ Attack ● Necrotic
Near burst 3; +6 vs Fortitude
Hit 2d8+3 necrotic damage.
Countermeasures A character can attack the spigot (AC 16, other 13; hp 34). A character can deactivate the control panel (DC 20 Sleight of Hand). If the character fails the check by 10 or more, the control panel explodes (near arc 3, +6 vs Reflex (all creatures); on a hit, 2d6+3 lightning damage) and the trap triggers every turn for the remainder of the encounter.
Rusty Water Tower
A fragile water tower will collapse if disturbed.
Level 5 One-Off Elite Assassin (100 XP Trap)
Perception DC 15: The character notices that the water tower is damaged. DC 22: The character realizes that a sharp blow will bring most of it down.
Trigger The trap is triggered by any attack directly against the scaffolding, any movement (forced or otherwise) into the scaffolding, or any area effect that encompasses the scaffolding’s supports.
Target All creatures.
∢ Attack
Near burst 5; +8 vs Reflex
Hit 3d8+4 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Miss Half damage.
Effect All squares in the burst become difficult terrain.
Countermeasures A character can trigger the scaffolding from far away by attacking it (AC 15, other defenses 12). A character who his aware that the scaffolding may collapse, may make a DC 15 Dungeoneering roll to know which squares will be affected by its collapse.
Acid Spear
When triggered, a hollow spear full of acid is dropped on the target, spearing them to the ground. Characters may assume it is a one-off trap, but in fact there is a large reserve of such spears and they keep firing each round.
Level 5 Recurring Warning (200 XP Trap)
Perception DC 15: The character notices the disguised hole in the ceiling through which the spear is fired. DC 22: The character notices the acid burn marks in the square targeted by the trap.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character comes into contact with the trigger. On subsequent turns, the trap attacks on the initiative count immediately following that of the creature that activated this trap.
Target The closest creature in a straight line from the trigger (if any).
↗ Attack ● Acid
Ranged 5; +8 vs AC
Hit 2d6+5 damage, and the target is immobile and takes persistent 5 acid damage (save ends both).
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable the acid spear trap with a DC 15 Sleight of Hand check. A DC 15 Dungeoneering check grants the party a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to delay or disable the trap. An adjacent character can assist an ally immobilized by the trap as a standard action with a DC 15 Athletics check, granting the victim a +2 bonus to their saving throw against the trap.
Phase Spider Venom Needle Trap
A needle tipped in phase spider venom fires from this trigger when it is touched.
Level 6 One-Off Warning (63 XP Trap)
Perception DC 16: The character notices the needle mechanism inside the lock.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character comes into contact with the trigger. It must be manually reset before it triggers again.
Target The creature that triggers the trap.
† Attack ● Poison
+8 vs Fortitude
Hit The target takes 5 persistent poison damage and is slowed (save ends both).
Special You can create other poison needle traps by taking a poison and setting its attack to +2 + the poison’s level. The trap’s level is equal to the poison’s level.
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable the needle trap with a DC 16 Sleight of Hand check. A DC 16 Dungeoneering check grants the party a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to delay or disable the trap.
Screaming Sarcophagus
A screeching ghost rises from this sacrophagus when it is disturbed.
Level 7 Recurring Elite Warning (600 XP Trap)
Arcana or Religion DC 16: The character notices a small glyph carved into the lid of the sarcophagus, barely distinguishable from the other decorations.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character comes into contact with the trigger. On subsequent turns, the trap attacks on the initiative count immediately following that of the creature that activated this trap.
Target All creatures.
∢ Attack ● Psychic
Near burst 1; +10 vs Will
Hit 4d6+4 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Aftereffect: 4d6+4 psychic damage.
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable the glyph with a DC 23 Arcana or Religion check.
Mosaic Trap
The characters must press certain tiles in this ceiling mosaic in the correct order or the roof will collapse on them.
Level 8 One-Off Shooter (100 XP Trap)
Perception DC 17: The character notices that the mosaic tiles seem conspicuously loose.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character comes into contact with the trigger. It must be manually reset before it triggers again.
Target All creatures.
∢ Attack
Near burst 5; +11 vs Reflex
Hit 3d8+4 damage, and the target takes persistent 5 damage (save ends).
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable the trap with a DC 17 Sleight of Hand check.
Bolt from the Blue
Three metal rods generate a field of static electricity when disturbed.
Level 8 Recurring Elite Shooter (700 XP Trap)
Perception DC 17: The character notices three short metal rods inset in small holes on the door. The rods extend and generate bolts of lightning when the trap is triggered.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character comes into contact with the trigger. On subsequent turns, the trap attacks on the initiative count immediately following that of the creature that activated this trap.
Target All creatures.
∢ Attack ● Lightning
Near arc 5; +11 vs Reflex
Hit 3d8+4 lightning damage and persistent 5 lightning damage (save ends).
Miss Half damage, and no persistent damage.
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable a lightning rod with a DC 17 Sleight of Hand check, reducing the size of the burst by 2 squares for each rod disabled. Once all three are disabled, the trap is disabled.
Plume of Flame
When triggered, a blast of fire issues from six nozzles around the room. These nozzles keep blasting flame until disabled.
Level 8 Recurring Elite Shooter (700 XP Trap)
Perception DC 17: The character notices 6 small, recessed nozzles.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character comes into contact with the trigger. On subsequent turns, the trap attacks on the initiative count immediately following that of the creature that activated this trap.
Target All creatures.
∢ Attack ● Fire
Near arc 6; +11 vs Reflex
Hit 3d8+4 fire damage, and persistent 5 fire damage (save ends).
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable a single nozzle with a DC 17 Sleight of Hand check, reducing the arc area by 2 for each nozzle disabled.
Shadow Bite Trap
A statue of a grimacing face, mouth wide open, is attached around the knob of a locked door. It bites down on anyone who fails to pick the lock.
Level 9 One-Off Elite Warning (200 XP Trap)
Perception DC 18: The character notices the hinges that bring the jaws slamming shut.
Trigger The trap attacks when a character places a limb inside the maw and fails to pick the lock at the back of the maw.
Target The creature that placed a limb inside the maw.
† Attack ● Poison
+12 vs AC
Hit 1d8+2 damage, and the target is grappled. The trap makes a secondary attack against the target.
Secondary Attack: +10 vs Fortitude, the target is injected with shadowstuff toxin (see Afflictions for details).
Miss Half damage, and the target is grappled (but there is no secondary attack).
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable the trap with a DC 18 Sleight of Hand check. A character making a DC 18 Athletics check can pry open the maw, or hold it open so that it cannot slam shut.
Acid Slime Patch

A patch of green slime runs along the ceiling above several squares.
Level 10 Hazard Assassin (250 XP Trap)
Perception DC 19: The character notices the acid slime on the ceiling.
Trigger The trap is triggered when a creature enters or begins its turn in one of the trap’s squares.
Target The creature beneath the patch of acid slime.
↗ Attack ● Acid
Ranged 5; +13 vs Reflex
Hit 1d12+6 acid damage, and the acid slime makes a secondary attack against the same target.
Secondary Attack: +11 vs. Fortitude; the target takes persistent 5 acid damage (save ends).
Countermeasures Acid slime can simply be avoided if detected early enough. A character can attack an acid slime patch (AC 5, other defenses 10) with fire-based attacks. A patch is destroyed if 10 points of fire damage are inflicted upon it.
Dwarf-Ward Rune
If a non-dwarf passes this magic rune, it glows and releases a blast of force.
Level 10 One-Off Elite Warning (500 XP Trap)
Perception DC 19: The character notices the faint rune. Arcana DC 19: The character notices the rune and provides a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to disable the trap.
Trigger The trap attacks when a non-dwarf comes into contact with the trigger. It must be manually reset before it triggers again.
Target All creatures.
∢ Attack ● Force
Near burst 5; +13 vs Reflex
Hit 4d8+5 force damage.
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable the trap with a DC 26 Sleight of Hand check.
Rickety Old Bridge
This bridge over a ravine is old and weak, and in danger of collapse.
Level 10 One-Off Elite Blocker (500 XP Trap)
Perception DC 19: The character notices that the wooden planks in the center of the bridge are loose.
Trigger The trap is triggered when a creature enters one of the trap’s squares.
Target All creatures on the bridge.
Effect The targets fall into the ravine, take 7d10 falling damage, and are knocked prone. The bridge is destroyed.
Countermeasures An adjacent character can disable the trap with a DC 26 Sleight of Hand check. A character can attempt to leap over the trapped squares, requiring a DC 20 Athletics check with a running start, or a DC 40 Athletics check without a running start. There is a narrow path around the trapped squares of the bridge that can be negotiated with a DC 19 Acrobatics check. A character failing this check by 5 or less triggers the trap, a character failing by 5 or more falls from the bridge into the ravine below (7d10 falling damage).
Afflictions are long term, negative effects that characters can suffer from. A creature experiences the negative effects of the stage of the affliction that they are at, plus all earlier stages of the affliction. A creature that reaches stage 0 of its affliction is cured, and loses the affliction.
Afflictions like poisons and diseases are usually transmitted in one of the four following ways. Afflictions like curses can, of course, be transmitted in all sorts of other ways.
Merely touching this type of affliction exposes the creature.
A chest or other object can be smeared with contact poison as part of a trap.
Ingested afflictions are virtually impossible to utilize in a combat situation. A poisoner could administer a potion to an unconscious creature or attempt to dupe someone into drinking or eating something poisoned.
Inhaled afflictions do not affect those that do not breathe. However, holding one’s breath is ineffective against most inhaled afflictions; they affect the nasal membranes, tear ducts, and other parts of the body as well as the lungs.
This affliction must be delivered through a wound. Traps that cause damage from weapons, needles, and the like sometimes contain injury poisons.
A contact or injury poison applied to a weapon is transmitted to the target the next time an attack with that weapon hits, provided there is such a hit within 5 minutes of application.
Aboleth Slime (Disease)
Level 10
Aboleths excrete slime, which makes those exposed to it better suited to the aboleth’s underwater caverns.
Infection: Immediately upon being exposed to aboleth slime, the creature is infected.
Progression: Each additional exposure to aboleth slime causes an infected creature to get one step worse. Each hour, the infected creature makes a saving throw. On a success, they get one step better. If the infected creature reaches stage 3, they only make a saving throw every day.
- Stage 1: The victim loses the ability to breathe air and gains the ability to breathe underwater.
- Stage 2: The victim’s skin softens, giving them resistance to fire 5 and vulnerability to everything else 5.
- Stage 3: The victim’s skin transforms into a clear, slimy membrane. Every hour this membrane remains dry, the creature loses a recovery. However, the victim does recover the ability to breathe air, if it previously had it.
Cackle Fever (Disease)
Level 12
This disease targets humanoids, although gnomes are strangely immune. While in the grips of this disease, victims frequently succumb to fits of hysterical laughter, giving the disease its common name and its morbid nickname: “the shrieks.”
Infection: Any humanoid creature that starts its turn within 2 squares of an infected creature in the throes of hysterical laughter (see stage 2) suffers a +16 attack vs Fortitude. On a hit, it is infected with the disease. On a miss, it is immune to the hysterical laughter of that particular infected creature for 24 hours.
Progression: Symptoms manifest 1d4 hours after infection and include fever and disorientation. The infected creature loses one recovery that cannot be restored until the disease is cured. The creature begins on stage 1.
At the end of each long rest, an infected creature must make an Endure check (DC 25). If they fail, they get one stage worse. If they beat the DC by 5 or more, they get one stage better. Otherwise, they remain at the same stage. If the infected creature reaches stage 3, they remain at that stage until specially treated.
- Stage 1: The creature is prone to giggling and finds it hard to concentrate (-2 penalty on all Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma skill checks).
- Stage 2: Any event that causes the infected creature great stress – including entering combat, taking damage, experiencing fear, or having a nightmare – forces the creature to make a saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d10 psychic damage and becomes incapacitated with hysterical laughter (save ends).
- Stage 3: As stage 2, but the infected creature no longer makes Endure checks that might improve the affliction.
Curse of Lycanthropy (Curse)
Level X (this disease is of the same level as the creature that inflicted it).
Lycanthropes are humanoids who can transform themselves into animals. In its natural form, a lycanthrope looks like any other members of its kind, though natural lycanthropes and those who have been afflicted for a long time tend to have or acquire features reminiscent of their animal forms. In animal form, a lycanthrope resembles a powerful version of the normal animal, but on close inspection, its eyes (which often glow red in the dark) show a faint spark of unnatural intelligence.
Lycanthropy can be spread like a disease, typically from the bites of lycanthropes.
Infection: One day after a humanoid creature is bitten by a lycanthrope, the creature must succeed on a saving throw or become infected. The creature begins on stage 1.
Progression: It takes until the next full moon for lycanthropy’s symptoms to manifest in an infected creature. Symptoms include heavy hair growth, irritability and a taste for raw meat.
Each time there is a full moon, an infected creature must make an Endure check (DC 14 + the level of the disease). If they fail, they get one stage worse. If they beat the DC by 5 or more, they get one stage better. Otherwise, they remain at the same stage. If the infected creature reaches stage 3, they remain at that stage until specially treated.
- Stage 1: If the infected creature is adjacent to an enemy, the creature cannot willingly move away from that enemy.
- Stage 2: If the infected creature is adjacent to an enemy, the creature cannot willingly move away from that enemy. The infected creature cannot use powers that target allies.
- Stage 3: The infected creature becomes a lycanthrope. They gain the relevant form of the X power. When under the light of the full moon, they must use the form of the X power, and can do so even if it is expended.
Sewer Plague (Disease)
Level 3
Sewer plague is a generic term for a broad category of illnesses that incubate in sewers, refuse heaps, and stagnant swamps, and which are sometimes transmitted by creatures that dwell in those areas, such as rats and otyughs.
Infection: Five minutes after a humanoid creature is bitten by a creature that carries the disease, or comes into contact with filth or offal contaminated by the disease, the creature must succeed on a saving throw or become infected. The creature begins at stage 1.
Progression: It takes 1d4 days for sewer plague’s symptoms to manifest in an infected creature. Symptoms include fatigue and cramps. The creature begins on stage 1.
At the end of each long rest, an infected creature must make an Endure check (DC 16). If they fail, they get one stage worse. If they beat the DC by 5 or more, they get one stage better. Otherwise, they remain at the same stage. If the infected creature reaches stage 3, they remain at that stage until specially treated.
- Stage 1: The infected creature does not recover spent recoveries.
- Stage 2: The infected creature does not recover spent recoveries, cannot heal above its Staggered threshold.
- Stage 3: The infected creature does not recover spent recoveries and cannot heal by any means.
Shadowstuff Toxin (Poison)
Level 7
Infection: A creature that makes contact with or is hit with a weapon coated with shadowstuff toxin is subject to a +10 attack vs Fortitude. If hit, they are afflicted. The creature begins on stage 1.
Progression: Each hour the target must make a saving throw. If they fail, they get one stage worse. If they succeed, they make no further saving throws but stay at their current stage until an antidote is administered.
Stage 1: Victim’s skin and eyes turn gray.
Stage 2: Shadows cling to the victim; +2 to Stealth.
Stage 3: Victim can no longer be healed beyond staggered.
Stage 4: Victim begins to flicker from existence; +2 bonus to AC.
Stage 5: The character ceases to exist and can only be returned to life by powerful magic.
Cost: 104 gp per dose
Sight Rot (Disease)
Level 9
This painful infection causes bleeding from the eyes and eventually blinds the victim.
Infection: One day after a beast or humanoid drinks water tainted by sight rot, they suffer a +12 attack vs Fortitude. On a hit, they are infected with the disease (beginning on stage 1).
Progression: The creature’s vision starts to become blurry.
At the end of each long rest, an infected creature must make an Endure check (DC 22). If they fail, they get one stage worse. If they beat the DC by 5 or more, they get one stage better. Otherwise, they remain at the same stage. If the infected creature reaches stage 3, they remain at that stage until specially treated.
- Stage 1: The creature suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls and Perception checks.
- Stage 2: The creature suffers a -4 penalty to attack rolls and Perception checks.
- Stage 3: The creature is blinded until treated.
Treatment: Sight rot can be cured using a rare flower called Eyebright, which grows in some swamps. Given an hour, a character trained in Nature can turn the flower into one dose of ointment. Applied to the eyes before a long rest, one dose of it prevents the disease from worsening after that rest. After three doses, the ointment cures the disease entirely.
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